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Project Manager Engineer

Gaithersburg, MD, 20872
May 01, 2013

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Richard A. DiMambro, P.E. **********@*******.***

***** *** ***** **** ******: 240-***-****

Gaithersburg, Maryland 20882 Home: 301-***-****

Fields of Competence Career Summary

• Hazardous and solid waste I am a knowledgeable and seasoned professional, licensed

management engineer with about 33 years of technical and management

Development of regulatory

• experience with a history of solving complex environmental

procedures and management

compliance challenges. Particular strengths include the ability to


quickly identify the root causes of an environmental, health or

Environmental, health & safety

safety issue, the development of solutions to meet budget and

(EHS) assessments and audits

organizational constraints, and successfully communicate with

Facility EHS compliance services

technical and non-technical management, stakeholders, clients and

Regulatory awareness and


compliance training

I am a senior technical manager and strategist having an

Credentials and Registrations

entrepreneurial spirit with a strong success history eager to team

B.S./M.S. Civil Engineering

with an innovative and creative organization to share my existing

University of Massachusetts

knowledge and skill base and mentor staff in a cost-effective and

Registered Professional Engineer in sustainable manner. I am available for immediate consideration.

six states.


Employment Summary

-Senior Consultant, Transaction Experience from 33 years of environmental compliance services

Services beginning with eight years of challenging and responsible positions

Environmental Resources

in state regulatory agencies and continuing for more than 25 years in

Management (ERM)

environmental consulting, resulting in a deep understanding of

03/2012 to 03/2013

environmental, health and safety (EHS) compliance issues.

-Program Manager, Sustainable

Knowledge from projects and tasks that cover the life cycle of a

Environmental Services

URS Corporation business or government agency operation, from planning, acquisition

03/2004 to 03/2012 or initial development, then integration, operation, remediation,

-Manager, Environmental Consulting evaluation, until divestiture or demolition. Serving clients in multiple

& Engineering Services sectors, including government, manufacturing, chemicals,

Construction & Consulting pharmaceuticals, mining, oil and gas, commercial, transportation


Maturity from years of close communication with staff, customers,

11/2000 to 02/2004

and stakeholders, resulting in ability to meet client expectations as a

-Project Director, Environmental

contract manager, maintain and increase repeat business and extend

Compliance Services

the range of provided services to other practice areas

Program Management Company

1999 to 2000

Significant skills and experience as a certified project manager,

-Self Employed Environmental

overseeing multidisciplinary technical teams across a range of global


offices, maintaining quality deliverables and meeting critical

1997 to 1999


-Senior Project Manager

Accomplishments that include creative and cost-effective solutions


1988 to 1997 for clients desiring outcomes that incorporate management system

approaches and sustainable processes

-Environmental Engineer

IL Pollution Control Board

1985 to 1988 Select Management Accomplishments

-Geotechnical Engineer

Developed and managed a program for a Washington DC trade

WY Department of

association (Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries) to efficiently

Environmental Quality

evaluate environmental compliance at processing facilities that

1980 to 1985

Richard A. DiMambro, P.E. Page 2 of 2

accept scrap materials from its member companies. Over 1,400 facilities were evaluated in 2010 and over

1,660 sites in 2011. About 10,000 reports were distributed each year to member companies through a

web-based report depository and automatic ordering system.

Directed environmental, health and safety audits at chemical manufacturing facilities in Europe, Asia, and

South America for Hercules Corporation. Local consulting staff with familiarity of the country

regulations performed the audits and submitted the findings, including a corrective action table,

electronically. Mr. DiMambro managed the project, selected and coordinated staff, reviewed all

deliverables, and coordinated schedules with the client. The audits were intended to provide useful

compliance information to the facility staff; results emphasized compliance action items and corrective


Directed a contract providing nationwide compliance audit and assessment services to the Defense

Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS, now called DLA Disposition Services). Mr. DiMambro

managed a contract for this division within the Defense Logistics Agency charged with managing and

disposing of excess materials and waste from military installations. The contract required environmental,

health and safety audit and evaluation services to DRMS for three types of facilities handling hazardous

materials: DRMS– operated waste storage and recycling facilities on military bases (DRMO), a detailed

review of selected hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities used by DRMS, and

assessments of the management practices and spill controls used by customers that purchase hazardous

materials from DRMS.

Managed a project to inspect underground storage tank system compliance at 43 US Postal Service

(USPS) facilities in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. The scope included some critical

environmental compliance functions to assure continued facility compliance. The scope of work included

detailed inspection of system status and performance, completion of state inspection certification forms,

training for operators, review of storm water plan provisions and completion of annual inspection, and

review of any other permits required by NPDES permit.

Directed the Environmental Compliance Reviews (ECR) program for the USPS Eastern Area (major

facilities in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Northern West Virginia, Delaware and Southern New Jersey). Scope of

work included comprehensive environmental compliance, limited health and safety compliance, asbestos

and lead paint management, and USPS policies and procedures, Project responsibilities included

preparing a work and staffing plan, overseeing training of internal staff, reviewing all reports and

preparing monthly and annual reports on project progress. All required performance indicators were met

or exceeded during the first year, including schedule, budget and report contents, were met or exceeded.

Managed the ECR Electronic Protocol Beta Test, Eastern Area, to assist the USPS in evaluating

significant changes to the methods, techniques, and tools used to conduct ECRs. Using the new

ListBuilder system, ten test audits at facilities in the Eastern Area were conducted. In addition to the

audit findings and corrective action recommendations, the project team prepared a set of comments and

recommendations on the ListBuilder system and participated in a meeting with ECR stakeholders.

Managed a contract to provide auditing services at Commercial Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal

Facilities, Nationwide, CHWMEG, Inc. Mr. DiMambro managed an ongoing contract to perform

environmental, health and safety audits at commercial hazardous and non-hazardous waste processing and

disposal facilities throughout the United States and Canada for a consortium of corporate waste

generators. The scope of work included risk factors beyond environmental compliance, including the

financial health of the facility, management structure, personnel experience, bankruptcy potential, waste

segregation methods, and attitudes to environmental regulatory agencies. Detailed written reports and

environmental ratings were submitted in a structured format.

Richard A. DiMambro, P.E. Page 3 of 3

Managed the evaluation of Ventilation Filtration Systems (VFS) at US Postal Service (USPS) Mail

Handling Facilities. Validated the performance of the VFS and associated dust collection systems at 44

facilities by monitoring the particle collection system at designated points within the mail sorting process

using optical particle counters. The evaluation team developed a testing protocol for filter efficiency

evaluation based on studies conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health


Prepared an initial hazard risk assessment that was intended to form the basis of a health and Safety

management system under the requirements of ISO 18000. The facility, Fairchild Semiconductor

Corporation in Mountain Top, PA, manufactures high-performance semiconductor products. The

assessment was completed by performing a survey of the site, focusing on areas where potentially

hazardous operations were being conducted or significant amounts of hazardous materials were in use;

collecting information about potentially hazardous manufacturing and support activities from employees

through informal interviews; and reviewing standard operating procedures (SOP) and manufacturer’s

information. The results were summarized through a computer database tool called "Risk Assessment for

Semiconductor Equipment," developed by the industry trade group Semiconductor Equipment and

Materials International (SEMI) as a technique for identifying and prioritizing hazards. For each hazard,

the severity, frequency of occurrence, and probability of occurrence were estimated, entered into the

database, and used to estimate the overall relative risk of the hazard. A prioritized list of equipment and

processes was presented to the client. Follow-on work included the development of additional new and

revised SOP's for selected operations and more intense hazard analysis studies of selected pieces of

manufacturing equipment.

Managed underground storage tank system compliance inspections at 43 USPS facilities in NJ, PA, and

OH. Scope of work included detailed inspection of system status and performance, completion of state

inspection certification forms, training for operators, review of storm water plan provisions and

completion of annual inspection, and review of any other permits required by NPDES permit.

Additional management accomplishments, project summaries and references can be provided upon


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