Osvaldo Galindo
Osvaldo Galindo B.S.B.A., RTT
Dickinson, TX 77539
To obtain a challenging and rewarding position as a Radiation Therapist and be part of a team responsible
for guarding patients compromised health by utilizing my extensive working experience as a Radiation
Senior Radiation Therapist Harris County Hospital District
March 2004 –November 2012
Deliver prescribed ionizing radiation to cancer patients to all sites
Morning QA procedures – calibrate equipment, fix and/or report discrepancies to physicist
Check Path, RX, Plan, and DRR prior to treatment
Checked billing for discrepancies on a daily basis
Daily monitor, assess, and report patients medical status/needs
Attend chart rounds, tumor conferences, radiation safety and QI meetings
Train/supervise new RTTs with TX, Simulation, Block Fabrication, EPIC, and MOSAIQ
Design and implement simulation and treatment protocols per tumor site
Assist medical staff with T&O, cylinder, needle/ribbon implants
Order TX and Simulation supplies through People Soft
Maintained updated with innovative immobilization devices and ordered as needed
Scheduled in services with vendors to teach and demonstrate the use of new products
Create and provide crystal reports from Mosaiq
Provide leadership support to other therapists with difficult setups
Take call – bleeding cervix, SVC syndrome, heterotopic bone, cord compression
Independent Radiation Therapy Consultant DBA: Osvaldo Galindo / United Regional
February 2001 – February 2004
As an independent RTT consultant, provided coverage to a hospital based Radiation Therapy cancer center.
Assisted with XRT treatments and guided the staff in achieving optimal use of their Varian EX Series
accelerator using IMPAC record and verify software.
Traveling Radiation Therapist Aureus Medical Group
June 2000 – February 2001
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Osvaldo Galindo
Engage in contractual assignments and provide coverage for radiation therapists
Traveling Radiation Therapist RTTemps
March 2000 – June 2000
Engage in contractual assignments and provide coverage for radiation therapists
Radiation Therapist MD Anderson Cancer Center
July 1998 – February 2000
Deliver prescribed ionizing radiation to cancer patients using – Varian C, CL, and EX series, GE
Saturn; Cobalt 60; Siemens Mevatron KD-K80; Orthovoltage, BAT system, respiratory gating,
electronic portal imaging-portal vision,
Perform and verify hand calculations, check sim films, RX, Consent,
Specialize in whole body, total skin, and cranio-spinal set-ups
First RTT to implement IMRT technology using the peacock system
Bilingual – Read and write Spanish
Passionate and patient care oriented
Computer friendly and technology driven
Pay great attention to detail, problem solving, friendly, and professional
University of Texas Medical Branch
May. 1998
Galveston College
May. 1998
University of Phoenix
Feb. 2010
References furnished upon request
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