Muralidhar Reddy M
SAP ABAP Consultant
Email id : *******************@*****.***
Mobile : +91-964*******
Career objectives
Seeking a challenging and rewarding career in ERP as SAP ABAP professional where I can
contribute my knowledge and skills for growth and development of the organization. Looking for an
opportunity where I can use my modern experience, creativeness, abilities and modern ideas for
reaching several tasks.
ABAP Expertise
• ABAP Dictionary object – Domain, Data Types, Tables, Structures, Views, Search
• SAP Functions – Subroutines, Function Modules, Includes.
• Reports – Classical, Interactive, ALV Reports.
• Conceptual knowledge in Dialog programs using Menu Painter/Screen Painter.
• Batch programs – Call Transaction, Session Method.
• Developed and designed SAP Scripts and Smart forms.
• Tools LSMW.
• Familiar with Debugging tool.
• Knowledge in OOABAP.
• Good working knowledge in Enhancement Frame work.
Educational profile
B.Tech(CSE) from Brindavan Institute of Technology & Science in the year
2013 with 67 %.
12th Standard from AP Board of Intermediate Education in the year 2009
with 65 %.
10th Standard from AP Board of Secondary Education in the year 2007
with 62 %.
Technical Skills
: Windows XP/7, Linux(Ubuntu)
Operating Systems
: ABAP/4,C, Core Java
Programming Languages
: SAP R/3 ECC 5.0
Skills : MYSQL
Server Side Scripting
Client Side Scripting
Training Experience
Had gone 5 Months of training in SAP ABAP including Cross Applications at Reliance global
Services, Hyderabad.
In House Developed Objects
• Developed ALV Report for Order Tracking (VBAK, VBUK, VBFA, KNA1)
If SO as Input display the delivery and Invoice information along with the SO details.
If Delivery as input–display the SO and invoice information along with the delivery details.
If Invoice as input–display the SO and delivery information along with the Invoice details.
Developed ALV Report for sale register report (VBFA, VBRK, VBRP, KNA1, KONV,
Developed blocked ALV report to display material master, Storage location and material
description data (MARA, MARD, MAKT).
Developed hierarchical sequential ALV list for price change (EKKO, EKPO, MAKT, LFA1).
BDC (Batch Data Communication)
• Uploaded Material master data T Code MM01 using Call Transaction Method.
• Uploaded Purchase Order Data T Code ME21 using table control in Call Transaction Method.
• Uploaded bank data T Code FI01 using Session Method.
Smart Forms
• Developed smart form to display purchase order data.
• Developed smart form to display Invoice data.
BADI (Business Add Ins)
• Validatation XK01 application using BADI.
• Validatation CS01 application for alternate BOM using BADI.
Menu enhancement
• Add a menu in FBL5N applications using BADI.
Screen enhancement:
• Add a screen in XD01 application using BADI.
• Implemented a Function Exit that will fire whenever you change any Customer details. Code
an information message inside the User Exit code, so that when you run XD02 after
activating the project (thus the User Exit) this message is displayed in a popup.
• Implemented a Function Exit for validating the field during Material Creation.
BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface)
• Implemented a BAPI for Uploading Bank Data and finding its Status to R/3 System.
• Implemented a BAPI for Uploading Sales Order to R/3 System.
• Implemented a BAPI for uploading Purchase Order to R/3 System.
Personal details
Name : M.Muralidhar Reddy
Father’s Name : M.Shankar Reddy
Date of Birth : 03 May 1991
Gender : Male
Marital status : Single
Hobbies : Coding for WebPages, Playing cricket
Languages known : English and Telugu
I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
(Muralidhar Reddy M)
Place: Hyderabad.