Anthony Rizvi
New York, NY 10034
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Graduation - May 2011
NYSDOL Certified Asbestos Inspector; Metro North Track Safety Training
10 hour- Online OSHA training course;
Confined Space Entry;
Lead Certified C-3/C-5 License SSPC
LEED certification- in progress
Environmental Planning & Management, Inc, Long Island, NY
Jr Environmental Engineer
August 2011- present
NYSOGS Phase Two Environmental site assessment Soil Remediation at
Mid-State Facility Utica, NY
. Collected soil samples for lab analysis
. Monitored remediation of PCB impacted soil at site of a former
filtration plant
. Maintained a written log of all shipments to disposal facility
and noted contents of each manifest
. Completed a phase 2 report for this site
NYSDOT Corrective Maintenance Asbestos Survey on various bridges in
boroughs of Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens, NY
. Survey is part of a large maintenance effort that will
eventually cover at least 45 highway bridges including BQE,
LIE, etc...
. Conducted ongoing studies to identify locations of suspected
asbestos-containing material in expansion joint filler and
other components
. Sampled various suspected asbestos containing materials to
confirm their identity
Phase One Assessment, a visual site reconnaissance to identify
obvious signs of contamination, as well as a writen phase one
. Review of Federal, State and local agency environmental
records which document hazardous waste generators and any
Hazardous material located within certain government
. Review of available records to ascertain past or present
location of any storage tanks above and below grade.
. Review of historic Sanborn maps to ascertain past commercial
uses that could have impacted property that is being reviewed
Design and Construction Support Services Rehabilitation of the
Brooklyn Plaza at the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel
. Destructive testing carried on concrete slab to test the
strength of the concrete
. Visual Inspection of the concrete coring material
. Examining the condition of the structural concrete
Air monitor for Cruz construction workers, Willets Point Boulevard,
Queens, NY
. A intuitive understanding of how a Mini-RAE 2000 & VRAE
. Identified hazardous gas, vapors, and LEL(explosion levels) in
various site locations
. Researched site history using Sanborn maps, Google earth, and
DEP/Stantech maps
LIRR Long Island Rail Road Borings
. Classification of soil for future reconstruction purposes
. Used the Burmister Soil Classification system to identify
Different layers of soil
. Classified soil in terms of the Environmental Hazardous such
as (TCLP Metals, TCL SVOCs, PCBs)
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Trenton,
Intern - Site Remediation Program
May 2010 - July 2010
. Researched solar application for radon mitigation
. Expel potentially hazardous vapors present underground at
various New Jersey residences
. Analyzed different approaches in the removal of hazardous dry
cleaning chemicals from New Jersey sewers
. Performed toxic gas testing for New Jersey residences
- C++, MatLab, Maple, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- General understanding of RFIs and field inspections