J ohn R. Shelly
Braceville, I l. 60407
Use my knowledge and experience of t ruck sales
m anagement and finance to secure a long te rm position
w here I can grow with a company.
May 2009 – P resent
I llinois T r uck Sales Bolingbrook, I l.
B uying and selling t ruck packages from 1 to 100 units.
Selling unit’s retail, wholesale and exporting. Building
c ustomer database by means of cold calls, walk ins and
r efer rals. Appraising t rade units and either ar ranging
r econditioning for retail or selling them to wholesalers
i f profitable. F inance manager securing and selling
f inancing, both p rime and sub-prime, for retail
c ustomers and reserve for dealership. Sales manager
overseeing 5 salesmen, closing deals and negotiating
w ith customers.
M a rch 2004- May 2009
A r row T r uck Sales Bolingbrook, I l.
Selling to retail customers from nationwide inventory.
B uilding customer database by means of cold calls, walk
i ns and refer rals. Selling soft products such as
w a r ranties, gap insurance and add ons.
Four years in a row achieving diamond level sales
status. (Top 10 in the count ry)
-T raining:
Sales t raining at Ar row T r uck Sales corporate t raining
center. T raveling around the count ry meeting fleet
m anagers, sellers and buyers. M y t raining has been for
t he most part on the job.
P ersonal and P rofessional References upon Request.