Rafael Ernest o Trinida d Gutierrez
P .O . B o x 1 471
S a n M ateo, CA 9 4401
P hone : 4 15 -596 -9513
E -Mail : r *********@*****.***
S eekin g a p hlebotomis t positio n i n wher e I c a n u tiliz e m y educational e xperienc e i n
p erforming venipunctures a n d c apillar y p unctures, collecting, p reparing, a n d storin g
s amples, and verifyin g m edica l r ecords.
present San Francisco Stat e University
San Francisco, CA
Augus t 201 2 Bay Area M edical Academy
San Francisco, CA
C ertifie d P hlebotom y T echnician
Augus t 201 2 American Heart Association
San Francisco, CA
CPR Certified, American Hear t Association
2 00 9 San Mateo Community College
S a n M ateo, CA
2 00 5 Burlingame High School
B urlingame, CA
CPR an d State-licensed
P hlebotomist.
I nternship at San Francisco
G eneral Hospital, Women’s
C linic.
F luent in English, Spanish,
a nd Italian.
Posses excellen t patient -
relationship skills such as
compassionate, great
c ommunicatio n skills, a ble t o
function in stressful situations,
active listening, assistin g and caring
for others.
Posses professionalism
Correctivel y identif y p atients.
Accurac y i n drawing th e correct
a moun t o f b loo d a n d p lac e i t i nt o
the correct preservative for the test
b ein g t ested.
A ccurat e i n l abelin g t h e s ample
specimen and transpor t it back to
t h e laboratory.
Educational experience
2013 San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, CA
I dentify patient according to Identification and req uisition form.
O btai n b loo d sample s t hroug h venipunctur e o r c apillar y p uncture. .
P repar e b lood -collectin g e quipment, dra w b lood, a n d s afel y s tor e a n d t ransport
A ccurately draw the sample into the correct test tube and label it.
B uil d t rus t a n d m inimize p atien t d iscomfor t durin g phlebotom y p rocedures
whil e e fficientl y c ollectin g b loo d s pecimens.
2 01 2 Bay Area M edical Academy
San Francisco, CA
O btai n b loo d sample s t hroug h venipunctur e o r c apillar y p uncture.
F ollo w i nfe ction -contro l a n d s afet y p rocedure s i n carryin g o u t d ail y p hlebotomy
f unctions.
P repar e b lood -collectin g e quipment, dra w b lood, a n d s afel y s tor e a n d t ransport
B uil d t rus t a n d m inimize p atien t d iscomfor t durin g phlebotom y p rocedures
whil e e ffic ientl y c ollectin g b loo d s pecimens.