Vijapu r road, Solapu r-413004,
Email: k ***********@*****.***,
Contact No: 996*******
C areer Objective:
To be a part of the challenging team which strives for the better
g rowth of the organization and which explores my potential and
p rovides me with the opportunity to enhance my talent with an
i ntention to be an asset to the company.
Educational Qualification:
Ma r k P assin
Degree I nstitute/College University Grade
s g Year
Mainfram Infosys Infosys
90% 11-Dec A
e Training L imi ted,Mysore L imi ted,Mysore
B-Tech Dr. Babasaheb D r. Babasaheb
E lectrical A mbedkar A mbedkar Distincti
8.01 11-Jun
E ngineeri Technological Technological on
ng U niversity U niversity
Govt. Polytechnic. 73.08 First
E lectrical MSBTE 2006
Solapur % C lass
Jnana- 76.80 Distincti
S.S.C. Pune Board 2003
P rabodhini,Solapur % on
Experience Summa ry:
Sr. Joining
N o. Company name D ate Experience Designation
1 Infosys L imi ted 11-Jul-11 26 months t ill date Test Engineer
Larsen & Toubro
2 l imited,Powai 14-Nov-06 1 Year QC Engineer
3 Tata Motors,Pune 17-Jul-06 0.5 Year QC Trainee
E ngineer
Experience Details:
1. I nfosys L imited :
1) Trained on Mainframe technology in Infosys, Mysore which
i ncludes programming languages such as Cobol, Advance
Cobol, JCL, DB2, and C ICS .
2) SQL, P L-SQL, JAVA (Basic) P rogramming .
B) 26 months of experience in w eb based software Manual Testing .
a) Worked in various t ypes of testing l ike In tegration, Functional,
Regression, User Acceptance.
b) H ave good knowledge of DP activities, Capacity planning,
Configuration Control (CC ) activities & reporting such as
c) K nowledge of Processes like S TLC, Bug L ife Cycle.
d ) Implementation support specialization.
e) Testing knowledge of V ision plus – C MS module
f ) Anchor of K M activities in System assurance.
g) Worked on E nd-to-End process i n UAT testing and Release
h) Active participation in analyzing the S RS (Software
R equi rement specification) documents, T est Cases
p reparation and conducting w alkthroughs w ith client, involved
i n communication with onsite coordinators, managers and client
i) P roviding client with domain consultancy and support for
f unctionality related issues, scenario creation and analysis and
p roduction support, implementation support, P roviding
Technical clarifications to the team and resolving issues.
j) Mentoring the new members and t rain them with domain
k nowledge and software testing processes.
P roject Summa ry:
P roject: Desktop Plus
Domain: F inancial services and Insurance
Client: A merican Express (U.K)
Role: Test Engineer
Du ration: Jan 2012 – Till date
Tools & Databases: Web Testing – Cards domain, Credit card
domain, Vision plus, User acceptance testing, Credit card testing, FAS,
Desktop Plus Application (CTT client, CTT Admin, ISP portal),
M ainframe Testing – CICS screen, Quality Center.
Description: Desktop plus (also known as Desktop+ or D+) is the
customer in terface tool used by the TSC reps (Call Centre
Representatives) of American Express that comprises of third party
applications like CTT & ISP. Whenever a customer calls in, he is fi rst
routed th rough VR (Voice Response) and if needed be, his call is
d irected to the D+ Reps. H is card number gets loaded into D+ and all
t he relevant information about that card can be seen by the Rep. This
helps the Rep to answer customer’s queries and also to solve them. The
changes in the application come as various change requests and
Cont r ibution: U AT Planning, UAT Test Scripts/Test Conditions, UAT
E xecution, Quality Center Updates, UAT Test Results, Warranty Test
Support, UAT Sign-Off, Compliance-driven Production Implementation
Automation: I have basic knowledge of Selenium automation tool.
So as to automate Dplus application on which I am currently working,
I took t raining on Selenium and I was a core member of Automation
team as a SME.
2. La rsen & Toubro limited:
engineer in Electrical Business Group (EBG), Electrical Standard Products
(ESP), Quality control department looking after receiving Quality control and
vendor side Quality control of automated Switchgear and relays.
I was regular user of SAP and involved in POKAYOKE procedures.
3. Tata Motors:
Worked in TATA MOTORS, Pune as Diploma t rainee in Quali ty control
P ersonal Details:
Date of Bi rth: 02ndJanuary 1987
Languages known: English, M arathi and H indi.
Ma r i tal Status: Single
Sex: Male
Fathe r’s Name : SUHAS V JADHAV
Passport Details:
P assport No: K 4710282
Place of Issue: Pune
Date of Expiry: 03/07/2022
PermanentAddress: 36, Telegraph society,Vijapur road, near
college,Solapur, 413004
CurrentAddress: F lat N o.401,Saptasur Swajos appt,Right
b husari colony,
O pposite to Pandit Bhimsen Joshi Udyan,
Koth rud Depo,
P une – 411038.
Hobbies: Chess, Reading, T ravelling.
D eclaration:
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is t rue to the best of my
k nowledge.
Place :
Date: / / 2013 (Kalpit S Jadhav)