David L. Schiffman
***** ***** *** **, ****, WA *8031
August 15, 2012
To Whom It May Concern,
I am very pleased to find your listing for a Plant Manager. I am beginning to transition from the US
Navy after nearly 30 years of service and find this position within the skill set I possess. During my
tenure within the Navy, I have held positions from entry level to senior management. I bring a lot of
leadership, fiscal responsibility and know-how. I served as a Chief Engineer (Plant Manager) on two
different US Navy warships. This position required me to manage a propulsion plant, electrical
distribution, water production, hotel services, firefighting equipment and the maintenance of all.
Throughout my career, I have led and mentored groups of employees in groups of 20-250 to maximize
all aspects of our production, forging a team focused on our goals while maintaining an eye on safety. I
know how to get the job done.
Thank you for consideration. Please let me know when we can begin the next step in the
selection process.
David L. Schiffman