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Project Manager Management

Fresno, CA, 93650
May 31, 2013

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Bachelor of Arts, Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa

Barbara, CA

California Professional Geologist, No. 7074

Water Treatment Operator - Grade T2, Operator No. 32393


Power Plant Regulatory Compliance

Management of regulatory and emission requirement compliance.

Responsibilities: Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Source and

RATA Testing and Reporting; Monitoring air emissions using Data Acquisition

System (DAS) StackVision; Cylinder Gas and Opacity Filter Audit Test

Reporting; San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) air

permit compliance and Quarterly CEMS Summary Reporting; CA Air Resources

Board (CARB) AB32 Green House Gas (GHG), SF6, and DOORS online reporting;

California Energy Commission (CEC) and DOE EIA reporting; and California

Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) plant water and groundwater

compliance; EPA opacity monitoring system performance reporting; and Title

V Report of Required Monitoring and Compliance Certification reporting.

Management of regulatory required sampling: fuel (biomass) and ash;

groundwater, source, effluent, cooling tower water, and storm water

sampling. Management of regulatory programs: hazardous and universal

waste; hazardous materials; Cal-ARP/RMP/PMS and Hazardous Materials

Business Plan (HMBP); Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC)

Plan; backflow prevention testing; and AB341 Plant Recycling. Emission

offset and fuel sort reporting; MP2 work order tracking; and compliance,

environmental, and safety requirement training.

Environmental Consulting and Remediation

More than 12 years of experience conducting assessment and remedial cleanup

of California State EPA Superfund and Resource Conservation and Recovery

Act (RCRA) sites; military, aerospace, industrial; and petroleum tank farms

and refineries. Oversaw investigation and remedial cleanup of manufactured

gas plant (MGP) sites. Site management in California for the Department of

Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and Sepra Energy. Site characterization of

soils, soil vapor, and groundwater.

Remedial actions included: design and in-situ treatment of soils and

groundwater via soil vapor extraction (SVE), air sparge (AS), thermal AS,

and hydroxyl radical formation (OH-) via ozone/peroxide/oxygen injection;

SVE rebound testing, and soil plume excavation and confirmation sampling.

Implemented investigative actions, including: preliminary endangerment

assessments (PEAs); UST/AST removal; soil vapor, AS, and monitoring well

installation; and soil, sub-slab and soil vapor, ambient and indoor air,

and groundwater and surface water sample collection and analysis.

Preparation of proposals, workplans, Problem Assessment Reports (PARs),

Feasibility Studies (FS), Remedial Action Plans (RAPs), Site Conceptual

Models (SCMs), Johnson and Ettinger modeling for subsurface vapor intrusion

into indoor air, groundwater monitoring, remedial system status, and site

closure reports according to DTSC, RWQCB, and local agency requirements.

Statistical analysis of analytical data.

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting,

sampling, and reporting. Preparation of Phase I Environmental Site

Assessment (ESA) reports. Managed community outreach efforts in accordance

with DTSC public participation requirements. Performed State UST Cleanup

Fund management. Reviewed California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)


Hydrogeology and Water Resource Management

Design, installation, development, and monitoring of groundwater wells.

Modeling of groundwater flow direction, plume delineation, multiple water

bearing zones, chemical and mineralogical characterization, and seasonal

and surface water influence. Groundwater pump testing. Application to the

CA Dept of Public Health (CDPH) for a domestic water supply permit for a

public water system. Goleta Groundwater Basin Management Plan preparation.

Landfill Experience

Superfund landfill site in Monterey Park, California. Profile soil horizons

as observed in cross-sectional trenching in accordance with United Soils

Classification System (USCS) standards; traverse and elevation survey of

landfill cap; documentation of landfill cap thickness; and oversight of

burrow excavation operations.


Soils and materials (concrete, asphalt, sand) testing; soil density, sieve

size, air content, and soil moisture testing. Field density testing

(nuclear gauge), and asphalt and cement plant inspection.

Survey Crew

Setting control points and monumentation. Traverse, circuit, elevation, and

topographic surveys. Grade checking, topographic mapping, and aerial panel

control for photogrammetry.

Oil Field Employment Experience

. Mud logger - Collection and testing of drill cuttings for crude oil


. Crew member (Roughneck) on onshore drilling platform.


Compliance Specialist at the Ampersand Chowchilla Biomass and Merced Power

Plants, Chowchilla, Merced, CA for North American Energy Systems (NAES) May

25, 2010 - February 28, 2013 and for DeltaWay Energy March 1, 2013 -


Oversee regulatory and environmental compliance for two 12.5 MW biomass

power plants.

Project Geologist at CMH Environmental, Inc., Fullerton, CA; June - August,

1998 & May 2010 - October 2011

Vapor and air sample collection for mercury analysis; proposal and cost

estimate preparation, and UST Cleanup Fund Reimbursement Package submittal.

Project Manager at BSK Associates, Fresno, CA; March 2006 - April 2009

Site investigation services at underground storage tank sites included

soil, soil vapor, sub-slab vapor, air, and groundwater sample collection

and analysis; monitoring well and vapor extraction, injection, and sparge

well installation.

Remedial actions included: (1) Design and implementation of cleanup

technologies for soils and groundwater impacted by recalcitrant chemicals

including methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) in

off-site groundwater plumes. Treatment technology featured hydroxyl radical

formation (OH-) via in-situ injection of ozone/peroxide/oxygen into

groundwater via well injection curtain for chemical oxidization and

bioremediation of COCs. (2) Installation and operation of SVE/AS

remediation systems using carbon filtration to treat MTBE, BTEX, petroleum

hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbon soil and groundwater plumes. (3)

Thermal AS injection to treat MTBE in groundwater. SVE unit installation,

pilot testing, and operation. Design and installation of subgrade piping

from wells to treatment systems. Rebound testing and soil vapor sampling.

Proposal writing; workplan and assessment reports; PARs, FS, RAPs, SCMs;

Johnson and Ettinger modeling for subsurface vapor intrusion; groundwater

monitoring, remedial system status, and SVE rebound test reports; and SVE

pilot test reporting with Corrective Action ;Plan and FS.

Submittal of permit application for a public water supply system at the

Dunlap Academy of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Non-

transient non-community public water system requiring a domestic water

supply permit issued by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

Application was submitted on behalf of the Kings Canyon Unified School

District (KCUSD) and was approved by the CDPH.

Project management: scheduling, budget and staff; subcontractor, equipment,

and supplies acquisition; agency and client communications; and system

operations and maintenance. State UST Fund management.

Senior Geologist/Task Manager at Tetra Tech Inc., Pasadena, CA; July 2001 -

February 2006

Assessment and remedial cleanup activities at industrial facilities, former

petroleum tank farms and refineries. Task manager of Tetra Tech's on-call

environmental services contract with Cal EPA DTSC. Managed remedial

investigation contract with Cal EPA DTSC under the state superfund program.

Management of Cal EPA State Superfund sites in Southern California

including industrial properties located near schools. Oversaw site

characterization and remedial cleanup for Sempra Energy of former MGP


Site characterization included trenching and excavation; monitoring well

installation and sampling; soil gas surveys with vapor point installation

and sampling; and Johnson and Ettinger modeling for subsurface vapor

intrusion into indoor air and implementation of PEA. Remedial activities

included soil plume removal: via excavation, confirmation grid sampling,

and backfill; and via bucket auger drilling and backfill pressure grouting.

COCs included: CAM Metals (lead, cadmium, chromium), hexavalent chromium,

volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),

and PCBs.

Project functions: scheduling, task implementation, staff oversight,

subcontractor acquisition and oversight, and site operations. Report

writing: proposals; workplan and assessment reports; PAR, FS, RAPs, SCMs,

and remedial investigation reporting; and site closure reports according to

DTSC and RWQCB standards.

Management of DTSC public participation and community outreach

requirements. Fact sheet mailings and public surveys in English and

Spanish, postings and announcements in libraries, newspapers, and radio.

Project Geologist at Geo-Cal, Inc., San Bernardino, CA; April 2000 - July


Investigative and remedial actions: trenching, excavation, and confirmation

sampling; soils and groundwater treatment via excavation and SVE system

operation; soil and groundwater sample collection; and monitoring well

installation. Project activities: groundwater monitoring and remedial

system status reporting, Phase I ESA reporting, State UST Cleanup Fund

management, and statistical analysis of analytical data.

Project Geologist at PW Environmental, Santa Paula, CA; November 1999 -

April 2000

Submittal of assessment and investigation reports in accordance with local

agency requirements.

Project Geologist at The Tyree Organization, Cerritos, CA; August 1998 -

November 1999

Assessment and remedial activities at commercial, industrial, and public

UST sites. Site activities: UST removal; soil and groundwater sample

collection; and SVE well installation. Project activities: design and

installation of SVE system and piping from wells; and soils and groundwater

treatment via vapor extraction. Report activities: assessment, groundwater

monitoring, and site closure reporting. Project management: budget

management, task implementation, staff and subcontractor management, and

UST Fund management.

Staff Geologist for OnSite Environmental Staffing, Santa Ana, CA; April

1997 - June 1998

Superfund landfill in Monterey Park, California. Burrow site excavation

operations ticketing soil loads delivered to the landfill; documentation of

soil profiles and landfill cap thickness in trenches excavated through

landfill cap; and traverse and elevation survey of landfill cap.

Staff Geologist at Groundwater Technology, Inc., Ventura / Torrance, CA;

November 1989 - July 1996

Assessment and remedial cleanup at aerospace and industrial facilities,

commercial and military tank farms and refineries, RCRA sites, and UST

facilities. Investigative and remedial actions: trenching and soil sample

collection; SVE, AS, and monitoring well installation; soil gas vapor

sampling; UST/AST removal; and the treatment of soils and groundwater via

soil plume excavation. Designed, installed, and monitored groundwater

wells. Modeling of groundwater flow direction and plume delineation in

multiple water bearing zones. Groundwater pump testing and computer

modeling for aquifer characterization. NPDES permit preparation and

sampling for refineries, sewage treatment plants, and groundwater

remediation systems. Geographical Information System (GIS) programming.

Statistical analysis of analytical data.

Project List: (1) Aerospace Facility, North Hollywood, CA. Site management

for plant decommissioning and investigation. Included: soil-gas sampling,

soil boring and sampling, hazardous materials sampling, documentation and

sampling of concrete lined trenches and sumps, and structure samplings for

plant demolition. COCs: petroleum and chlorinated hydrocarbons, and

hexavalent chromium.

(2) Wilmington Refinery, CA. Soil boring and sampling, well installation,

groundwater and storm water sampling, soil plume excavation, and sample

point location survey. COCs: jet fuel, benzene, and lead.

Drill Cuttings Logger at Burns Geological Exploration, Temecula, CA; July -

Nov 1989

Tested drill cutting for crude oil characterization. Documented depth and

character of test results.

Driller's Crew Member on Petroleum Exploration Platform; Jun 1989

Performed duties as drill rig crew member on onshore drilling platform.

Engineering Aide at Santa Barbara Cnty Flood Control and Water Conservation

Agency, Public Works Materials Testing Laboratory, and Survey Crew; Santa

Barbara, CA; Feb 1986 - Feb 1989

Data base development. Materials testing (asphalt, concrete, sand). Soil

density, sieve size, air content, and moisture testing. Field density

testing. Asphalt/cement plant inspection. Set control points and

monumentation; traverse, circuit, elevation, and topographic surveys; grade

checking; topographic mapping; and aerial panel control for photogrammetry.

Engineering Assistant at Goleta Water District, Goleta, CA; June -

December, 1985

Groundwater monitoring. Groundwater elevation and flow direction.

Groundwater pump testing. Goleta Groundwater Basin Management Plan

preparation. Environmental Impact Reporting (EIR).

Research/Field Assistant at UC Santa Barbara Geology Dept, Santa Barbara,

CA; Apr-Jul, 1984

Crude oil resource rock study on Santa Rosa Island. Microscope slide sample

preparation. X-ray diffractometer analysis. Rock core sample collection for

magnetic properties analysis.


Assistant Instructor: Undergraduate geology class at Biola University, La

Mirada, CA; Jun 1992 - Aug 1993


Bachelor of Arts, Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa

Barbara, CA

Civil Engineering/Surveying/AutoCAD, Santa Barbara City College, Santa

Barbara, CA

Continuing Education: Hydrologic and Environmental Studies, University of

California, Santa Barbara, CA

Water Treatment Operator Training, Fresno City College, Fresno, CA


CA Professional Geologist, No. 7074; Issued Jul 7, 2000, Dept of Consumer

Affairs, Board for Geologists and Geophysicists

Water Treatment Operator Grade T2, No. 32393; Issued Aug 16, 2010, CA Dept

of Public Health

Course 401: Comprehensive Continuous Emissions Monitoring; CA Air Resources

Board; Oct 21, 2010

SJVAPCD Air Quality Regulations, Permitting and Compliance Course; Yorke

Engineering; Sept 23, 2010

Application of Risk Assessment for Environmental Decision Making at

Containment Release Sites, University of California, Riverside,

University Extension 15-hour Course; Mar 26 - 27, 2008

Capture Zone Analyses for Pump and Treat Systems, CA EPA DTSC; Sept 5, 2007

Evaluation of Indoor Inhalation Pathway Course, 8 Contact Hours; Jan 25,


8-Hour HAZWOPER Refresher Training - OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120(e), (p) & (q);

Sept 11, 2012

Competent Person Awareness Training - Underground Shoring Specialist - 1996

40-Hour HAZWOPER Training - OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 - 1989

(16) DOT Certificates for ASTM soil analyses testing methods - 1986 and


Confined Space Entry - Trained per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146 (h) (i) (j)


Computer Skills - Microsoft Word, Excel, and Project Professional;

Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC) Stack Vision Data Acquisition

System, Version 3.7; MP2 Computerized Maintenance and Asset Management

Software; Geotechnical Groundwater Graphics, Visio Graphics System.

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