Maricate Conlon
*** ***** ******* *********, ** 02446
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B oston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
M .S. Geology Candidate 2 011-2013
G PA: 3.71
M aster Thesis (in progress): “A hindcast comparing the response of the Souhegan River to dam removal with
the simulations of the Dam Removal Express Assessment Model -1”
P roject continues to monitor and quantify the physical response o f the Souhegan River to the r emoval of the
M errimack Village Dam, removed in August 2008, wit h the use of topographic surveying and grain size
a nalysis. In addition the study compares simulations of the Dam Removal Express Assessment Model,
d eveloped by Yantao Cui of Stillwater Sciences, to the annual longitudinal and cross section surveys that
o bserve channel evolution.
L afayette College, Easton, PA
B .S. in Geology and Geoscience 2 007-2011
Minor in Economics and Business
G PA: 3.75
H onors Thesis (completed): “Interdisciplinary Approach and Evaluation of chemistry, sedimentation, & dam
removal of low -head dams on the Bushkill Creek, Easton, PA”
P roject included obtaining several cores of river bed sediment and conducting chemical and grain size
a nalysis of sediment samples. Cores were taken immediately upstream of the low-head dam closest to the
c onfluence of the Bushkill Creek and Delaware River.
B oston College Earth and Environmental Sciences Department Best Graduate 2 013
Student Presentation – awarded to the graduate student with t he best end of the
y ear presentation and highest caliber research
L afa yette College James L. Dyson Award – awarded for a cademic achievement in
the geosciences
L afa yette College Class of 1913 Trophy – awarded to the graduating student - 2 011
athlete who has a ttained the greatest distinction both as an athlete and a scholar
L afa yette College Magna Cum Laude Graduate
B oston College
T eaching Assistant – Introductory Seismology and Geophysics Course 2 012
R esponsibilities: developing lab syllabus, teaching lab exercises, writing assignments and practicums,
collaborating o n exam content and administering exam grades.
B oston College 2 012
Teaching Assistant – Geoscience and Public Policy
R esponsibilities: guest lecturing, developing assignments and exams, and administering grades.
L afayette College 2 010-2011
T eaching Assistant – Earth Hazards and Disasters
R esponsibilities: assisting in lab instruction and course grading
Maricate Conlon
L afayette College
R esearcher - Independent research in several geoscience fields 2 007-2011
G eomorphology : Developed chemical and geomorphological implications of a
p otential low -head dam removal project on the Bushkill Creek.
M ineralogy : Evaluated mineral X - Ray patterns for feldspar and apatite minerals and
analyzed patterns of thermally induced volumetric expansion of the mineral structure.
B iogeoc hemistry : Conducted laboratory research to isolate and use bacterial agents to
reduce perchlorate contamination.
J ames Madison University 2009
F ield Course Participant – Clonbur, Ireland
L earned g eologic field methods such as the use of a Brunton c ompass, operation of
portable GIS tablets, and river discharge measurement techniques. G roups of students
worked together to develop s tructural and glacial maps of Ireland geology. The
c ourse stressed the importance of g eologic interpretation and technical reporting.
P rinciples of Thermal Expansion in the Feldspar System ( 2010), A merican Mineralogist, Vol. 95.
O n-site Monitoring Related to the Merrimack Village Dam Removal Project Final Technical Report ( 2012)
S ubmitted to G omez and Sullivan Engineers, Pennichuck Water Works Co., and NOAA Restoration Center.
A dobe Acrobat Pro, Adob e Illustrator
A rcMap10, ArcCatalog10, ArcToolbox10, 3D and Spatial Analyst Tools, Standard Query Language
A tomic Absorption Spectroscopy
G eomorphology Interpretation
H ydrogeology Field Techniques
I GOR Mineral X-Ray Analysis Software
L eica Total Station Surveying equipment and Leica Combined Software Suite
M icrosoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
S ediment Coring and Sediment Core Analysis
S ediment Grain Size Distribution Sieve Analysis
S ediment Pulse Modeling (Dam Removal Express Assessment Modeling)
S tructural field mapping, use of Brunton Compass
S igma Xi Research Society
G eological Society of America
S tudent Member of the American Association of Professional Geologists
G raduate: Applications of Geographic Information Systems, Advanced Geophysics, Fluid Flow and
Sediment Transport, Quantitative Geomorphology, Multi -variable Calculus, Mathematical Statistics,
Ecohydrology, Remote Sensing
U ndergraduate: Hydrogeology, Aqueous Geochemistry, Earth Surface Processes, Paleoclimatology and
Oceanography, GIS in the Geosciences, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, S tructural Geology, Mineralogy,
Optical Petrology, Chemistry, Single Variable Calculus I and II, Physics