Yukui Ye
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EDUCATION ProjectsHomepage :
Syracuse University, L.C.Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse, NY
M.S. Computer Science, May 2013 GPA: 3.33/4.0
Relevant Coursework: Object Orientated Design, Algorithms, Video and Image Processing, Operating System
Bachelor of Management in Management Information System, Zhejiang University
GPA: 3.73/4.00 Graduate With Honors (2010)
Relevant Coursework: ERP system, Web Programming, Cloud Computing Service, SQL server
AppProjects Created Based On Own Interests
iosIPadApp: AnimatedBookShelf(05/2013)
o BookShelf will be a view which shows animated books either by words or photos. The modal segue goes from first View to the
Asker View Controller, the second View shows a question and UITextField. Keyboard comes out by setting UItextField become the
first responder. After getting the acknowledgement from user, Doing unwinding method which is wired up in the second View
Controller to the done button, which will connect back to the bookshelf view in order to randomly display the answer on the bookshelf.
Animate book swirling down the drain, goes 1/3 of the way around the circles with each subsequent animation; Does rotation(and
shrinking)by modifying each view’s transform property.
o Add MobileCoreService Framework. Target/Action of a bar button to add or take photo of book from device’s camera. Presenting a
UIImagePickerController which gets an image from the specified sourceType on Ipad, If sourceType is not camera, presents in a
popover from the given UIBarButtonItem. When user chooses an image in the UIImagePickerController, limit any image to certain
size, then randomly drops it into the bookshelf. https://github.com/hellohelloye/AnimatedBookshelf
Keywords: ModalViewController, UITextField, UIView Amination, ActionSheet, MobileCoreService Framework
iosIphoneApp: MyFlickrPhotoAlbums (03/23/2013)
o Created UIScrollView, which will scroll around on the image that get dynamically from the Internet. (Enable zooming In/Out)
o Use FlickrFetcher class method topPlaces to get an array of photos from the given user account. (An array of NSDictionarys)
o Created a UiTableView which will hold the name of each photos along with the account user name as subtitle.
o PrepareForSegue, which enable us click on one table cell then link to the UIScrollView, and shows you the relative image.
Conclusion: Give me one flickr user account name, I can fetch out all the photos under that account by using
MyFlickrPhotoAlbumsApp. https://github.com/hellohelloye/IOSAppMyPhotoAlbums
MusicBeatingApp: (JavaScript) (04/06/2013)
o Build a little “Music Video” which draws random rectangles to the beat of the MIDI music. (Play MIDIEvents)
o Build a graphical interface by making GUIs, Using Java-generated random graphics that keeps time with the music,
beats, Along the way, registering (and listen for) a new kind of non-GUI event, trigged by the music itself. Then save and restore
drum patterns. Enable A Real-time Chat: Create client and server textfield which will send message from client and receive
message from service at the same time (running multiply threads at the same time) . Send a musicBeat Pattern along with your
message to the server, Meanwhile, you can get to read other participant’ message and reload and play a music pattern simply by
clicking the message in the incoming message JTextfield.
Keywords: GUIs, I/O, Networking, Mutithreading, EventHandling, Serializing, Real-Time Chat
FaceRecognitionSystem (02/13) https://github.com/hellohelloye/VideoAndImage
o Implement a face recognition system using the Eigenfaces described by Turk and Pentland.
o First, randomly separate the faces in the data base into training and test data set. Read Images from the training set, and collect them in
one matrix. Then find the average face of the training set. Perform the principal components Analysis(PCA). Find the n significant
eigenvectors with the largest associated eigenvalues. Read images from test set. For each image, subtract off the average image, and project
it onto the basis spanned by the top n eigenfaces. Reconstruct the test images by using the weights and the n eigenfaces, Show the original
and reconstructed images for 10 of the test images.Pick 20 images from test set, and find the closest image in the training data set to each of
these 20 images. Show 10 of the matches.
Remote Software Repository (04/13) https://github.com/hellohelloye/ObjectOrientedDesign
Propose: This project requires to build a Software Repository, a place to store and retrieve packages. The storage
mechanism is based on the use of XML metadata to build version and developer information as well as dependencis.
Repository will provide package check-in, display of Repository contents, and automatic versioning, according to
rules specified below. It also require to build a client that accesses the Repository functionality even if the
Repository resides on another machine in the same network as the client.
Use services of the c++ std::iostream library and Win32 sockets for all input and output to the Repository server
and .Net Winform or WPF and sockets for all input and output to and from the Repository client. Both Repository
client and server should use the C++ operator new and delete for all dynamic memory management.
o Suppose user log-in, accepting credentials and storing those in an XML file. Provide a check-in facility, using Win32 sockets for all client
server communication. This communication consists of passing messages from the client to server to initiate actions in the server, passing
files between the client and server and sending notification messages from server to client indicating success or failure of the specified
operation. For newly stored package, create the package XML metadata and record the logged-in user name as the owner of the package
and its version number. If the login user is the package owner, the package version number increased by one, and stored in the repository.
Each version of package should have their own package folder.
Keyword: C++,managed c++,CLI, winforms or WPF
Memory Management in FreeBSD (10/12) https://github.com/hellohelloye/OperatingSystem
o Page Fault Rate(PFR) Monitor: Created an update-per-second display of process and system PFR.
o Source Code Modification: Modify the memory management mechanism and test the performance.
o Performance Evaluation: Kernel exploration, performance evaluation under different setting and memory management policies
Implementation Of StairCase Scheduler in FreeBSD (09/12) https://github.com/hellohelloye/OperatingSystem
o Changed the timeshare policy of the FreeBSD 5.2.1 scheduler to implement a staircase scheduling algorithm.
o Recorded how many quanta a process consumes, Create one system call to insert a process with given priority in the system.
o Implemented Variable length time-slice staircase scheduler for timesharing class.
o Tested and compared the staircase scheduler’s performance with FreeBSD 4.4 scheduler.
Game Of Angry Tank (11/11)
o Designed and implemented a game with concepts and ideas drawn from Angry Bird
o Designed a single player artillery game by using Visual Studio2000, The game consists of a player controlling a tank shooting bullets at
targets by working with C++ concepts like Multiple classes, Inheritance, Composition, Polymorphism, Operator Overloading, Templates,
File I/O, as well as Dox2D
o Language C, C++, XML, Java, Object-C
o Systems Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS
o Software Xcode, Visual Studio, Matlab, Eclipse