Benjamin “Ben” T ruett *** McCormick Blvd, Clifton Forge, VA 24422 (540) 691 – 5994
Dynamic and results driven management /marketing/sales professional with years experience in team t raining including
d istribution team members, wholesale manufacturer representatives, store management and individual retail sales people.
C reative ability to set and achieve strategic goals, both individually and as part of a team. Able to communicate and
exemplify world class service through coaching, holding team members and peers accountable, and relationship building.
w ww.grandhomefu
Operations Manager Group Leader
Special P roject Manager 2000-02
R etail Store Manager 2007-10
Warehouse 2010–13
P roduct Planner 1998-00
Asst. Retail Store Mgr. 2005-07
Servicing 65 stores from a 1.5 million sq. ft. Sales Representative 2002-05
Responsible for new product development and
d istribution center. Schedule and coach 30+
current product management of four wireless
Target Team Members to perform above common
Manage and direct sales of multiple home telecommunications product lines.
expectations. Move 48 million cartons annually
f urnishings products with annual sales of $6
by achieving Level of Service metrics on a daily
m illion. Supervised and t rained assistant NOTEABLE ACHIEVEMENTS
basis. Increase productivity through individual
manager, 14 professional commission sales staff,
Designed and implemented fi rst regional
performance coaching and regular evaluations of
one office manager and three financing office staff
w i reless unlimited plans: Developed and
Team Members’ strengths and opportunities.
and two store warehouse support staff. Hire and
l aunched regional unlimited wireless plans
Performing daily audits and review of team
educate sales staff on new products and selling
resulting in 40,000 new customers in first
quality with real time feedback given. Support
methods while meeting monthly individual and
quarter of launch. Resulted in 5% increase in
and partner with other departmental Group
g roup goals. Perform weekly/monthly sales
total customers. Launch implemented via
Leaders in overall distribution center for
forecasting and goal setting. Meet corporate
cross department team leadership and action.
maximum efficiency and quality. Build internal
budgetary and financial benchmarks. Consult
and external department relationships to meet
w ith key decision makers, conduct personnel
overall goal of delivering what guests’ want at the I nc reased 411 P rofitability by 20%: Team
reviews, meet with individual vendors, provide and
lowest cost. leader of cross functional team to change
supervise customer service.
vendors providing 411 services. Increased call
NOTEABLE ACHIEVEMENTS volume and profitability via increased product
Reduced Aging Work in P rocess Levels: offerings and quality of service. Income
I nc reased 2010 sales by 10% over 2009:
Developed and implemented a strategy for i ncreased from $125,000 to $275,000 in two
reducing greater than 72 hour WIP levels from Developed revised in store training program for quarters.
3000+ cartons to less than 300 - 500 cartons. new sales hires. Focus on quality of service,
a ttention to detail and follow through with the Relationship M anagement for Key
customer. Created new motivational methods for
Reduced Level of Service T ime: Delivered on Accounts: Developed custom products and
i ndividual sales staff.
new metric standards of service to guest. service for large key accounts. Present and
Reduced daily pick time to less than 48 hours /put sell to major accounts new products, services
I nc reased store profit margin by doubling
away to less than 36 hours on approximately and marketing strategies.
36,000/20,000 case packs respectively daily. p roduct wa r ranty/accessory sales: T rained
and motivated sales staff to increase Guardsman
Empowered Team Members: Taught team T he Bacova Guild, Ltd
members the value of and how to partner with
Warranty sales through revised training and
other departments to accomplish goals and
M a rketing/Product M anager Outdoor
motivation. Trained to sell more high margin
i mprove efficiency.
P roducts
accessories increasing profit and customer
K ey Account/ Merchandising Manager T rade
Created Formal Shift Handoff P rocess:
S how Manager
Designed and implemented cross shift handoff
P roduct Mgr. Ha rdware P roducts
Expanded sales opportunities using existing
p rocedure to improve communications between
employees: T rained and utilized office staff to
shifts. Process introduced minimum expectation
Responsible for new product development, overall
f urther support sales and increase customer
accountability between shifts while driving
p roduct line structure, design development, retail
service. Empowered finance office with expanded
consistency among all 4 Distribution Center
d isplay design, and inventory management for
skills and responsibilities. Increased sales of
$28 million outdoor mat product line.
Guardsman warranty products by 25% via office
Created Formal Warehouse Housekeeping
I nc reased profitability of overseas
P lan: C reated, implemented, and rolled out a
p rogram by 18%.
Sales and goal driven.: A nnual individual sales:
Warehouse wide housekeeping plan which
2003 $610,000 – 110% of $550,000 goal, 2004
d istributed accountability to every team member
Reduced cost of t rade shows by
$650,000 – 118% of $550,000 goal and $710,000–
on every shift in the warehouse department.
130% of $550,000 goal $110,000.
Designed Motivational Contest: I mplemented
P rofitably reduced stale inventory via
Customized Key Account Sales
non-monetary contests to motivate and drive
strategic sales: T hrough strategic product
h igher production levels. Contest centered on P resentations.
bundling and creative merchandising, sold
team development, new procedures, or seasonal
$200,000 of discontinued and obsolete
Responsible for development of
N ew store and market launch: Member of
Additional Info: management team training new hire sales staff, r etail point-of-pu rchase display
office staff, and warehouse support personnel in
Volunteer –
p rograms.
f irst West Virginia store.
Sharon Elementary School - Guest Reader etc.
E ducation
D eveloped and I mplemented Strategic
School Board Member –
p a rtnership plan: C reated and implemented
A lleghany Highlands Public Schools 2012 - 2016
customer loyalty program via key partnership
relationships. Program is ongoing and has
Hobbies –
p romoted new customer purchases since inception
Fly Fishing Fly Tying Stained Glass
i n 2005.
Roanoke College 1991
Strategic Regional M a rketing I nt roduction:
Bachelors Business Administration -
Developed ongoing customer loyalty discount
p rogram for large employers in region. Concentration in Accounting
Cum Laude Honors