Kristi K Nicholson
Las Vegas, NV 89123
Nicholson.kristi m
To assist the c o mpany in attaining their mission state ment.
Career Highlights/Qualifications:
Professional, organized, detail oriented and resourceful in c o mpleting projects, have various
awards for perfect attendance, achieving the m ost sales, and being an exc ellent team player.
JC C Credit Union
Hilo, HI
June 1993 – April 1998
Me mber Service Representative/Teller
Assisting custo m ers with their transaction needs, c ounting m one y and balancing daily
transactions, help to train new e mploye es, prepare staff scheduling, assist in verifying and
ordering vault cash, team leader.
AIG Hawaii/Far mers Hawaii Insurance C o mpany
Honolulu, HI and Hilo, HI
April 1998 – O ctober 2011
Custo m er Service Representative/Advocate II
Custo m er service which includes doing and c oordinating projects, reports, staff scheduling,
training, events and m e etings, cross selling products and duties of an assistant to m y manager.
Jensen Foods/Shamrock Foods
Brighton, C O
Dece mb er 2011 – March 2013
Ad ministrative Assistant
Duties to include being a in house sales rep/buyer, c o mpile and forecast production schedules,
account for all invoices, handle shipping and receiving for various warehouses, basic financial
and accounting practices, m onthly inventory, various reports on volu me of production, clerical
duties, assist in overseeing c onveyer belt operations and labeling in the warehouse.
Waiakea High School High School Diplo ma and Athletic Scholarship
University of Hawaii @ Hilo
Hawaii C o m munity C olle ge Associate Degree
Able to multi task effectively which includes 10 key, phone switchboard, Excel, Microsoft
Word, Mac, PowerPoint, spreadshe et, and basic accounting knowledge, exc ellent written and
verbal c o m munication skills, highly organized, and able to work independently.
My greatest asset I can offer to this c o mpany is m y positive people skills and flexibility.