D avid Avalos
**** * **** ** *** B Philadelphia, PA 19146
Phone: 504-***-**** E-Mail: ************@**.***
To attain an entry-level position in the IT field and to contribute my knowledge for the growth of the company.
E ducation
C hestnut Hill College
Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Sciences
Epsilon Pi Tau International Honor Society for Professional Technology
Completed coursework includes Software Design, Data Structures and Algorithms, Application Development
and Design, Database Programming, Machine Structure and Assembly Language Programming, Systems
Programming Concepts with C, Bash and Python, System Analysis and Design, Theory of Computation,
Computer Organization.
GPA: 3.5
U .S. Army Warrior Leadership
Honor Graduate For Leadership
U .S. Army Basic Combat Training /Adjutant General School 2 004
P rogramming Languages
Java, C, Assembler IA -32/x86, Bash, Python, JavaScript, SQL
R elated Projects and Experience
JavaScript Intern for BeWiseWeb.com S ep - O ct 2 012
C onsulting customers for deducing web-based needs
L earn use and analyze JavaScript for improving web-based c ontent
C HC Android App Jan - M ay 2 012
D evelop application in a simulated agile environment using the scrum method
U se the Github repository for entire project updating code via Git command-line tool
D eclaring user interface elements in XML
JUnit testing and commenting with JavaDoc
F acebook integration for SSO and retrieving CHC feed.
S enior Research : C ross-platform Mobile App Development Jan - M ay 2 012
L iterature Review on history and current methods used in the field
P roduced a chart displaying categories and methods for best practices.
U nix T imestamp Jan - M ar 2 011
C w ritten prog ram that displayed Unix /POSIX time o f when a specified file, given the path, was
c reated, modified and accessed.
Client/Server M ar - M ay 2 011
T wo separate programs, one client and the other a server b oth taking the parameters a server
name and port
C reate and utilize BSD Sockets to create client and server.
T he client sends a string to the server. The server constantly listened in for incoming data,
specifically a string. The server interprets the string reverses it and displays the buffer length.
O nce the String is reversed, it is sent back to the client.
M D5 Encryption A ug - O ct 2010
A nalyze specifications from the original RFI 1321 to write MD5 algorithm in assembler.
P rogram took in an input string and returned a 128 -bit hash value. Hash value was used to check
for data integrity and authentication.
V irus O ct - D ec 2 010
F inal assembler project to created an executable that would mimic some virus capabilities
W hen executed, virus would instantly copy itself into the System 32 file folder and create an
a dministrator user account called Hacker with the password being hacker. A popup message
a ppeared afterward -notifying user that his or her computer has been hacked.
V irus also detected whether or not it was in a virtual environment and did not execute if VM was
d etected.
B oggle Cube O ct - D ec 2 010
Java GUI program that would simulate a boggle tray in the boggle bash game
T ray consisted of 16 cube dice, each with different letters printed on each of its side. A b utton
w as created to simulate a shaking of the tray so that different letters would appear. User’s job
w as to try and find words.
D og Fight A ug - D ec 2 009
Java TUI program that simulated a fighting game of two dogs with the health points and the ability
to take items to increase stats.
P urpose was learning the importance of inheritance and encapsulation.
B lackjack Jan - M ay 2 009
Java TUI p rogram consisting of a larger array of classes that simulated a user playing against a
c omputer dealer in blackjack.
E mployment
A pple Inc. 2 010 - P resent
S pecialist: Building relationships with customers and developing complete solutions based on their specific
needs. Maintain technical knowledge of all Apple products and services. Provide training workshops for
customers that are interested in learning more about the latest native features and applications of iOS and
MAC OSX. Inspire and enrich the lives of each and every customer.
U.S. Army 2 004 - 2 012
Infantry Sergeant/Human Resource: Essential skills in leadership, training, war fighting, squad tactical
movements, marksmanship, physical conditioning, navigation, first aid, combat techniques, practical
exercises, discussion, and classroom exercises. Trainer topics include leadership, battle focused training,
map reading, and field training. Prepare routine correspondence, messages, report, and forms. Utilizes word
processing, presentation, and spreadsheet software. Provides technical guidance and training to
subordinates. Prepare and maintains files on an automated data processing system. Network administrator
for Support Operations.
2008 - 2 009
T rusted Agent : Responsible for enrolling and issuing Transportation Worker Identification Cards (TWIC) to
Transportation Workers. Provides enrollment and issuance by creating an encrypted electronic data file of
worker that includes biographical information, biometric identification information, and a digital photograph
that was all sent to the FBI for approval.
Awards and Achievements
Served honorably in Operation Iraqi Freedom
Served honorably in Operation Unified Response
Army Commendation Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Armed Reserve Components Achievement Medal,
National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism
Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M Device.
R eferences
Available upon Request