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C Computer Science

Los Angeles, CA, 90007
March 07, 2013

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**** Portland St, apt#**, Los Angeles, CA 90007

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E ducation

U niversity Of S outhern California, Los Angeles, CA E xpected - M ay 2013

M aster of Science, Computer Science ( GPA - 3 .65 /4.0 )

U niversity o f Pune, P une, India M ay 2 011

B achelor of E ngineering, C omputer Science – F irst Class

S oftware S kills

L anguages : C, C++, J ava, H TML, XML, JavaScript, S hell Scripting

W e b Skills : J SON, A JAX, Apache Web Server, Apache Tomcat

D atabases : MySQL, Oracle 10g, Microsoft Access

O perating Systems : UNIX, Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux

O ther : Eclipse IDE, M icrosoft V isual Studio 2 010, A ndroid SDK, Vim, Pt hreads

C oursework

A nalysis of Algorithms, Operating Systems, C omputer Networks, Computer

C ommunications, D atabase S ystems, Artificial Intelligence, Web Technologies,

I nternetworking and Distributed Systems

W ork Experience

E ricsson I nc. – E ngineering Intern S ummer 2012

T eam – F orwarding Abstraction Lay er ( FABL ) .

P rovided support for LACP on network processor simulator SSR - SIM.

T ested M PLS LAG on SSR - SIM.

C rea ted comprehensive wiki for b uilding S SR - SIM.

P rojects

O perating Systems ( Nachos) ( C \ C++) F all 2011

I mplemented s ynchronization primitives like l ocks and c ondition v ariables .

D eveloped s ystem c alls and e nabled s upport f or m ultiprogramming .

E xtended Nachos by building a demand - paged virtual memory system.

I mplemented remote p rocedure calls f or lock and condition variable system calls.

C omputer Communications ( C \ C++ ) F all 2012

D esigned and i mplemented a s implified v ersion of a T OR - like Onion Routing system t hat

s upports TCP and ICMP messages.

C reated Onion Proxy that forks the required Onion Routers and attaches itself

t o a software tunnel interface to scoop up network traffic.

U sed raw IP sockets to allow Onion Routers t o communicate with outside world.

K eywords: o nline anonymity, onion routing, layered encryption .

D atabase Systems ( Java, MySQL) S pring 2012

I mplemented a n a ir n avigation system that stores location of r a dio navigation aids a nd

i nformation about restricted airspace a nd allows b asic i n - flight a ircraft tracking .

I nternetworking and Distributed Systems ( C \ C++, Pthreads ) F all 2012

D eveloped a R eliable, Fast File Transfer u tility that p rovides throughput comparable to

U DP . A chieved throughput of 58Mbps on a 100Mbps link with 20% loss.

D esigned and i mplemented S imple IP router that performs packet switching and sends

a ppropriate ICM P responses . Used l ibpcap and raw sockets.

E xperimented with NOX OpenFlow controller to create multicast networks at layer 2.

N etworking u tilities : tcpdump, ping, tracero ute, iperf, W ireshark

W eb Technologies ( HTML, XML, JavaScript, JSON) F all 2011

T witter/Flixster Mashup – C reated a n Android a pplication f or looking up movies p laying at

n earby theate rs and tweeting about them. Used O Auth for authorization.

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