Career Objective: To organize and direct the actions of individuals
and groups towards a sound vision.
Profile: ( Developed national distribution system of
constructions products in Baku, Azerbaijan
( Directed a web-based product launch resulting in over
$100,000 of sales in 4 days
( Created automated sales systems streamlining the selling
process and increasing sales efficiency
Experience: Henges Insulation: Area Director of
Sales 11/2003 - Present
. Developed automated business system to streamline sales
process from proposal through completion
. Professionally managed relationships with general
contractors to maximize sales of company services
. Maintained high gross profit margins by selling value
and providing outstanding customer service.
. Trained incoming sales representatives and field
installers to meet high company standards
Triad Media: Project
Manager 07/2009 - 02 / 2010
. Directly supervised several departments in the creation
of new products, pricing and promotion
. Developed product launch resulting in over $100,000 of
web-based sales in 4 days
. Consulted with over 100 clients in the development of
their online sales strategies
. Created multiple online presentations for the
development of a successful online marketing strategy
Design Center - Baku, Azerbaijan Director of Business
Development 10/2005 - 10/2006
. Developed a complete international selling system /
warehouse management program for inventory control and
sales promotion.
. Created solid international business relationships with
manufactures from Spain, China, Turkey and Korea.
. Hired and trained city wide sales staff, developed
innovated promotional tools, and created comprehensive
management systems for multiple lines of products.
. Implemented discipline and professionalism in an
international business environment while increasing
morale and employee participation in company policies.
Re/Max International:
Systems Manager / Agent 04/2002 - 11/2003
. Created systematic client care processes resulting in
over 38 transactions in my first 18 months.
. Exhibited professionalism in developing new business
resulting in a management position within one year as a
"Before" unit director.
. Excelled in collaborating with team members to develop
new ideas and programs to grow the company business.
RJK Associates: Co-Owner / Director
of Business 08/1999 - 4-2002
. Composed innovative marketing material for a diverse
group of businesses designed to represent a company
completely on the World Wide Web.
. Integrated sales and marketing strategies into a World
Wide Web application in several business sectors.
. Communicated business ideas from traditional business to
web related applications.
. Designed and developed complete contracts to facilitate
a new business sector.
Education: Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration
Rockhurst University, Kansas City, Missouri - May 1997
esentations for the development of a successful online marekting e
nles efficiency.
Other: Instructor of International Marketing at Qaf Qaz University in
Baku, Azerbaijan. - Winter Semester 2007.
Multiple public speaking engagements including a recent
public appearance in Tirana, Albania
Dedicated husband and father of 3 children