T ravares D. Parker * *** W. *** th S treet, Torrance, CA 7 18.316.2415 t *******.******@*****.***
S ummary
C onstant professional and l eader with success in developing strong relationships through sales and servicing customers
f rom everyday consumers to business - to - business clients within the banking, insurance and staffing industries.
H ighlights
D evelops & m aintains g reat b usiness relationships R ecruit, intervi ew and pre - screening candidates
• •
D emonstrates strong l eadership skills F acilitates new h ire orientations and trainings
• •
I nitiat es projects to increase profits D riven, motivated self - starter and w orks w ell
• •
i ndependently
H eld L ife & Health I nsurance License s
E ffect ive team player and contributor
H eld S eries 6 and Series 63 S ecurity L icenses •
P rovide s high quality c ustomer service
S trong b usiness t o b usiness/consumer sales skills •
S trive s f or continu ed excellence & c areer growth
D emonstrates s trategic & c reative marketing skills •
Employment History
B usiness Development Specialist, R esCare Workforce Service A naheim, CA D ec . 2 011 – J an. 2013
E stablish ed p artnerships and deliver ed s taffing services to businesses i n various industries t hrough a consultative
a pproach o f p resentations, c old calling, door - to - door and e - mail marketing .
P rovide d o ngoing training, counseling and career consulting for job seekers utilizing workforce services such as
j ob d evelopment, resume writing and critique, job search and interviewing techniques.
C reate d p resentations, conduct ed a nd facilitate d c ompany w orkshops to provide information on a variety of labor
r elated topics such as, cooperative ventures, business regulat ory requirements and labor market trends.
D evelop ed, direct ed a nd coordinate d t esting, hiring and training for Key Accounts in a deadline - driven
e nvironment.
E stablish ed a nd ma intain ed c omprehensive r ecordkeeping system of activi ties and operational p rocedures .
L ead Business Relations Specialist, R esCare Workforce Services B rooklyn, NY O ct . 2 009 – D ec. 2 011
D evelop ed a nd implement ed s pecialized services based on b usiness needs of p artners, including: job postings and
c andidate outreach, r ecruitment, applicant screening and assessment a nd short to long scale interviewing.
S upervise d and dro ve recruitment efforts by d isseminating customer ’s needs to our regional recruitment team,
i mplement ed and monitored s creening and matching process and p rocedures to ensure quality ser vice .
O rganized and managed m ajor job fairs and through recruitment efforts increased job placements by over 60%.
L icensed Personal Banker, C hase Bank, J PMorgan Chase & Co. B rooklyn, NY J une 2008 – F eb. 2009
R etained and d eepened r elationships wit h existing customers and acquired n ew ones t o exceed goal by 4 0% .
I dentified and anticipated c ustomers’ f inancial needs, match products and services to fulfill those needs.
M onitored consu mer and marketing t rends t o stay a breast o n industry rules, regulations and policies.
P rovided exemplary customer service b y developing trusting relationships and p roactively and effectively solving
p roduct and service - related challenges .
E nhanced customers banking experience and p artnered with t he branch team and specialists (such as Loan
O fficers, Business Bankers, and Financial Advisors), to ensure n eeds were fully met .
S erved as a liaison between the customer s, mortgage specialists and investment advisors to finalize agreements.
S ales Agent, N ew York Life Insurance Company N ew York, NY M ar . 2 007 - J une 2008
C onnected with consumers and business owners to promote products that protect funds and reduce financial risk.
R outinely conducted cold calling to potential clients, s cheduled a ppointments, pre sented proposals a nd create d
i llustrations detailing various options, c osts and benefits of l ife insurance a nd o ther fixed products.
A nalyze d d ata, made r ecommendations a nd negotiated premium cost in accordance with r isk a nd affordability .
C reate d p resentation’s, o rganize d a nd attend ed s eminars on behalf of New Yor k Life to p romote financial security .
G eneral Manager, N ew York Sports Clubs N ew York, NY M ar . 2 006 - S ept. 2006
E stablished marketing & p romotional plans and strategies to expand customer base a nd motivated sales team .
R efined a nd implemented new projects including establishing an in - house part - time daycare facility, enhancing
f itness regime programs and initiating corporate discount programs for local businesses and establishments.
C ommunicated with sales team, members, manage ment and internal departments to assess marketing pot ential of
n ew and existing a nd facility features.
D istrict Sales Manager, T he Mobile Solutio n ( T - Mobile Authorized Dealer) N ew York, NY J uly 2004 – M ar. 2 006
R esponsible for the development and perform ance of all sale s activities in wireless market
L ead team to increase sales from 120 to 340 activations per month, driving district ranking from 13 to number 1.
H ire d a nd c onducted training sessions for sales staff on handling wireless service changes, s ales and promotional
s trategies, and solving customer service issues expeditiously.
S kills
P roficient in the use of Microsoft XP Applications a nd Mac systems, Q uickbooks, Outlook and Groupwise .
E ducation & Training
E astern Michigan Universit y, Coursework in Business Management
1 998 - 2000 Y psilanti, MI