*. Personal Profile
Name : Arumugam BASKARAN
Date of Birth : 11 MAY 1983
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : English, Tamil - Speak and write
: Telugu, Kanadam, Hindi
- Speak Only
Present Address : No.2/547, Rajaji Street,
Nasavalar Nagar,
Chennai - 600 100.
Contact No : +91-809*******
E-mail : *******@*****.***
2. Academic Qualification
Year Qualificatio Educational Major Subject Percentage
n Institution of Marks
2003-06 B.B.A University of Business 52%
Madras. Management
2000-01 HSC Govt. H.S.School, Maths 62%
1998-99 SSLC Govt. H.S.School, Maths & 72%
Kilpennathur Science
3. Academic Project
Diploma Civil Engineering (DCE)
Title : Guest House Planning and
Estimating, Tiruvannamalai.
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A)
Title : NOKIA
4. Additional qualifications
Qualificatio Educational Major Subject Percentage
n Institution of Marks
C.C.A R.V.INFOTECH Computer First
Bangalore Application Class
AutoCAD AutoCAD Centre Drafting First
Tiruvannamalai Class
5. Software Skills
S.No. Details Software's
1. Platforms Windows xp
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
2. Programming FORTRAN
3. Packages MS-Office
Open Office
4. Application
Software's Arc GIS
Sonar wiz
Golden Grapher
Golden Surfer
Global Mapper
RDCP Studio
Waves 21
Google Earth
6. Hardware Knowledge
S.No. Working with Details
1. Topography Auto Level
Total station
Garmin DGPS
2. Bathymetry CVM
Odom Hytrotrack
Garmin (235, 238, 420)
3. Tide Recorder WLR 7
Tide gauge
4. Current metre RDCP
RCM 7 and 9
5. Seismic Teledyne Benthos
(Dual Frequency)
6. Sidescan Teledyne Benthos
(Dual Frequency)
7. Water Nisikin Water Sampler
8. Sediment Van veen Grab
Sampling Sieve Analyser
9. Biology YSI Probe
7. Experience
SL.No Name of the Designation Period of Field of work
. organization working
1 2008 Seabed survey & Matrix Enport Bathymetry survey,
Oceanographic Holdings Pvt Ltd., Tide Measurements
Investigations for the Hyderabad,data Processing
development of Vadarevu and
Port Chart preparation.
2 2008 Seabed survey & Matrix Enport Bathymetry survey,
Oceanographic Holdings Pvt.Ltd. Tide Measurements
Investigations for the Hyderabad.,data Processing
development of Nizampatnam and
Port Chart preparation.
3 2008 Bathymetry survey & water L&T Infrastructure Bathymetry survey,
sampling at Gulf of development Tide Measurements
Kachchh Projects Limited, data Processing and
Chart preparation.
4 2008 Bathymetry survey for Marakkanam Port Bathymetry survey,
Marakkanam Port company Pvt., Tide Measurements
Ltd., Chennai,data Processing
Chart preparation.
5 2008 Bathymetry survey off NSL Power Pvt. Bathymetry survey,
Kaveripatnam Ltd., Tide Measurements
Hyderabad.,data Processing
Chart preparation.
6 2008 Bathymetry survey along Zinkcon Marine Bathymetry survey,
pipeline corridor off Singapore Tide Measurements
Pillaiperumalnallur Pvt.Ltd.,,data Processing
Singapore. and
Chart preparation.
8 2009 Oceanographic Meenakshi Energy Bathymetry survey,
Investigations for the Private Limited, Tide Measurements
development of Thermal Hyderabad.,data Processing
power plant near and
Thammanapatnam village, Chart preparation.
Nellore Dist
9 2009 Ocean Engineering studies PEL Power Ltd., Bathymetry survey,
for the development of Hyderabad Tide Measurements
coal jetty, at Akurmukkutu,data Processing
near Sirkazhi and
Chart preparation.
10 2009 Consultancy services for Hydrotech projects Pipeline design
laying of submarine & people, Mumbai. drawing
pipeline off Minjur
11 2009 Land survey at Kakinada Kakinada Seaports Land survey-Total
Deepwater port Ltd station
12 2009 Shoreline monitoring Chemplast Sanmar Bathymetry survey,
survey at Karaikal Limited, Chennai. Tide data
Processing and
Chart preparation.
13 2009 Current measurements and LHI-Lankan Currents and Tides
Tide Hydraulic
measurements at Hugli Institute Ltd.,
river Srilanka.
14 2009 Bathymetry and sides can Coromandel Bathymetry survey
survey at Ennore Fertilisers,data Processing
Limited, Chennai and
Chart preparation.
16 2009 Bathymetry survey at water desalination Bathymetry survey
Minjur, Chennai limited, Chennai,data Processing
Chart preparation.
17 2009 Oceanographic IVRCL Bathymetry survey
Investigations for Infrastructures,data Processing
Metro water Desalination and Projects and
Plant. Limited, Chennai Chart preparation.
19 2009 Oceanographic Ananth Bathymetry survey
Investigations at Technologies Ltd data Processing
Krishnapatnam Hyderabad and
Chart preparation
20 2009 Bathymetry survey for 2000 Marakkanam Port Bathymetry survey
MW power plant at Company Pvt. Ltd data Processing
Agaraperunthottam Chennai. and
Chart preparation
21 2009 Bathymetry survey along Panduranga Timblo Bathymetry survey,
the river Mandovi Industries, Goa. data Processing and
Chart preparation
23 2009 Oceanographic Maytas Infra Currents and Tides
Investigations for the Limited,
development of Hyderabad
Machilipatnam Port
24 2009 Oceanographic L&T Multibeam survey,
Investigations for all RambollConsulting data Processing and
weather port at Redi, Engineers Limited,
Maharashtra Chennai. Chart preparation
25 2009 Oceanographic Nagapatnam Power Bathymetry survey
Investigations for the and
development of coal jetty Infratech (P)
near Thirukadaiyur Ltd., Hyderabad
26 2009 Oceanographic Chettinad Power Bathymetry survey
Investigations for the Corporation Pvt.,,data Processing
development of coal based Ltd., and
Thermal Power Project Chart preparation
south of Thirukadaiyur
27 2009 Oceanographic Simhapuri Energy Bathymetry survey
Investigations for 2 x Pvt. Ltd., and Tide
660 MW Thermal Power Hyderabad. Measurements
Project near Krishnapatnam
28 2009 Bathymetry survey at Navayuga Bathymetry survey
Ennore Port Engineering,data Processing
Company Ltd., and
Chennai. Chart preparation
29 2009 Bathymetry survey Maytas Infra Bathymetry survey
Machilipatnam Port Private Limited,,data Processing
Hyderabad. and
Chart preparation
30 2009 Seabed Engineering survey Gujarat Integrated Bathymetry survey
& Maritime Complex,topo survey,
Oceanographic Observatons Pvt., Ltd., Mumbai current, tide data
off Nana Layja, coast Processing and
Gujarat Chart preparation
31 2010 Oceanographic Hinduja National Bathymetry survey
Investigations for 2x520 Power and Tide
MW Thermal Power Plant at Corporation Measurements
Pavalavasa Village, Limited, Mumbai.
32 2010 Bathymetry survey at union Marg Limited, Bathymetry survey,
Teritory of Mahe Chennai. topo survey, tide,
data Processing and
Chart preparation
33 2010 Investigations for the SBQ Steels Bathymetry survey
development of Power Plant Limited, Chennai and Tide
at Ankulapatur Village, Measurements
Chillkur Mandalam
34 2010 Prefeasibility study and Sai Jyothi Bathymetry survey,
bathymetry survey for the Infrastuctures & Tide Measurements
development of thermal ventures pvt Ltd,,data Processing
power plant at Sivagangai secudurabad. and
Chart preparation.
35 2010 Bathymetry survey at Cochin Shipyard Bathymetry survey,
Vizhinjam, Cochin Ltd., Cochin Tide data
Processing and
Chart preparation
36 2010 Prefeasibility study and Vaibhav Sai Power Bathymetry survey,
bathymetry survey for the Generation Private current and Tide
development of thermal Limited, Measurements
power plant at sivagangai Secunderabad.
37 2010 Wave measurements at Fishing Harbour Wave measurements
Colachel an Thengapattinam Project Circle,
39 2010 Periodical dredging survey Manthan Marine Bathymetry, Tide
for GCB at Ennore Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. and data
40 2010 Oceanographic SRM Energy Multibeam survey,
Investigations for Limited, Chennai Tide Measurements
development of Coal based,data Processing
41Thermal po4wer project and
at Alamelumangapuram, Chart preparation
41 2010 Marine study for 2 x 135 VSF Projects Bathymetry survey
MW power plant at Limited, and Tide
Ankulapatu Village, Hyderabad. Measurements
Chillakur Mandalam
42 2010 Seismic & Side scan sonar Tamil nadu, PEL Bathymetry survey,
surveys for the Power Limited, Tide Measurements,
development of coal jetty Hyderabad. data Processing and
near Thirukkadaiyur
Chart preparation
43 2010 Bathymetry survey for the Rain CII Carbon Bathymetry survey,
proposed jetty at (India) Limited, Tide Measurement,
Sitapalem Hyderabad data Processing and
Chart preparation
44 2010 Marine EIA & Modelling Gangavaram Port Bathymetry survey
study for the expansion of Limited, Hyderabad and Tide
Gangavaram Port Measurements
45 2010 Bathymetry survey for the Essel Mining & Bathymetry survey,
development of Chudamani Industries Ltd., Tide Measurements,
Port Bhubaneswar data Processing and
Chart preparation
46 2010 Bathymetry, Seismic and Anrak Seaportss Bathymetry survey
Side Scan survey for the Limited, Hyderabad and Tide
development of captive Measurements
Port facility at
Nakkapalli Mandal,
Bathymetry, Seismic, Side Pragdisa Power Bathymetry survey,
47 2010 Scan survey and Marine EIA Pvt. Ltd., Tide Measurements,
study and Modeling study Gurgaon. data Processing and
for the development of
2640 MW Thermal Power Chart preparation
Plant at Momidi,Nellore
48 2010 Bathymetry surey at KKNPP Kudankulam Nuclear Kudankulam Nuclear
3-4 units, Kudankulam Power Project Power Project,
Tirunelveli Tirunelveli
49 2010 Bathymetry survey and Honnavara Ports Bathymetry survey
topographical survey for Pvt. Ltd., and Land survey
the development of barge Hyderabad (RTK)
loading facilities at
Honnavara, Karnataka
50 2011 Monitring of Dredging Panduranga Timblo Dredging
survey at Industries, Goa. monitoring,Tide
Mandovi River, Goa andvolumCalculation
51 2011 Rapid Marine EIA for the Universal Crescent Bathymetry survey,
development of 2 X 660 MW Power Pvt. Ltd., Current,Tide data
coal based Thermal Power Kolkata Processing and
Plant at Nayachar Island, Chart preparation
53 2011 Feasibility study, Seabed SGB Promoters Bathymetry survey,
Investigations, Marine EIA (Covai) Private Current and Tide
study, Modeling study, CRZ Limited, Tirupur Measurements
survey for the development
processing park near
Thondi the
54 2012 Bathymetry survey, Current Fichtner INDIA Pvt Bathymetry survey,
and Tide Measurements Ltd, Chennai Current and Tide,Naramada at Dahej, Measurements
55 2012 Periodical dredging Ennore Port Bathymetry survey,
survey, bathymetry survey Limiter and Tide
for the General Cargo Measurements
berth at Ennore
56 2012 Bathymetry Survey at PEL, Hydrabad. Bathymetry survey,
warasvarap Village, Near and Tide
Amroli Dist.Gujarat Measurements
57 2012 Bathymetry, Current, tide GPPL, Gujarat Bathymetry, and
Measurements at Pipavav Tide, Current,
Port, Gujarat. Water,Sediment
Sampling, and Float
58 2012 to ICZMP Project., Odisha State project Bathymetry survey,
2013 (ONE YEAR) management Beach profile,
unit,.Odisha Terrain survey
Current and Tide
59 2013 Topography and RITIESLIMITED, Bathymetry survey,
Hydrographic survey for Gurgaon Terrain survey
techno Economic (RTK)
feasibility study for Current and Tide
development of port at Measurements
Durgarajapatnam in AP.
9. Declaration
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best
of my knowledge and a work in tandem to reach the pinnacle of success