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Sr. Manager - Sales & Business Development

New Delhi, DL, India
September 11, 2013

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A nudeep


• Over *+ years of extensive experience as a Front End U I Developer with solid understanding of database

designing, development and installation of different modules.

• Proficient in building Web User Interface (UI) using H T M L5, D H T M L, tableless X HT M L, CSS3 and

J avaScript t hat follows W3C Web Standards and are browser compatible.

• Experience on Web Technologies using H T M L4/5, CSS2/CSS3, XH T M L, D H T M L, JavaScript, JQuery,

A JAX, X M L and JSON.

• Extensive experience as web developer with a strong background working on open source technologies, including

J SP, P HP, H T M L, CSS, M ySQL, JavaScript, Flash, Photoshop.

• Expertise in designing Event Handling Models such as Listener and Dispatcher in O O JavaScript. W ith back-

end in Spring MVC (Restful services with annotation) architecture framework.

• Expert in designing web applications and web contents utilizing various Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


• Solid experience with R esponsive Web Design (RWD).

• Experienced in building c ross browser compatibility applications using H T M L5 and CSS3.

• Extensive experience in creating style guides, best practices and setting U I standards for enterprise/consumer


• Well-versed in Object Oriented Programming ( OOP) w ith JavaScript.

• Experience in designing U I patterns and U I applications with the help of Adobe products like Adobe Dreamweaver

CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3/CS4, Adobe Fireworks CS3 and Adobe I llustrator CS3.

• Experience on working with CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin,

CSS padding, CSS table, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors in CSS.

• Proficient with creating L ogos, Banners, Buttons, I cons and I mages using A dobe Flash and Adobe

I l lustrator .

• Excellent experience in developing web pages complying with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and

ability to apply W3C web standards.

• Proficient with A dobe Photoshop, I llustrator & D reamweaver, MS F rontPage, M icrosoft Visual

SourceSafe, Macromedia Home Site.

• Experience in all phase of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation and Maintenance, and extensive

experience with Agile and SCRU M .

• Experience working with testing tools like F i rebug, F i rebug L ite, Chrome or safari web inspectors and I E

D eveloper Toolbar.

• Expertise in analyzing the D O M Layout, Java Script functions, Cascading Styles across cross-browser using

F i re Bug, Developer Tool Bar.

• Involved in the Software Life Cycle phases like AG I LE and estimating the t imelines for projects.

• Experience in deploying applications to web servers such as APACHE, TOMCAT and I IS.

• Good experience with F orm Validation by Regular Exp ression, other J Query plugins (auto complete ui).

• Highly motivated, reliable analytical problem solver and t roubleshooter with strong attention to detail.

• Demonstrated ability to complete projects in deadline oriented environments.

• Quick learner and proficient in solving the technical issues in the project.

• Excellent analytical and communication skills with capability to handle new technologies.



Web Technologies

JQuery, JSON, Apache, PHP

JQuery, Ext JS 2.0/1.0

JavaScript Libra ries

Eclipse, Aptana Studio, WebStorm, Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash

I D E & Tools

P rofessional + Action Script 2.0/3.0, Microsoft Publisher, Eclipse

Adobe Photoshop CS5, Google Ad Words, Yahoo Search Marketing(spring tool

Development Tools


Perforce, CVS, SVN,(torisan svn)

Version Control

Adobe PageMaker, MS Office

Publishing Tools

Adobe I llustrator CS3(basic idea on wire frame and visual design)

Wire F rame Tools(wi re

f rame)

Firebug, BugZilla, (in ternate explorer)

Debugging Tools

PL/SQL(oracle), MySQL, MSSQL

D a tabase

Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8, MAC OS X

Ope ra ti ng System


Client: GalaxE Solutions, Somerset, NJ .

J ul 12 – Aug. 2013

GalaxE Solutions is a full service consulting firm focused on delivery excellence in the area of IT solutions across

m ultiple technologies. GalaxE Solutions is an industry leader in designing and deploying systems that enable agile

business processes to allow clients to t ransact and share information across internal networks and the Internet,

t argeting business results, competitiveness, and efficiency. I was involved in a project to develop a customer service

representative tool for different clients with particular variances set up to them to access a website through which

clients can access their users data and provide them optimistic solutions.

Role: Sr. Web/U I Developer

R esponsibilities:

• Involved in development, design and implementation of front end part of the application.

• Developed the User Interactive web pages in a professional manner with using web technologies l ike H T M L,

X HT M L, and CSS as per company’s standards.

• Developed complex, useable, att ractive and cross-browser web interfaces t hat account for speed, file size,

readability and accessibility.

• Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

• Successfully implemented Auto Complete/Auto Suggest functionality using A jax, JQuery, D H T M L, Web

Service call and JSON.

• Responsible to manipulate H T M L5, CSS3 i n J Query as well as making the pages dynamic using A JAX, J SON

and X M L .

• Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizing J SP, Created H T M L navigation menu t hat is role

based menu items changes d ynamically, derived from the database in the form of X ML.

• Worked one-on-one with client to develop layout, color scheme for his website and implemented it into a final

i nterface design with the H T M L5/CSS3 & J avaScript using D reamweaver .

• Utilized various J QUERY p lugins to build Rich Internet Application ( R IA ) to make it look more intuitive.

• Used the Node.js and backbone.js MVC Frameworks in the development of the web


• Created and deployed new features in order to sustain and amend existing applications.

• Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of H T M L5, X HT M L, and CSS3.

• Extensively participated in developing the website across different browsers and performed cross-browser testing.

• Extensively used H T M L5 for audio and video playback.

• Used J Que ry p lugins a utocomplete, v alidation, d rag and drop and more exceptionally.

• Used J Que ry template for markup.

• Used A jax, J SON w ith J Query for request data and response processing.

• Developed programs to port the xml data to database to make the website xml driven.

• Finding out t he bugs, broken links and missing images etc. and rectifying them.

• Designed the email blasts using Adobe software and then implemented them using H T M L and Java script.

• Demonstrated implementation and u p-gradation of JavaScript Libra ry.

• Discussed various i deas/suggestions for the ongoing web sites regarding the page layout and creative

d esign.

Envi ronment: OO JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, Ajax, HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, Agile methodology, D reamweaver,

Usability Testing, Windows.

Client: TD Bank, M ount Laurel, NJ .

M ay 11 – Jun 12

T D Bank is one of the 10 largest banks in the U.S. with deep roots in the community dating back more than 150 years.

Worked with online bill pay Banking. With Bank Smart the customer can pay their own bills as they come in or set up

automatic, recurring payments (mortgage, auto loans, savings plans, etc.). Once you set your payments in motion,

t hey'll reach their destination within their specified time (2-3) business days for payments.

R ole: Sr. U I Developer/Designer


• Involved in Requirements and Analysis Understanding the requirements of the client and the f low of the

application as well as the application Framework

• Developed the UI Screens using H T M L, D H T M L, X M L, Java Scripts, Ajax, JQuery Custom-tags, JSTL

D O M Layout and CSS .

• Designed dynamic client-side J avaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page

navigation and form validation.

• Created appropriate concept models, site organization, navigation, page layouts and interaction to support

company’s needs and goals.

• Improvised the Homepage design using the H T M L, JQue ry, AJAX, JQuery Tools, CSS, Java scripts, JSON,

J STL, JSP, and Opencms classes.

• Responsible for the overall layout design, color scheme of the web site using H T M L, X HT M L and CSS3 and

Responsible for creating detailed wire frames and process f lows.

• Created graphics including I cons, I mages and logos using A dobe Flash Catalyst .

• Involved in designing Blogs, Recipe pages, Sweepstakes, Dash Intercept etc., for Dash sites using O pen CMS

X SD, XM L, XSLT, JSP etc.,

• Created and deployed new features in order to sustain and amend existing applications.

• Developed cross-browser/platform H T M L5, CSS, and J avaScript to match design specs for complex page layouts

w hile adhering to code standards

• Used D reamweaver as H T M L Editor for designing new pages.

• Incorporate the AJAX scripts to improve the performance of the page.

• Implemented site-wide Google sponsored listings and several third-party campaign takeovers

using the latest U I technologies like JQuery, HTM L5.

• Provided graphic and artistic support for web enhancement and new creative initiatives

• Implemented user interface guidelines and standards throughout the development and maintenance of the website

using D H T M L, H T M L, CSS, J avaScript and J Query .

• Developed client side validation code using J avaScript and J Query .

• Responsible to manipulate H T M L5, CSS3 i n J Query as well as making the pages dynamic using A JAX, J SON

and X M L .

• Used B ugzilla as the bug tracking system to t rack and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis

• Extended CSS as needed to accommodate new data and display types.

• Performed validation of completed sites including the debugging and testing of code.

• Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms and links.

Envi ronment: OO JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, Adobe D reamweaver, Usability Testing, Agile

methodology, Eclipse and Windows.

Client: Kronos World Wide, C ranbury, NJ .

F eb 10 – Apr 11

K ronos Worldwide, Inc. (Kronos) is a producer and marketer of titanium dioxide pigments (TiO2). The Company, along

w ith its distributors and agents, sells and provides technical services for its products to over 4,000 customers in

approximately 100 countries, with the majority of sales in Europe and North America. TiO2 is a white inorganic

p igment used in a range of products, such as coatings, plastics and paper, as well as specialty products.

Role: Sr. U I Developer


• Responsible for developing the presentation layer using J SP, H T M L, X M L, XSLT, CSS, AJAX, Custom Tags,

S t ruts-H tml tag libra ry and A pache T iles.

• Designed and development of Web pages using P HP, H T M L, CSS i ncluding A jax controls and X ML.

• Developed data insertion forms and validated them using J avaScript.

• Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

• Involved in configuring the shopping cart for e-commerce website.

• Used J avaScript and XM L to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load t ime and

add modal dialog in web pages to get user input and requests.

• Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens and used D H T M L to make dropdown menus on web

pages and display part of a web page upon user request.

• Utilized new software methodologies to be able to adapt to changes in requirements quickly.

• Modified code in a web database in Report definition and user profile forms, Users request access to different

reports on web, Developed views to display data.

• Validated input values to make sure that they will be accepted before they are submitted to the server.

• Developed SQL scripts for data migration.

• Involved in the developing swing windows and integrating them with EJB.

• Supported and updated Kronos website based on the business requirements.

• Worked closely with third party vendors.

Envi ronment: Java Script, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, Swing, High charts, XHTML, XML, XSL, SQL Server and

W indows XP.

Client:, NE.

D ec 08 – Jan 10 provides comprehensive incentive solutions for organizations who want to reward their employees

and customers. They wanted to enhance their website to attract customers both individual as well as corporate clients.

G iftCe p roduct implementation was based on Java/J2EE Technology. They wanted to increase the

services they provided on the website hence giving the user more features.

Role: F ront End Developer


• Worked as a Front Developer in the development of the websites,

• Developed the pages on the Model View Controller standards with reusable libraries.

• Involved in Development of the interactive U I's using JQuery, JavaScript and CSS.

• Worked on handling the multiple environments, various error handling and Caching

mechanisms to improve the performance of the page.

• Implemented several SEO techniques, best standards to improve the Google rankings.

• Implemented site-wide Google sponsored listings and several third-party campaign takeovers

using the latest U I technologies like JQuery, HTM L.

• Involved in the querying the user Data from MySQL Database, apply the business Logic and

p resent to the User.

• Involved in the Catchpoint Analysis of the sites and performance tuning of the websites.

Envi ronment: JavaScript, CSS HTML, XML, JQuery, Shell Script, MySQL, SEO, UNIX.

Company: SOA Software, I ndia.

J ul 07 - Nov 08

SOA Software Open™ is an API Developer Platform that brings API providers and App developers together. Open

p rovides easy access to powerful API Management capabilities combined with a social community allowing developers

to collaborate to build innovative Apps with scalable APIs.

Role: Software Engineer (Web)


• Involved in developing the UI pages using H T M L, D H T M L, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, Ajax.

• Followed theAgile and Scrum development methodologies

• Integrated the J ava code (API) in J SP Pages.

• Used J Que ry core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.

• Debug the application using F i rebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using D O M and

D O M Functions using Fi refox and I E Developer Tool bar for I E.

• Involved in developing H T M L and JavaScript for client side presentation and, data validation on the client side

w ith in the forms.

• Involved in writing SQL Queries, Stored P rocedures.

Envi ronment: H TML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, SQL, PL/SQL, MS Office

Company: T ag I nfo Solutions, I ndia .

M ay 06 - Jun 07

I ts goal is to satisfy existing customers and to attract new customers by building and maintaining a reputation in the

web based creative industry, as a company that offers cost-effective, high-quality solutions to Clients. While most of

customers have needs that offer unique challenges, there are some characteristics common to all. Identifying these

" universal" requirements and satisfying them in a timely and efficient manner is the cornerstone of maintaining

existing business relationships and building new ones.

R ole: J r. U I Developer


• Designed and development of Web pages using P HP, H T M L, CSS i ncluding A jax controls and X ML

• Developed data insertion forms and validated them using J avaScript

• Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

• Involved in configuring the shopping cart for e-commerce website.

• Validated input values to make sure that they will be accepted before they are submitted to the server.

• Used J avaScript and XM L to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load t ime and

add modal dialog in web pages to get user input and requests.

• Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens and used D H T M L to make dropdown menus on web

pages and display part of a web page upon user request.

• Utilized new software methodologies to be able to adapt to changes in requirements quickly.

• Worked closely with third party vendors.

E nvi ronment : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

Education: Bachelor’s in Computer Science, India in May,2006

References: W ill be provided upon request.

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