Name: Augustine Rahavei
Email id: *************@*****.***
Mobile no: +919*********
Career objective:
To pursue a highly rewarding career, seeking for a job in challenging and healthy work environment where
I can utilize my skills and knowledge efficiently for organizational growth.
Areas of Interest:
1. Rural and livelihood development Programme.
2. Education and Health
3. Any Sustainable development Programme and
4. Youth Development Programme
Current engagement: Passed Master of Social Work, with Community Development as my specialization
Academic qualification:
Sl. University/ Year Percentage
Qualification Institute/ College
No. Board
1 M.A in Social Work Assam Don Bosco University UGC 2013 6.68%
2 B.A (B.S.W) Martin Luther Christian UGC 2008 48%
. University
3 12th Umshyrpi college MBOSE 2007 48%
4 10th Rosary school BOSEM 2005 45%
Field Experience:
Name of the Organization Duration Activities
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Shillong 1 Month Street Play, State level National
Integration camp
National Domestic Worker’s Movement, Shillong 2 Months Case work, Group work, Community
organization, Base line survey on
National Domestic Workers
Voluntary Health Association 2 Months Case study, Awareness programme on
the effect of Drug users and Visit to
Rehabilitation centre.
Meghalaya Rural Development Society I Month Survey on Self Help Group
North Easter Region Community Resource 1 Month Community Awareness on Health and
Management Project ( NERCORMP) hygiene. Working with SHGS
Snehalaya 1 Month National survey on strict children
Society for Social Transformation and 1 Month Case Study, Group Work with SHG
Environmental Protection (sSTEP)
Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) 1 Month Awareness on Street Children,
Community Organization and Case
24th January
Rural Practicum at Hamren, Karbi Along. Community Awareness programme,
to 3rd Health & Hygiene Drive, etc.
Study Tour to Chennai-Bangalore Visit to several Community
December Development Organizations; Learning
to 23rd from their innovative interventions.
Action Aid 1 Month Study on the Impact of flood and
humanitarian aid Provided by the
Government and NGOs in villages of
Nalbari and Kumrup District.
North East Research and Social Work Networking 1month Community Health, Survey on
(NERSWN) Education, livelihood project, WASH
and Participatory Rural Appraisal
Participation in Seminar/ Workshop/Consultations
Date Programme/Workshop/ Venue Organization
O3/8/09 HIV/AIDS & life skill KJPA Martin Luther Christian University
28/10/11 Roles of SJPU in child NIPCCD Child line
protection Regional
8-11/02/13 Workshop on Development Assam Don Assam Don Bosco University
Communication and grass Bosco
root comics University
25-26/03/13 National Conference Assam Don Tata institute of social sciences and
Revisiting and Bosco Assam Don Bosco University
Reassembling Tribal University
Studies in India-Special
focus on the North East
19-21/04/2013 Workshop on Statistical Assam Don Assam Don Bosco University
Analysis using SPSS and Bosco
data interpretation University
Dissertation Theme:
Comparative study of Private and Government Education systems in Purul, Senapati District, Manipur
Voluntary Work Experience:
1. Computer Programming in Basic
2. Volunteer in D’ verve-2013
3. Rapid Assessment of Hailstone Affected Areas in Myllien Block, East Khasi Hills
4. Survey of Local Health Practitioners in Pynursla Block
5. Assam Don Bosco University Relief service 2012
Mr. Victory Narzary, Assistant Professor Assam Don Bosco University
Email id:*******.*******@*****.***
Mobile no: +918*********
Extra Curricular Activities:
Street play in Shillong and Azara Guwahati
Other interests/ hobbies:
Love to play Games, listening music, watching movies cheating with friends and reading Newspapers etc.
Personal Profile:
Date of Birth 20/02/1990
Sex Male
Marital Status Unmarried
Languages Poula, English, Manipuri
Contact details:
a) Present address:
Burns Hostel, Behind Assam Don Bosco University AirPort Road, Azara, Guwahati -781017
b) Permanent address:
Purul Atongba Village P.O Maram, Senapati District, Manipur-795105
1. Mr. Victory Narzary
Assistant Professor
Assam Don Bosco University,
Azara, Guwahati-781017
Email id:*******.*******@*****.***
Mobile no: +918*********
I hereby declare that all statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge.
Mr. Augustine Rahavei