Bagheri *
Surename & family name : Amir Reza Bagheri
Date & place of birth : 14 FEB 1973 / Tehran
Nationality : Belgium
Gender : male
Studies : high school diploma (pre-university),renewed on June 2013
Jobs : international lifeguard diploma (bloso Belgium) – manager of tropical swimming park
Hengelhoef (Houthalen-Belgium) – Heimdall security, Belgium – international protector,
Best alert Holland .
IT : windows 7/8,Microsoft
Languages : Persian (native), Turkish(fluent), Dutch (fluent), English (fluent), Romanian .
Marital status : divorced no child
Hobbies : fitness, swimming, running (5km/22’), MMA
Address : Str Ploiesti 33 ap 9 Cluj-Napoca Romania
Mobile : 004**********
Email: ***********@*******.***