Pasadena, CA 91107
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P ROF I LE for Environmental Health and Safety: Oversaw inspections of a
manufacturing plant in Health and Safety, plan reviews and equipment design, grants to
cities, investigations into public health and safety for the State of New Mexico, presented
actions in court cases, providing extensive education and information services to the public.
Coordinated actions in 6S (Safety, Set, Sort, Standardize, Shine, Sustain) and Good
M anufacturing Practices (GMP), MSDS records, compliance, and handling.
• More than twenty years experience in food safety, water and waste water operations,
swimming pool regulations and operations (including Dairy Plant sanitation), OSHA
and other safety issue implementation and investigation. Oversaw operations and
i nspections, including sample collections and laboratory work.
• Followed and enforced regulations at state and federal level in OSHA, Drinking
Water, surface (NPDES) and ground water pollution, solid and hazardous waste,
remediation procedures, examined clean-up operations for solid waste and
hazardous waste (including oil and chemical spills), prepared court actions, wrote
letters, t racking records, wrote t raining manuals, and authored articles on
E nvironmental Health and Safety in local newspapers.
• More than fifteen years experience coordinating actions of various programs in
p revention of a mult itude of infectious disease with private doctors, public and
p rivate hospitals, and health clinics. Tracked infectious diseases to t ry to interrupt
t ransmission and provided educational support to facilitate change in behaviors and
l ab safety in handling infectious diseases and chemicals.
• Proven ability to simplify complex subject matter to make it understandable to the
average person. Experience in creating and delivering Power Point presentations,
developed t raining manuals, and provided t raining to both peers needing to update
t heir knowledge as well as providing t raining and information to the general public.
• Managed offices and personnel and, on occasion, oversaw budgets exceeding $2
m illion per year.
Plant Sanitarian – Kroger/Compton Creamery ( June
2011 to July 2013)
Oversaw all sanitation issues, GMP, SQF, Shelf Life expansion, IPM, HAACP initiatives
(Environmental Testing, routine sampling, mechanical operations of cleaning valves),
C leaning Preventive Maintenance Program, daily inspections, interface with Company,
S tate, Federal, and Kosher Inspectors, established SOP’s, t raining requirements, safety
documentation as connected to sanitation, Chemical use, Clean and Clean-out-of Place
systems, forecasting, and special projects in a Manufacturing Environment for Dairy
P roducts. Brought positive Environmental tests down from 50% to zero in one year,
achieved Superior ratings in Sanitation inspections by Federal, and Corporate inspections
for two years.
Consultant ( A ugust 2006 -
J une2011)
Consultant for privately owned water systems, food operations, and swimming pool
operations to ensure governmental compliance in regards to water pollution issue, drinking
water standards, food safety issues and swimming pool operations. Wrote operating
manuals, t raining manuals, established t racking forms and techniques to test food, water,
safety considerations of sampling and testing and soils testing to EPA/FDA standards.
T eacher – Substitute/Temporary/Regular/ Summer tutor (August 2006
to 2011)
Taught Biology, Environmental Science and Physical Science at various high schools in
California and New Mexico. Worked in a multi-cultural environment including one with
s tudents from the Navajo Nation. Substitute teacher, all grades in PUSD, Aztec,
Farmington, and Bloomfield School Districts while improving my understanding of
education and diverse cultural aspects taking college courses on the
subject. Oversaw laboratory safety and testing processes in the classroom.
Environmental Scientist, New Mexico Environment Department (June
1989 – August 2006)
Worked as an Environmental Scientist dealing with food, liquid waste, swimming pools,
hazardous waste, solid waste, drinking water, air quality, OSHA, disease prevention, and
soil/water pollution. Examined Manufacturing plant operations and health and safety
concerns. Oversaw operations and inspections, including and sample collection laboratory
work in food safety, water, waste water, soil and air pollution, radiation (including Radon),
vector disease t ransmission, and OSHA and other safety issue implementation and
i nvestigation. Oversaw compliance with swimming pool regulations and operations, food,
g round and water pollution, and air pollution issues. Wrote t raining manuals, provided
t raining to peers need to update their knowledge base and provided guidance to the public
and private sector in understanding and using state and federal regulations in food, water,
waste water, ground and water, air pollution. Performed 800 food, 9000 liquid waste, and
60 pool inspections each year. Investigated all vector borne illnesses in a 20,000 square
m ile area.
Disease Prevention Specialist, State of New Mexico Health Department.
(June 1984-June 1989)
While working for the State of New Mexico Public Health Department, Roswell, New
Mexico, coordinated actions of various programs in the prevention of a multitude of
i nfectious disease with private doctors, public and private hospitals, health clinics, mili tary
bases, adjoining state health officials in t racking those with infectious disease while
i nterrupting t ransmission of said diseases. Got patients tested, t reated, and counseled to
reduce t ransmission of diseases. Did laboratory work and followed all safety processes in
handling infectious diseases and chemicals in the laboratory.
Master’s Degree in Health and Safety
California State University, Sacramento, California
Bachelor’s of Science in Biological Science and Environmental Health. M inor in
C hemistry.
California State University, Sacramento, California
P rima ry and Secondary Education Certificate
San Juan College, Farmington, New Mexico
Secondary Teacher’s Certificate in Science and H istory
State of New Mexico
Secondary Teacher’s Certificate in Biology
State of California
Additional Public Health and Environmental coursework:
R E HS Certification – State of California
HAACP/Safe Serve Certification – New Mexico
NAWT Certification/Soil and Site Evaluation and Design for Onsite Water Disposal
Water testing Certification (State of New Mexico)/Certified Pool Operator’s Certification
CDC Disease Prevention and I nterviewing classes in Counseling/AIDS T raining
AWARDS and Achievements:
• Environmentalist of the Year – New Mexico Environmental Health Association
( 2000)
• Worked on/committee of – State of New Mexico Food Service Regulations and
L iquid Waste Regulations.
• Worked on committee for Surface Water Regulations – San Juan County, New
• Wrote SOP’s on Food Safety I nspections, Liquid Waste I nspections, Swimming
Pool I nspections for the State of New Mexico.
• Provided health and food safety classes for schools, public groups, private
companies while working for the State of New Mexico Environment Dept. and
H ealth Department (20+ years).
• Designed regulation covers for State of New Mexico Environment Department
( 2000 through 2005).
• Gave classes on H antavirus, Plague, and other vector borne diseases in New
Mexico (1995-2005) to l arge groups of people – venues of up to 400 people.