Srinivas S. Bhat
Senior Transportation Modeler
Mr. Bhat has 27 years of experience in the area of
transportation planning, regional modeling and sub
regional model applications. He has been involved with
the analysis of socio economic and land use data and has
hands on experience in summarizing census data, Home
interview survey, National Transportation Planning
Package. He has been with the Southern California
Association of Government (SCAG) for nearly twenty years
and has been involved in the development of region wide
multimodal transportation model and all aspects of model
applications and analysis. Has in depth understanding of
GIS technology as applied to transportation networks,
transportation analysis zones and modeling attributes.
Also worked on mobile source emission analysis and
familiar with the local, regional and federal Air quality
regulations. Executed transportation model applications
under UNIX and PC platforms. Mr. bhat has coordinated
and provided modeling support to cities and sub regions
in the counties of Riverside and San Bernardino. He has
been applying the sub regional models for TIA purposes
and to provide support for local circulation element to
several cities in the Inland Empire.
Riverside County Transportation Analysis Model (RIVTAM) Development
Part of the team that developed the RIVTAM Model based on the SCAG Regional
TransCAD model for the county of Riverside. Detailed zone system and
highway network was created for the Riverside County and the Regional model
setup was updated accordingly. The input parameters and options used in all
the components of the Regional Model was analyzed and updated to
incorporate new zones. Output from the RIVTAM model like VMT, VHT, Delay
and Emissions were summarized and compared with the regional numbers to
check the accuracy and consistency. The new county-wide model has transit
modeling capability, full mode choice module and Heavy Duty Truck (HDT)
Canoga Transportation Corridor Project
MTA's newly developed Mode Choice model was used to
estimate Orange Line extension ridership. System wide
Transit ridership was forecasted for various alternative
alignments, Transit Assignment was performed to produce
transit line summary reports. The 'SUMMIT" program was
used to estimate the transit market segments for various
access modes and income categories.
City of Los Angeles Transportation Improvement Mitigation
Programs (TIMP)
Several alternative scenarios were developed and modeled
for the Los Angeles Community Planning Updates (CPU).
Reviewed and updated the Transportation networks,
developed Socio economic data and other required model
input files to forecast the future travel pattern and
level of service. Also validated the model results using
the existing ground counts.
SCAG's Regional Transportation Model
In charge of developing the Transportation Analysis Zones
for the six counties based on the year 2000 census
tracts. Worked in updating the regional highway network.
Part of the team that managed the new regional model
being developed by the consultants. Understanding the
consultant's needs and provided input data from the
existing model and in house data bases for the new model
development. Participated in the monthly meetings to
monitor consultant's progress and worked on the products
delivered by the consultants.
Inland Empire Modeling Support. Provided modeling support and assisted in
developing new local models for the cities in the Riverside and San
Bernardino counties. Coordinated the progress of major projects in the
Inland Empire with consultants and transportation commissions by providing
model data in a timely fashion.
Regional RTP, RTIP and AQMP Project management.
Regionally significant Highway and Transit projects identified by the
local Transportation Commissions were incorporated systematically to the
Regional Travel Demand Model. Consistency across various scenarios was
maintained and the model results were analyzed, reports produced.
HPMS Database and Regional Highway Network.
Through the use of Transcad software the Regional Highway Network was
conflated with the HPMS database geographically to facilitate consistency
in the highway network attributes like number of lanes, speed etc.
Dynasmart- A micro simulation model application.
Managed the project to apply the micro simulation technique and to study
the regional significance. This was a joint venture with the University of
Maryland to incorporate the Regional Model output with the micro
Statewide Transportation Model. Implemented the statewide Transportation
model. Results from the model run were compared with the SCAG Regional
model numbers. Strength and weakness of the Statewide model were
identified and suitability of the model to six counties of Southern
California was analyzed.
Transportation Model Improvement Project. Part of the team that organized
the model peer review committee to oversee the development of SCAG's new
regional model as per the guidelines of the federal department of
Regional Heavy Duty Truck Model. Reviewed the existing regional heavy duty
truck model, stream lined the methodology and modified the network and zone
structure to be consistent with the new regional model.
CTP Model Development and Application. A focus model was developed to meet
the needs of Riverside and San Bernardino counties using SCAG's regional
model. New networks and zone structure was developed along with a process
to disaggregate socioeconomic data and external trips. Consistency of the
CTP model with the regional model was maintained, model inputs are
continuously updated. The CTP model is being used successfully by the
cities and sub regions within the two counties for more than a decade.
East Valley Transportation Model (EVTM) Application. Responsible for day
to day maintenance of the EVTM, regularly updated the model networks and
socioeconomic data to meet the needs of local jurisdictions and developers.
Process and guidelines were established to maintain consistency with the
CTP and SCAG's regional model. Worked closely with the consultants and
local developers on behalf of the City of San Bernardino to meet modeling
requirements for TIA and local circulation elements.
Travel Demand Model for the Coachella Valley Area. A citywide model was
developed to meet the unique land use character (high floating population
and recreation trips) of the region. Responsible for developing a GIS
based Highway network from the census Tiger file and a TAZ structure
derived directly from the Census Tract and Block geography.
MUP, (concentration in Transportation Planning), University of Illinois at
August 1979
BS, Architecture, University of Bangalore, India, 1974
Tel : 909-***-****
References: Upon request
No. EIT-4407, 1981, Engineering Mechanics, University
of Nebraska, 1984
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska, 1981
No. EIT-4407, 1981