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Registered Nurse Medical

August 24, 2013

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Peggy A n n Co r d le, M S N, A R NP-C Page *

Objective: T o continue to utilize my innovative and critical-thinking skills,

steady temperament and well-honed abilities t o p rovide immediate

d iagnosis, t reatment and stabilization of patients experiencing acute and

sub-acute inju r ies and illnesses. H aving t reated exceptionally complicated

p atients, I am proficient in multiple disciplines and efficiently determine

a nd p rioritize needs with confidence.

• .

N u rse P ractitioner, U rgent Care, Ch ronic Clinic and T rauma

P inellas County Sheriff’s Office at Pinellas County Jail per diem with ReadyNurse

S taffing

J une 2013 to present

14400 49th S t. N. Clearwater, FL 33762

• Assess and t reat patients in urgent/trauma care, primary care and chronic

i llness clinics in county jail housing up to 4300 inmates in minimum to

maximum security divisions.

N u rse P ractitioner, Rheumatology

Peggy A n n Co r d le, M S N, A R NP-C Page 2

M ay 2012 to May 2013

Suncoast In ternal Medicine Consultants

19444 Walsingham Road, Largo, FL 33770

• Treated emergency patients in the clinic with various acute problems,

completing t r iage and

making decisions to satisfactorily t reat either on an outpatient basis, send to

t he ED, or directly admit to the hospital.

• Assessed, evaluated, and t reated patients in the specialty area of Rheumatology

w hich requires extensive knowledge of In ternal Medicine, Cardiology,

Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Orthopaedics, Pulmonology.

• Proficient in large and small joint arthrocentesis, tendon and t r igger point

i njections, aspiration of synovium and drainage of cysts.

• Proficient in diagnostic ult rasound and performing ult rasound guided

t herapeutic injections.

• Proficient in punch, shave and excisional biopsy and sutu ring .

Registered Nu rse November 2010 to May 2012

HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital

900 Clearwater-Largo Road, Largo, FL 33765

• Provided care for patients in Neuro/Stroke Unit, Cardiac, Pulmonary and

Physical Medicine Rehabili tation in acute and sub-acute units of hospital.

Nu rsing Supervisor, Weekends A ugust 2009 to November 2010

Consulate Healthcare of Safety H a rbor

1410 Fourth Street North, Safety Harbor, FL 34695

• Supervised all departments in 120-bed rehabilitation and long-term care facility

on weekends.

Health Care Coordinator and Registered Nurse M ay 2007 to April 2008

8101 140th S t. N., Seminole, FL 33776

• Served as private nurse and coordinator of healthcare services, nut ri tion and

exercise for individual patient in the community.

Staff Nu rse A ugust 2003 to July 2007

Open-Hea rt Step Down, P rogressive Telemetry Unit, Cardiac I n te rvention

Peggy A n n Co r d le, M S N, A R NP-C Page 3


La rgo Medical Center

201 14th S t. SW, Largo, FL 33765

• Prepared patients for

cardiothoracic surgery

t hrough education and

administration of pre-

operative care.

• Recovered patients

i mmediately after surgery

following established

p rotocols in the Cardiac

Surgical Unit.

• Cared for patients in the

Open-heart Step Down

u nit in the several days

a fter surgery during

w hich they were prepared

to return home and

continue out-patient

cardiac rehab.

Peggy A n n Co r d le, M S N, A R NP-C Page 4

Advanced Registered Nu rse P ractitioner A merican

Academy of Nurse Practitioners

FL #9285219 NPI #157*******

Certificate of Completion of Specialty Chamberlain Medical


T raining for Emergency Medicine attending 4/13

C ertificate of Completion of I nt roduction to GulfCoast Ul t rasound

I nsti tute

M usculoskeletal Ult rasound

C ertificate of Completion of Neuromodulator F lorida Society of

Dermatology Physician

a nd De rmal F illers Workshops Assistants, New Wave


Southeast Regional Conference

Certificate of Completion of Advanced Rheumatology American College of



ACLS, BLS A merican Heart Association

C ertified Family Mediator University of Missouri-


University of South Florida – Tampa,

F L M asters of Nursing, Adult


Peggy A n n Co r d le, M S N, A R NP-C Page 5

Excelsior College – Albany, New York

Associate of Nu rsing

Saint Petersburg College – St.

Petersburg, FL

Pre-requisites for Masters of Nursing Program

University of Missouri – Columbia, M issouri

Bachelor of Arts, Political Science

A reas of Concentration, Religious Studies and French

Insti tute for American Universities – Aix-en-Provence, France

One Year study abroad program

A merican College of Rheumatology

• Member, ACR Associated Rheumatology Healthcare Professionals

A merican Academy of Nu rse P ractitioners

• Member

A merican Nu rse Association

• Member

F lorida Nu rses Association

• Member

N orth Beaches YMCA

• Founding Member

• Healthy Cooking Instructor

• Water Aerobics Inst ructor

W MNF, Community Radio

• Member

A merican H umane Society

• Member

T he Natu re Conservancy

• Member

Peggy A n n Co r d le, M S N, A R NP-C Page 6

Place of Bi rth : Kansas City, Missouri

Resident of Indian Rocks Beach, FL

s ince 1999

Personal I n te rests: Bikram Yoga, Surfing, stand-up paddle boarding, kayaking,

boating in our vintage 1977 Chris Craft 281 Catalina Cruiser, healthy cooking,

swimming with our 7 year old Catahoula Leopard Dogs, Ruby and Jack

Peggy A n n Co r d le, M S N, A R NP-C Page 7

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