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Development Project

San Francisco, CA
August 15, 2013

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Jason Ling

**** *** ***** **.

Richmond, CA *****

Email: *****.******@*****.***

Phone: 818-***-****


Head of Product Management: Stealth: 3/2013 - Present

Responsible for Product Management and Development

. Managed day-to-day product development as well as external development

partners and project managers.

. Redefined and launched new product roadmap in 14 days

1. Published iOS Application

2. Published Android Application

. Operated on a "Build Fast, Build Often" methodology in a fast-paced Start-

Up Environment.

. Collaborated with stakeholders and engineering staff

VP, Product: Enthuse: 8/2012 - 3/2013

Responsible for Corporate Product Roadmap/Strategy, P&L as well as overall

Product Strategy.

. Managed day-to-day product development as well as external development

partners and project managers.

. Redefined and launched new product roadmap in 60 days

1. Published iOS Application

2. Published Android Application

3. Designed 3rd Party iOS and Android SDK

. Operated on a "Build Fast, Build Often" methodology in a fast-paced Start-

Up Environment.

. Worked with Business Development to secure the following partnerships:

1. University of Miami

2. Butler University

3. University of North Carolina

4. Cal Sate Monterey Bay

5. American East Coast Conference

Transitioned due to a change in the funding situation.

Consultant- Self: 6/2011 - 8/2012

San Francisco, California

Providing guidance to companies ranging from 2 man start ups to Fortune 500

Conglomerates in the fields of New Media, Mobile Technologies and Social


. Consulted for a video diary startup, advising them on mobile

technologies, mobile product development/management, and overall product

strategy. Produced a consumer mobile application on both iOS and Android

. Consulted for a mobile advertising company, advising them on mobile

technologies, mobile product development/management, and overall product

strategy. Produced a consumer mobile application on both iOS and Android

. Provided consulting services to a number of large companies considering

investment in the mobile product space.

. Advised a number of entrepreneurs on their early stage startup efforts.

. Clients include MoveRadio, MobileDirt, xAD/GoTo, YourEvent, Tout, Kleiner

Perkins, Benchmark Capital, Bay Ventures.

VP of Product Development: HipLogic Inc. (Acquired by Zynga): 1/2010 -


Fremont, California

Responsible for Corporate Product Roadmap/Strategy, P&L as well as overall

Corporate Product Strategy.

. Managed day-to-day product development as well as Director-Level Managers

and Project Managers.

. Developed Product Features for *Spark Android Application resulting in

600K+ downloads and a 4Star Rating in Android Market after 3.5 months.

. Operated on a "Build Fast, Build Often" methodology in a fast-paced Start-

Up Environment.

. Oversaw 3rd Party Relationships with OEMs and Carriers in regards to

Product Requirements and Deliverables.

Consultant- Self: 8/2008 - 1/2010

Los Angeles, California

Providing guidance to companies ranging from 2 man start ups to Fortune 500

Conglomerates in the fields of New Media, Mobile Technologies and Social


. We help with Product Development, UX, Business Development, Marketing and

overall Product Strategy.

. Clients included Intel, Sun Microsystems, RipCode, NEA Ventures,

MoveRadio, MobileDirt, Sequoia Ventures, Hunt Ventures and Prism Ventures

just to name a few.

Head of Mobile Products and Technology: 2/2006 - 8/2008

Los Angeles, California

Creator of the MySpace Mobile applications and WAP experiences.

. Responsible for the Mobile Strategy both on the product and technology

side of globally.

. Involved with high-level strategies and technological advances within the

mobile space for, Fox Interactive Media and News Corporation.

. Grew to 25mm Daily Unique Users on Native Applications

. Grew to 3 billion Monthly Page Views on Mobile Web

. Have been a keynote speaker at JavaOne Conference, eTel Conference, CTIA,

NetEvents Asia, Intel Developer Forum and several other emerging Mobile

Technology/Social Networking Conferences.

. Established and maintained executive-level relationships with all Mobile

OEMs, several global carriers as well as Sun Microsystems, Qualcomm,

Nokia and Intel.

International Program Manager: Infospace Mobile: 7/2005 - 2/2006

Los Angeles, California

As a Client Facing Manager, my responsibilities were to manage, and publish

existing content on both Web and WAP Platforms. I worked closely with

internal developers and manage my external Clients (Samsung, Bell Mobility,

US Cellular, Motorola to name a few) as well and negotiated contracts with

Music Studios and my Clients. I also coordinated with the technology group

to help set priorities for internal/external technical development and

strategy. My other duties were:

. Weekly Progress Reports.

. Content Refresh Calendars.

. J2ME/BREW Game development, testing, porting and deployment to European


. Building detailed project milestone schedules and product roadmaps.

. Developing long-term Content strategies as well as manage Sporadic

Promotional Microsites/WAP Sites.

Wireless Producer: Walt Disney Internet Group: 7/2004 - 3/2005

Los Angeles, California

My overall responsibilities were to manage, and publish existing content as

well as manage 3rd Party developers and designers, QA schedule and help

legal with contract amendments. I worked with external developers on

content design issues and occasionally write and edit mobile application

content. I worked with legal and other wireless teams to make developer

deals happen. I also coordinated with the technology groups to help set

priorities for internal/external technical development and strategy. My

other duties were:

. Building detailed project milestone schedules and product roadmaps.

. Managing the development of mobile applications/games with BREW, Java and


. Producer level credit on the following:

Kingdom Hearts Wireless Game

National Treasure Wallpaper Application

National Lampoon Wireless Application

Homies Wallpaper Application

. Managing multiple projects simultaneously

Forensic Behavioral Specialist: The United States Department of Homeland

Security: 2/2002 - 7/2004

Los Angeles, California

The Department of Homeland Security's Counterintelligence Center Analysis



. Identifying, monitoring, and analyzing the efforts of foreign

intelligence entities against US persons, activities, and interests as

well as focusing on specific types of counterintelligence threats to US

national security which included Transnational threats, the

counterintelligence aspect of terrorism or the threats posed by emerging

or changing technologies to the US Government, intelligence operations,

and US Government information systems and Threats posed by foreign

intelligence services and their activities.

Web Producer: Vivendi Universal: 7/2000 - 1/2002

Los Angeles, California

As the Web Producer for Vivendi Universal's edutainment division "Knowledge

Adventure", my overall duties under the Director of Production were to

manage, and publish the existing content as well as the web developers and

designers, QA schedule, and decide which assets were needed. My peripheral

management duties were as follows:

. Assisted the Director of Production define and implement design and

technical goals for each project.

. Oversaw and developed all regular content and Graphic User Interface

updates based upon an established programming plan.

. Helped establish and maintain sources for new content and technology from

within and from outside of the Knowledge Adventure core assets.

Continuity Director: IBM: 11/1999 - 7/2000

Los Angeles, California

As Continuity Director for IBM's West Coast eBusiness Studio, my main

responsibilities were to be the liaison between the Technology SVP and the

Directors of the various in-house Creative Departments and spearhead the

development of new web technologies as they pertained to the IBM eBusiness

model. I was also responsible for the design, development, and

implementation of the web technologies and strategies for the in-house

eBusiness division which was responsible for the following projects:


. Project Lead for the in-house web development department

. DHTML and UML Principal Developer.


05/1997 Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany

M.Sc. Computer Engineering - Machine Language

M.Sc. Psychology - Applied Forensic Behavior

05/1995 NYU - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York, NY

B.Sc. Computer Science

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