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Assistant Physician

Bedford, MA, 01730
August 13, 2013

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E l i z a b e t h K i r st e i n

** * *** * * Road, B edford, M A 01730

C e l l 610-***-****, H ome 781-***-****

e a k7 @ msn. com


A r c a d i a U n i v e r si t y, P h y si c i a n A ssi st a n t P r og r a m, Glenside, PA M a y 2003

Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies

U n i v e r si t y o f P e n nsy l v a n i a, C o l l ege o f A r t s a n d Sc i e n c es, Philadelphia, PA M a y 2000

Bachelor of Arts in Biological Basis of Behavior

Minor in Psychology


B e t h I s r a e l D e a co n ess M e d i c a l C e n t e r, Boston MA A u g u s t 2009 - O c t o b e r 2012

Physi c i an Assist a nt, N eu rosu r ge ry

Coverage for Neurosurgery department in a 630 bed Level 1 Trauma Center covering two campuses

Provide sole coverage for the entire service during night shifts

Responsible for the care of hospitalized patients on the floor, in the ICU, and in consultations

First assistant in Neurosurgical procedures

Schedule manager for midlevel and part time employees

L a h e y C l i n i c M e d i c a l C e n t e r, Burlington, MA J u l y 2006 - J u l y 2009

Physi c i an Assist a nt, N eu rosu r ge ry

Assistant to the Chairman of the Neurosurgery Department

Independently evaluate and interpret diagnostic studies to t reat patients in the Spine Center

Responsible for inpatient care: first assisting in surgery, consultations, post -operative care, admissions,

On-call respondent during weekdays and weekends

Founder and speaker for Neurosurgical Lecture Series for nursing staff

H a h n e ma n n U n i v e r si t y H osp i t a l, Philadelphia, PA O c t o b e r 2004 - J u n e 2006

Physi c i an Assist a nt, N eu rosu r ge ry

First line of intake, evaluation, assessment, and care of patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings

First assistant in surgical procedures

Evaluation of post-operative patients in clinical setting

Perform specialized procedures such as lumbar punctures, shunt taps, and placement of ICP monitoring devices

Created patient education materials: K eys to a H e a l thy Sp ine, Non-Su rg i c a l O pt ions fo r N e c k a nd B a c k P a in

A . I . d u Po n t H osp i t a l f o r C h i l d r e n, Wilmington, DE J u n e 2003 - Se p t e m b e r 2004

Physi c i an Assist a nt, P ed i a t r i c N eu rosu rge ry

First assistant in surgical procedures

Responsible for the daily care of pediatric inpatients: ordering and interpreting diagnostic studies, prescribing medication, post-

operative management, EVD interrogation, shunt taps

Provided parent and patient education on disease processes and management

During delivery of health education, bridged cultural and language boundaries with patient

Evaluation of outpatients in clinical setting

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