Thomas J. Botsko
Placentia, CA 92870
714-***-**** Mobile
B.A. Degree in Business Administration, Dec. 1998
Associate of Arts Degree, Business Administration
Leadership Development Program, Dec
Supervisor Development Program, Dec 2009
UOP online classes 2008, 2009
Dec 2012 to Chapman Univeristy, Student Account Advisor
April 2013 Orange, California
Provided detail administrative,
accounting, collections, and
customer service to students, parents,
staff. Handled 800 accounts.
Collection calls on past due accounts.
Audit accounts for potential
issues regarding registration,
add/drops, financial aid, insure
proper coding and monthly billing of
accounts., Process daily
payment and financial aid reports.
Process weekly credit refund
report for compliance. Process refunds
and adjustments, quarterly
analysis of accounts.
American Career College/ West Coast University., Collector
July 2011 to Irvine, California
May 2012 Collection of private loan payments, $150,000
month average,
Revised student loan contracts, Liason
with campus managers,
Run Reports, Audit accounts,
Skiptracing, Handle escalated calls,
Assist in special projects as needed.
100 calls per day, Provide
Customer Service, update and maintain
spreadsheets for trends,
University of Phoenix, Accounts
June 1998 to Costa Mesa, California
June 2011
Senior Internal Collector-7 years -Collected $100,000 per
month student accounts that the 13 local campuses and other
campuses in western region deemed uncollectable.
Responsible for sending accounts to outside collections
agency and reporting impact to bad debt for campus
Reviewed accounts for accounting and financial aid
Handled escalated student calls regarding student
delinquent accounts
Helped student get private loans or recover title IV loans
to help with balance and student retention
Apply cash daily, monitor collections aging, monthly
closing activity, reports
Financial Aid Analyst- 5 years-Provide management with
operational trends in Enrollment, Finance and Student
services, Problem solve student accounts, Apply Cal Grant
money, Monitor FA disbursements, Audit FA excess funds
checks, Stop payment and check re-issue, Handle escalated
calls regarding disbursements, Monitor collection accounts
before sending to outside collections agency
Nov. 1997 to Tax Auditor, Pacific Life Insurance Company
June 1998 Newport Beach, California
Audited annuity contracts for 1099 and 5498 tax reporting.
and developed procedures for future auditors. Handled tax
research inquiries for clients.
April 1990- Accounts Receivable Clerk, Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim,
Sept 1997 Invoiced and collected accounts in a timely manner(
average 27
Days). Reconciled monthly accounts and travel agent
Audited and researched invoice inquires, processed credit
applications, set up accounts, posted payments and
deposits, verified cash deposits.
HONORS: Sperling Club awards; Accounting Associate of the
Month ( Jan 1991, April 1992, Jan 1994), Chairman of
the Accident Prevention Committee 1994-95, LDP 2008,
SDP 2009 Graduation Committee
SKILLS: Windows 95, 98, 2000, Excel, Word, Peoplesoft, Orcale,