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Design Engineer

Hartland, MI, 48353
August 19, 2013

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S enior M echanical D esigner

C atia C omplex Modeling D esign S pecialist

P lastics, Automotive, Freight T ruck, A ircraft, & M ore

* *** *******

H artland, Michigan 48353

H ome Phone: (248) 7 14 - 5666

E - mail: r *************@*****.***


E xtensive experience in the design a nd verification o f multiple, complex systems and

p roducts u tilizing div erse materials such as plastics, steel, aluminum a nd more

u tilizing C atia as a primary design tool .

C reated components, secondary functionalities, and complete systems from an

i ndividual T - handle o il cap, to air handling systems (HVAC) for heavy truck and

a utomotive, to a manual transmission remodel, to a motorcycle airbo x assembly, to

i ndividual interio r co mponents, aircraft engine m odification, actuators, a nd

s tructure components and assemblies and m uch more.

W orked with, and for, suppliers a nd OEMs f or the creation and modification o f

t he p art designs and manufacturing r equirements n eeded to create components

i nclud ing GD&T d etermination with or without s tack - up analysis t o satisfy customer

a nd end - user requirements .

C reated a nd d eveloped many components and systems from ' napkin sketch' to

p rototype through all producti on runs ("cradle to grave") f rom simple drafting

c hanges to a p lethora of d esign revisions for multiple simultaneous platforms .


C AT IA V 5 ( in excess of 6, 5 0 0 hours) . T rained in 2005 by Practical Catia. Work

e xperience includes P art Desig n, A ssembly, Surfacing (GSD workbench), D rafting,

a nd S heet metal W orkbenches, i nclud ing some checking.

L imited 2 D w ith minimalist focus .

1 4,000 h ours i n CATIA V 4 (Solids, Surfacing, 3D, & 2D)

G D&T (ANSI Y - 14.5 & ANSI Y - 14.5M oth ers) C ertified in Basic a nd Advanced GD&T

4 t imes each.

A utomotiv e and heav y truck H VAC d esign ( Assembly & Component)

S ignificant Plastic component and assembly design

A ircraft Component and assembly design

A nvil ( 1 year in 2 D, 3D, & Surfacing)

E xposure a nd formally educated in o ther software includ ing CadKey, AutoCAD, P ro

E, a nd others.

L otus Notes a nd o ther e mail m essaging software

M icroso ft Office (Wo rd, PowerPoint, Excel)

D FMEA trained

I GES, STEP, & FTP Transfer

B OM management including: E DM, P DM, Teamcenter, Enovia, S martTe am, and some



A .A.S. Mechanical Design / D rafting

O wens Community College

G PA: 3.90 /4.00

H onors: Tau Alpha Pi Honors Society

E psilon Pi Tau Honors Society


B .A. Psychology

A rgosy University

G PA:3.97/4 .00

D ean’s List: Spring 2009

P resident’s List: S ummer 2009

M .A . C linical P sychology

T he Michigan School o f Professiona l P sychology

G PA:3.86/4.00


D ESIGNER – H P Pelzer on site at Toyota Techni cal Center

S aline, M I ( 07/13 – 08/13)

C atia V5, 3 D so lid m odeling, a nd 2D detailing of underlayment m odel.

C atia V5: P art Design, A ssembly, a nd Drafting Workbenches.

P roto type and early component section d esign and presentation.

I nterface between HP Pel zer and Toyota Engineering.

D ESIGNER – E aton Aerospace : Power and Motion Control

G rand Rapids, M I ( 03/ 13 – 05/13)

C atia V5, 3 D so lid m odeling, packaging, and detailing of a ircraft actuato r

c omponents and assemblies. O verly e xtensive 2D drafting in Ca tia V5 and

P ro E.

C atia V5: P art Design, A ssembly, a nd Drafting Workbenches.

B OM management with model and drawing checking.

E novia a ssembly, com ponent, and drawing management.

S ome stack up component verification.

P ro E Wild fire 3.0 2 D & 3D

G ear Data Ap plication

P rovided basic instructions for testing.

D ESIGNER – T oyota Bokoshu America

N ovi, MI ( 02 /1 3 – 0 3/1 3 ) ( 1 month c ontract)

C atia V5, Complex s urfacing and solid m odeling, packaging, e xtensive 3D repair

a nd m inor d etailing of c ustomer contact a ut omotive i nterior d oor and liftgate

c omponents and assemblies. H eavy Class A type surfacing and model rebuilding.

C atia V5 Surface (GSD), Part Design, A ssembly, a nd Drafting Workbench es.

D ESIGNER – H oneywell Automotive Turbos

P lymouth Twp., MI

P lymouth Twp., MI (11/11 – 0 3/12) (initially 2 week contract)

C atia V5 : C omplex modeling, packaging, and detailing of F ord a utomotive turbo

c omponents and assemblies.

C atia V5 Surface (GSD), Part Design, and Drafting Workbenches.

S marTeam, Teamcenter, E novia and oth er a ssembly, component, and drawing

m anagement P LM systems utilization .

B asic & Advanced GD &T trained.

D ESIGNER – O shkosh Truck

O shkosh, WI ( 03/10 – 0 4/10)

C atia V5 : C omplex modeling, i ntensive p ackaging, and detailing of prototype

A r mored Ambulance ( MATV program) c om ponents and assemblies.

C atia V5 Surface, Part Design, D rafting, and Sheetmetal Workbenches.

S marTeam assembly, component, and drawing management.

D ESIGNER – S ikorsky Aircraft

S tratford, C T ( 07/08 – 1 0 /08)

C ati a V5, V4, and CADRA detailing and minor modeling of aircraft ( helicopter)

p ropulsion and access door c omponents and assemblies.

S AP daily project tim e tracking entry.

E novia drawing management.

I MPACT BOM modifications.

L IASON DESIGNER – M erid ian o n site at Chrysler, LLC, A uburn Hills, MI ( 05/08)

A ccepted and completed a ‘very short term’ contract ( 2 weeks) .

M odified existing “dumb solid ” concept exterior lighting designs to new

p arametric models and to latest studio requests.

A ll modifications w ere to exterior plastic lamp components and assemblies of

C hrysler upgrade o f current models.

S olids and complex surfacing in Catia V5.


C olumbus, IN ( 2/08)

A ccepted and completed a 2 - week contract.

R ecreated drawings and m odified models per engineering and material changes

f rom Japan.

A ll modifications were to steel components and assemblies of Toyota forklift steel

f rame and o ther components.

M odel and detail work was in Catia V5.

D ESIGN ENGINEER – E mergent Systems

D earbo rn, MI ( 6/ 07 - 1/08)

C enter Console component c reation, assem bly, and concept section design and

m odification o f Ford D385 and U502 programs f rom napkin sketches .

S ome D471 rework.

I ncluded ind ividual component design and/or rework.

C omponent and a ssembly design from studio surface to solid individual panels,

a ccesso ry component placement, and retainer design.

I ncludes storage bin d esign, multiple bezel design, component break - up input,

c up holder d esign concepts, etc.

A ll work was completed in Ca tia V5.

L EA D DE SIGNER – V o lvo Truck

G reensboro, NC ( 7 /06 - 6 /07)

T ruck hood assembly design and d etailing.

M odified surfaces, so lids, and products per Volvo/Mack OEM standards and

e ngineer’s changes in Catia V5.

C reated components for both Mack and V olvo includ ing grille and bumper B - side

c omponent and assem bly design and manufacturability modifications, hood

s urface modifications, stop latch design, hinge work, access door work, and mino r

h ood surface changes a nd m odel r epair .


S outhfield, MI ( 1/06 - 7/06) ( 6 month contract)

H VAC (Automotive) front and rear assemblies and sub components for Honda in

C ATIA v5 and v4.

C reated 3D and 2D co ncept, prototype and production for Honda and supplier

m odels.

P roducts included existing, complete design, and concept assemblies for multiple

a utomotive platforms as part of a team.

C omponents included air intake sub - assemblies, door design, and fan scroll

c reation among many others.

D ESIGNER – W ebasto Products N.A.

F enton, MI ( 10/05 - 1/ 06)

C reated air hand ler sub - system as part of the Parking Cooler for PACCAR heavy

t ruck OEM in Catia V5, from a given package space - o ff - the - shelf fan, standard

a ctuato r, and c ustomer - driven p erformance requirements u tilizing p revious

p ersonal design e xp erience and m odeling t echniques.

M ulti - layer assemblies, complex solids, surfacing, and some 2D. Designed

a ssembly and components for best function, ease in assembly, and lowest tooling

c ost f rom perfo rmance specifications to working with suppliers and to oling

e ngineers to final pro duction run .

I ncluded in the design was installation interface for both Peterbuilt and

K enworth as well as standard draft, airflow and water management consideration,

a nd fresh/recirculate option using a rubber seal for bacteri al growth inhibition.


N ovi, MI ( 8/05 - 10/05)

C reated and updated Catia models for electrical components & assemblies.

S ome 3 D solid model c oncept work.

S ignificant 2D detailing.

P RODUCT DESIGNER – M itchell Plastics/Ultra Mf g.

R och ester Hills, MI ( 4/05 - 7/05)

W orked onsite at Lear Corporation.

C reated i nterior i nstrument panel and door trim c omponents from Class A

s urfaces including center bezel, instrument panel HVAC outlets, door trim, cup -

holder assembly, all B - side surf aces and interfaces including paint/appliqué

g roove, mounting bosses, locator pins and checking all interfaces and clearances.

W orked with DC Styling for manufacturing change requirements.

A ll work was fo r the Dodge/Chrysler 2007 minivan instrument panel a nd some

d oor trim.

S ENIOR DESIGNE R – B eh r America

T roy, MI ( 1/04 - 4/05)

H VAC (Automotive) and Powertrain Cooling assembly and component design.

I njection molded plastic components and h ousings, aluminum tubing, radiators,

c ondensers, charge air cool ers, and seals.

A ssembly, manufacturing and cost concerns.

L arge model sizes and assemblies.

G D&T (ANSI Y - 14.5 & ANSI Y - 14.5M), 2D & 3D (Heavy solid and surface

m odeling). Stack - up analysis.

P roto type and production models.

P roducts included the main h ousing, the assembly and most of th e components

f or the rear 2007 - up Dodge/Chrysler minivan, minor M - Class cooling system

c omponents, radiator end tanks and partial work on additional cooling

c omponents for the Chrysler minivan, the charged - air cooler for t he diesel

v ersio n of the same v an, and concept work for the HBPO project.


M aumee, OH ( 7/03 - 1/04) ( 6 month contract)

C reated and maintained axle assembly designs, sub - assembly designs, and other

r elated components and sub - assemb lies including, but not limited to: cast

d ifferential cases, differentials, brakes, and gearing. Many cast and forged

p roducts.

A dditio nal skills used include stackups in Excel, PDM, and CATIA Solid,

S urfacing, 3D and 2D detailing of all modeled componen ts and assemblies.

A ll design work was for mostly light truck Diamler - Chrysler products.

P RODUCT DESIGNER – M iniature Precision Components, Inc.

W alworth, WI ( 6/01 - 7/03)

D esigned mold ed plastic components and assemblies and plastic tubing and

h arness a ssemblies using Catia v.4.2 for the automotive and non - automotive

i ndustries (including some medical).

H ave designed oil caps and separators, an air box cover for a motorcycle.

C reated and checked solid and surfaced models, checked detailer 2D, and

d ocum ented all applicable information related to the model.

U tilized Lo tus Notes, Office, AS - 400, and other programs to com municate with

c ustomers and engineers analyze and check designs and document model changes.

C ommunicated with manufacturing, quality, an d other engineers, and have

p erfo rmed stack - up a nalysis o n every project using ANSI Y - 14.5 1994 GD&T

s tandards to verify design quality.

P roducts included Cummins oil fill tubes and vibration welded emission

c omponents, PT Cruiser and Neon turbo vacuum co ntrol harnesses, some Dodge

t ruck emission tubing, Ind ian motorcycle air cleaner assembly, some Harley -

Davidson fuel and em issio n tubing, standard and non - standard check valves

( emission, vacuum, and fuel), some cooling system expansion container work

( DC), and the standard DC t - handle oil cap.

B asic & Advanced Gd &T trained.


A pplied Technologies, I nc. – T oledo, OH ( 5/99 – 3 /01)

D esigned mostly steel driveline a nd steering components and assemblies in Catia

v .4.2.

M odeled in so lids and sur faces individually and as part of teams.

C reated and/or recreated engine, manual transmission, steering column, brake,

s uspension, and differential components, assemblies and testing fixtures.

M any cast, fo rged, and some hydraulic components.

D ocumented p rogress electronically .

S ome Pro E training.

G D&T Basic and Advanced trained.

A pplied GD &T in stack - up analysis to verify design quality .

P roto type tilt steering column design.

B rake test fixture design.

A xle and Manual Transmission 3D design and remodel ing.

T ransferred data from other C AD programs u tilizing IGES and STEP .

U tilized Chrysler standards for applicable projects. Some 2D in C atia.

P rojects included aftermarket piston compression height design, aftermarket

e ngine block casting design as a tea m member, differential components fo r various

C hrysler products, brake line, jounce bumper, and brake test fixture for the PT

C ruiser, concept tilt steering components for Dodge pickup, and offsite manual

t ransmissio n components and assemblies for TTC.


O wens - Brockwa y – P erry sburg, OH ( 3/98 – 5 /99)

D esigned Glass containers in Anvil for the food and beverage ind ustries.

C alculated container volumes and glass flow characteristics using Anvil and in -

house programs.

D esigned container s per company, customer and FDA standards per company

p rocedures.

V erified designs with experienced engineers and modified for optimum

m anufacturability and cost.

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