Hiral Shah
Cell No.:732-***-****
. 8+ years of experience in full life cycle development involving
Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Implementation of Client
Server and web-based applications with N-Tier Architectures.
. Have extensive experience in designing, developing and delivering
Knowledge management and collaboration portals using Share Point
portal server 2003 / MOSS 2007/Sharepoint 2010, Windows Share Point
services 3.0/2.0 and Windows 2003 server.
. Experience developing sophisticated web applications in .NET Platform
using C# and ASP.NET, user controls.
. Experience in developing custom web-parts and build Solution packages
with MOSS 2007/WSS 3.0 in Visual Studio 2008.
. Extensive use of Site Definition, InfoPath, Excel Services, Workflow,
Share point Designer, Business Data Catalog, Navigation Control.
. Profound knowledge of Site Template, Audiences, Security, CAML, Search
. Developed Web Forms and WinForms applications with .NET Framework
1.1/2.0 and ASP.NET
. Experience in developing and consuming web services as per projects
. Developed web and windows applications using C#.
. Worked extensively on HTML Controls, Web Controls and User Controls using
. Developed web and client server applications using ASP, ASP.NET2.0
. Experience in XML related technologies: XML, DOM, XSLT SOAP, HTTP and
. Experience in coding Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, XML
. Well experienced with tools like Visual Studio.NET and Macromedia
Dreamweaver Version 6.0.
. Experienced in Business Data analysis, Design, Modeling and
Implementation on major RDBMS (SQL Server 2000/2005). Worked
extensively with Stored Procedures, Triggers and Indexes.
. Developed use cases and functional flow charts using UML
. In depth understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle
including requirement understanding, design, development, testing,
troubleshooting, and debugging.
. A team player with excellent interpersonal, analytical, logical,
presentation, communication skills, and ability to quickly grasp new
technical concepts, utilizing the same in a productive manner.
. Operating System : MS-DOS, Windows 98/XP, Linux.
. Programming Languages : C, C++, Java, VB, PHP, C#1.1/2.0,
ADO.NET1.1/2, AJAX, Web Services
. DBM : Oracle 8i, Postgre SQL, SQL
Server 2005, MySQL, MS-Access.
. Database Languages : SQL, PL/SQL
. Web Designing Language : HTML,DHTML, XML, XSLT, ASP.NET 1.1/2.0
. Application Servers : Tomcat 4.1, Apache, IIS, Sharepoint
. Framework : .Net Framework 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5
. Modeling Tools : UML, Microsoft Visio.
. System Concept : ADIS (Analysis And Designing
of Information System)
OOAD (Object Oriented
Analysis and Design)
Merck & Co., Pennsylvania
Oct'09 to Aug'13
Lead SharePoint Developer
Roles and Responsibilities
. Led requirements gathering to select and recommend a portal
collaboration solution. Met with key business users, coordinated
requirements gathering, collaborated to obtain step-by-step buy in.
. Analyzed information architecture, developed Portal Requirements
document, recommended solution to business users, produced solution
. Developed .Net Web controls and User Controls using C#. Extensively
used Sharepoint 2010 GridView, Treeview Controls to develop Web
. Developed Sharepoint Module elements to deploy Custom Pages and
controls in Sharepoint TeamSite 2010.
. Developed calendar control to aggregate data across the web
applications using Search Query and deployed solution using Sharepoint
2010 Sandboxed solution .
. Experienced on working with Sharepoint Event receivers to develope
Activity Stream Control.
. Worked on the configuration of 3rd party solutions like Quest Webparts
and Nintex Wrokflow.
. Extensively used HTML, Javascript, Jquery and CSS.
. Used Infopath 2010 to customize Sharepoint list input forms.
. Used SharePoint Designer 2007 for branding and customizing Share Point
Server 2007 by modifying Master Pages and create new content pages for
the portal.
. Extensively working with Sharepoint security model to assign Roles and
Permission to sites, lists and list items.
Environment: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0, Windows Server 2003, SharePoint Designer 2007, InfoPath 2007,
SharePoint object model, .Net Framework 3.0, ASP .NET 2.0, C# 2.0, Visual
Studio .NET 2008, MS SQL Server 2005, IIS 6.0, HTML, XML.
Hughes Network System, Maryland
March'09 to Oct'09
SharePoint Developer/Architect
Hughes Network Systems, LLC - the world's leading provider of broadband
satellite services, networks, and products for small and large businesses
Roles and Responsibilities
. Involved in Web Content Migration Of Company's intranet and internet
sites from Webbridge to MOSS.
. Involved in Requirement gathering, analysis, development of the Web
bridge sites to migrate them on MOSS.
. Extensive Experience of creating Publishing sites and maintaining
. Extensively worked on the configuration of MOSS Shared Service
Provider (SSP) for managing the search scopes and creating the managed
properties to map them with Crawled Properties.
. Configured users in active directory and set up the rights for the
users based on their roles.
. Used SharePoint Designer 2007 for branding and customizing Share Point
Server 2007 by modifying Master Pages and create new content pages for
the portal.
. Experience of Creating Custom Page Layouts With Multiple HTML fields
and Web Part Zones.
. Created Publishing Feature to deploy Master Pages and Page Layouts at
web application level.
. Customized portal navigation by using Telerik navigation controls and
ASP.Net Controls in C#.
. Created Site Columns and Content Types to resume schema of columns in
different lists of web application.
. Assign Roles and Permission to sites, lists and list items.
. Created solution Package to deploy Features, Images, DLLs To Front-End
. Created Framework to Separate Presentation Logic with Business Layer
and Sharepoint Abstraction Layer and integrated those Framework for
WebPart developments.
. Created Custom WebParts in C# using Web Controls Library and WSS 3.0
object model and deployed them in to WebPart Gallery.
. Created Custom WebParts using Ajax Controls Like Tab Panel and
. Created VideoWall Webpart by Developing Custom Event Receivers.
. Customized Content Query WebParts by creating Custom XML file and give
them a custom look And feel.
. Performed backups and restores of entire Farm and web applications.
. Extensively used Share Point Object model to show SharePoint data in
different Asp.net web applications.
. Created Custom Search Using Sharepoint Object Model.
. Created Custom Search Result Page by modifying Search Core Result
Environment: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0, Windows Server 2003, SharePoint Designer 2007, InfoPath 2007,
SharePoint object model, .Net Framework 3.0, ASP .NET 2.0, C# 2.0, Visual
Studio .NET 2008, MS SQL Server 2005, IIS 6.0, HTML, XML.
Microjan Inc., NJ
Jan'09 to March'09
.Net/SharePoint Developer
MicroJan is an IT consulting firm specializing in custom software
development and delivering Microsoft based business solutions for
government entities and healthcare institutions. It provides robust and
reliable patient monitoring devices alarm systems, to provide wireless
monitoring with real time notification.
Roles and Responsibilities
. Created Finger Print Scanner using C# graphics.
. Extensively used new Asp.Net 2.0 data controls like GridView.
. Involved in development of wireless alarm system for hospitals.
. Created Test script for Data Access Layer.
. Created Sharepoint Designer Workflow to automate Timesheet approval of
Environment: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0, Windows Server 2003, SharePoint Designer 2007l, .Net
Framework 3.0, ASP .NET 2.0, C# 2.0, Visual Studio .NET 2008, MS SQL Server
2005, IIS 6.0, HTML, XML.
Atlantic Health, Morristown, NJ
May 2008 to Dec'08
SharePoint Developer/Admin
Atlantic Health is a recognized leader in quality health care provider for
New Jersey and nationwide. The Web-based solution developed on Microsoft
Office SharePoint Server 2007 to transform its paper-based clinical and
drug trial process into a digital.
Roles and Responsibilities
. Responsible for the installation of WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 in the
development, performed the server configuration of the environment
including the creation of top-level sites and the site collections
. Configured Outlook 2007 with MOSS 2007 to synchronize Share Point
Document Library and Lists.
. Performed backups and restores of entire Farm and web applications.
. Extensively worked on the configuration of MOSS Shared Service
Provider (SSP) for managing the search scopes and making the managed
. Configured users in active directory and set up the rights for the
users based on their roles.
. Used SharePoint Designer 2007 for branding and customizing Share Point
Server 2007 by modifying Master Pages and create new content pages for
the portal.
. Customized portal navigation by using navigation controls.
. Created Site Columns and Content Types to resume schema of columns in
different lists of web application.
. Assign Roles and Permission to sites, lists and list items.
. Created Custom WebParts using Web Controls Library and WSS 3.0 object
model and deployed them in to WebPart Gallery.
. Extensively used new Asp.Net 2.0 data controls like GridView,
DetalisView and FormsView.
. Created C# Class libraries and integrated those libraries for WebPart
. Extensively used Share Point Object model to show SharePoint data in
different Asp.net web applications.
. Created Dashboard page to access daily standings and performance
metrics of healthcare system.
. Worked with Office Share Point Server 2007 Excel Services to enable
the interaction of the end users with spreadsheets through a Web
. Packaged site definition and webpart using WSPBuilder and deployed it
at farm level.
. Created custom workflow to approve clinical trial related procedures
using Visual studio sequential workflow and integrated InfoPath Forms
with it and install workflow as a feature at site level.
. Created InfoPath 2007 forms and published them into Share Point Forms
. Configured InfoPath Forms Services to access InfoPath 2007 forms
through browser.
Environment: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0, Windows Server 2003, SharePoint Designer 2007, InfoPath 2007,
SharePoint object model, .Net Framework 3.0, ASP .NET 2.0, C# 2.0, Visual
Studio .NET 2008, MS SQL Server 2005, IIS 6.0, HTML, XML.
Piper Jaffray, Minneapolis
Feb 2007 to April 2008
SharePoint Developer
Piper Jaffray, an international middle market investment bank and
institutional securities firm.. The company needed a better way to enable
collaboration, document management, and enterprise search among thousands
of documents and 28 offices worldwide. Piper Jaffray replaced an existing
intranet site with an intranet solution based on Microsoft Office
SharePoint Server 2007. It has all the capabilities of an intranet site
including team sites, creating blogs, creating wiki sites.
Roles and Responsibilities:
. Involved in Requirement gathering, analysis, development of the
. Actively participated in Migration of the project from SPS 2003 to
MOSS 2007.
. Created shared service providers (SSP's) and configured the same for:
User Profile management: configuring import connection for fetching
profiles from Active Directory and scheduling the import operation.
o Search: Configuring managed properties and site columns,
scheduling crawl operations and defining search scope. Used
Wildcard Search.
o Audience Targeting: Defining audiences as members of AD groups,
compiling and using audiences.
. Extensively use of CAML language to developed the web parts.
. Working knowledge on customizing the Search result by modifying the
XSLT file and configuring the search on custom column.
. Developed Custom Feature to add extra functionality on context menu of
SharePoint document library items. Created custom content types and
site definitions for enterprise portal site.
. Branded the SharePoint Portal and team sites using CSS, Schema.xml and
Onet.xml to have a consistent and uniform look throughout the portal
. Developed custom security provider which interacts with MOSS 2007
lists, list items of the existing application. The custom security
provider was responsible for managing the Lists, Document Libraries,
documents and security at document level, document library level and
site level.
. Worked on Business Data Catalog to integrate business data from back-
end server applications to Office Share Point Server 2007.
. Created various business intelligence dashboard reports and KPI list
to deliver revenues results broken down by region, period and
investment sector.
. Worked with Office Share Point Server 2007 Excel Services to enable
the interaction of the end users with spreadsheets through a Web
. Implemented Roles-based permissions to enhance the security of all
internal resources.
. Developed sequential workflow using InfoPath 2007.
. Enabled wildcard searching on results pages for both content and
people search, to improve the reach of keyword searches.
. Implemented AJAX Web Parts to avoid whole page refreshing.
. Improved the look and feel of the Sites created using Cascading Style
Environment: Visual Studio 2005, .Net Framework C# 2.0, ASP.net 2.0,
ADO.net 2.0, SQL Server2005, SharePoint Portal Server 2007, Visio, Windows
2003 server
LendingTree, LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina
April 2006 to Feb 2007
SharePoint Developer
LendingTree is an Online mortgage loan marketplace. It connects borrowers
to lenders who provide a variety of products including mortgages, auto
loans and home equity loans. The application provides LendingTree with a
secure, reliable BI platform. The DSP Portal and customizable Web Parts
compliment Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server and enable LendingTree to
leverage its existing Intranet portal.
Roles and Responsibilities:
. Analyzed the requirements, designed and developed an application.
. Created a custom master page (.aspx page) for the site with customized
. Developed and installed a feature to associate custom content types to
existing SharePoint lists.
. Implemented Dash Boards to view business information using charts.
. Configure user in active directory and set up the rights for the users
in active directory and implement them with SharePoint site.
. Setting up several document libraries for various groups and granting
user rights to appropriate roles groups.
. Managed content using Lists, Web Parts.
. Deployed a Microsoft solution that includes Decision Support Panel's
(DSP) Business Intelligence Portal Solution with an integrated view of
sales information using business scorecards, graphics and charts.
. Developed the complete Portal using SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and
Windows SharePoint Services. Configured authentication, Site
permissions, list permissions in Share Point Portal Server 2003.
. Incorporate documents libraries and custom lists into MS- Outlook.
. Created Data View Web Part for each region wise sales report and
connection through Microsoft front page.
. Used Out-of-box workflows and developed custom Workflows for handling
documents flow.
. Used out-of-box webpart to view SharePoint list and libraries on
desired page.
Environment: .Net Framework 2.0, ASP.NET 1.1, C# 1.1, ADO.NET, SharePoint
Server 2003, CSS, IIS, Frontpage 2003, MS SQL Server 2005, Visual
Studio.NET 2005, Windows XP.
Next Wave Logic Inc., California
Nov 2004 to March 2006
Software Programmer/Developer
Credit Management System brings together debtors with credit balances with
Finance Companies who want to refinance/purchase the debt. Debt mitigation
for individual consumers is a fairly complex process. This system aims to
simplify it. The project consists of designing and developing a basic
credit management system that can be accessed over the Internet.
. Involved in all phases of the project like requirements, design,
development, testing and deployment of the project.
. Involved in designing and developing the Business logic and UI for
various Use cases.
. Designed and developed the UI using ASP.NET/C#.NET controls, HTML and
. Used Forms Based Authentication to Validate Users.
. Analyzed database structure and designed database in MS SQL 2000 with
Store Procedures, and Triggers.
. Developed object Model and Data Access Model based on Prototype design
pattern using C# and ADO.NET.
. Developed and supported database schema creation, stored procedures
creation etc. for SQL Server 2000.
. VisualStudio.NET is the IDE used for this project.
. Documentation of developed Components and module.
. Testing and packing of the developed module.
Environment: Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1, C# 1.1, ASP.NET1.1, SQL Server
2000, IIS 6.0, HTML, CSS.
V R Software, Baroda, India
Nov 2003 to Oct 2004
Software Programmer/Developer
OCS is an extranet portal, targeted to assist customers to see their
Invoices, Orders and Account information. It has modules like Orders
Management, Invoices Management, and Accounts Management System. This
project is to develop an online ordering/purchasing items like Apprels,
Games, Jewellery, Auto Parts, Cosmetics, which allows users to order the
products, view the product details and select their specifications for the
products online. The system is provided with user-friendly interface to
purchase online.
. Involved in analysis, design and development of a secured dynamic web
application-using ASP and C #.
. Developed Server Side Components using C#.
. Developed and supported database schema creation, stored procedures
creation etc. for SQL Server 2000.
. VisualStudio.NET is the IDE used for this project.
. Testing and packing of the developed module.
. Involved in the documentation of the various phases
Environment: Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1, C# 1.1, ASP.NET1.1, SQL Server
2000, IIS 6.0, HTML, CSS.
V R Software, Baroda, India
June 2003 to Nov 2003
Software Programmer/Developer
Employee Management System (EMS)
It is an interactive online application, which automates the employee
management of an organization. Employee module keeps track of all employee
related information like employee information Leave Management and payroll.
. Creating User Interface using C#.NET
. Worked on C# to develop the logic (code behind).
. Used ADO.NET objects such as Data Set and
. Data Adapter to make consistent access to SQL Server.
. Used Data Grid control to display records.
. Performed Data Base Administrator jobs such as creating Tables and
writing Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Views.
. Utilized best design practices to ease maintenance, and performed
multiple levels of testing to confirm that software standards were
Environment: Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1, C# 1.1, ASP.NET1.1, SQL Server
2000, IIS 6.0, HTML, CSS.
. Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A) from The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda at India.
. Bachelors of Science (B.Sc.) from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda at India.
. Microsoft Certification(MCP Id : 6544410)
Microsoft Certified Professional in MS Office SharePoint server 2007
- Configuration
Microsoft Certified Professional in MS Office SharePoint server 2007
- Application Development.
Microsoft Certified Professional in Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0 - Application Development.
. BrainBench Certification
.Net Framework - 3.35/5.00- Proficiency Level: Proficient
C# 2.0 - 4.05/5.00- Proficiency Level: Advance
ASP.Net 2.0 - 4.45/5.00- Proficiency Level: Advance