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Plant Project

College Park, MD, 20740
August 19, 2013

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Amulya Yaparla,

**** ****** **** ****,

College Park, MD-20007

Email : ******.*******@*****.***

Phone : 202-***-****


To work as a researcher, in the field of Life Sciences where my knowledge

and skills are best utilized with an opportunity to acquire a good career

in scientific research.


Degree Earned University Name Year of Marks

graduatio obtained


Master of Science Georgetown University 2012

in Microbiology 3.4(GPA)

and Immunology

Bachelor of 2011 78 %

Engineering Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of

Technology (affiliated to Osmania


Intermediate Board of Intermediate Education, 2006 90 %

Andhra Pradesh

Xth Central Board of Secondary 2005 86 %



Currently, I'm working as a Research Volunteer at the Simon's lab at

Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland.

My work is related to studying the 3' translation enhancers in plus RNA

plant viruses.


Molecular cloning, r-DNA technology, Gel electrophoresis, PCR, Protein

purification by extraction and precipitation, Column and paper

chromatography, Isolation of plant protoplasts, Plasmid isolation and

purification, RT-PCR, Cell culturing, general sterilization techniques,

Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting, Flow cytometry, Fluoroscent Acivated Cell

Sorting, Immunocytochemistry, Cell morphological analysis through

microscope, Paper chromatography, Cell viability by MTT assay and other

staining methods, blotting techniques.


Project Name: Isolation and Characterization of fetal hepatic stem cells

Description: Stem cells were isolated from the liver tissue of an aborted

fetus using Magnetic Activated

Cell Sorting and Flow cytometry. Enriched stem

cells were checked for liver specific

markers, CK18, CK19, Albumin and Alpha-feto protein

by immunocytochemistry and PCR

Location: Center for Liver Research and Diagnostics, Deccan Medical

College, India.

Mentor: Mr. Mohammad Alim Khan, Scientist

Project Name: Anticancer activity of Parthenium hysterophorus

Description : In this study, the effect of crude plant extract of

Parthenium hysterophorus was tested on

lung adenocarcinoma cell lines. Cell morphological

analysis and cell viability tests were

performed at different time intervals, which

indicated that the plant possesses anticancer


Location: Pragathi Laboratoris, Hyderabad

Mentor: Prof. Prameela Devi, JNTU

Project Name: Cytotoxicity and growth effects of industrial effluents on

Allium sativum

Description: In this study, the effect of various concentrations of an

industrial effluent (25%, 50%,

75%,100%) was tested on the growth of Allium

sativum. The results indicated that the

increasing concentration of the effluent had a

direct effect on the growth.

Location: Pragathi Laboratories

Mentor: Prof. Prameela Devi, JNTU

Training : Was trained for 15 days in Microbiology, Instrumentation

and wet analysis laboratory

Location: Vetindia Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


. Published an article on "Cytotoxicity and growth effects of industrial

effluent on Allium sativum" in the Indian Journal of Environmental

Science, Volume: 5 Issue: 2 (155-158) in April, 2010.


. Won first prize at a National Level Technical Symposium, conducted by

Department of Biotechnology, GIT, GITAM University, Vishakapatnam

. Won first prize at KLEF University in a paper presentation competition

. Won third prize at INDO-KOREAN Joint Seminar on Medicinal Plant Research

at Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore

. Won second prize at National Level Techno-Sports Consortium in paper

presentation competition conducted by Sreenidhi Institute of Technology

. Won second prize at National Level Technical Symposium at Anna

University, Chennai

. Participated in a National Conference on "Biotechnology Perspectives in

new millennium" and presented a paper on "Cytotoxicity and growth effects

of an industrial effluent on Allium sativum"

. Participated in National Level Technical Symposium at National Institute

of Technology, Warangal and presented a paper on "Psychological effect of

a mother on foetus"

. Participated as a student delegate in BIO-ASIA 2009, The Global Bio

Business Forum

. Organized a National Seminar on Bio-Industry Interaction as a part of


. Participated in the EU-sponsored Nano BioSaccharides Dissemination

Conference, organized by Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Hyderabad

. Organised a workshop on "Bioinformatics on Drug Designing"


. Feng Gao, Ph.D

Postdoctoral fellow

Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics,

University of Maryland.

Email : *******@***.***

Phone: 240-***-****

. Sona Vasudevan, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Georgetown University Medical Center

Senior Bioinformatics Scientist at Protein Information

Resource (PIR)

Email: ****@**********.***

Phone: 202-***-****

. Padmanabhan, Ph.D

Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Georgetown University, USA

Email: ****@**********.***

Phone: 202-***-****

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