Catherine C. Mart inez
520-***-**** ****.**********@*****.***
P rofessional work experience with legal proceedings and
t ranscription. M any years of experience working on child
c ustody cases, working w ith the courts and attorneys. Many
years of experience t ranscribing legal proceedings. Worked
several years editing and proofreading for the county court
r eporter and several years editing and proofreading for the
l ocal newspaper. Work oriented with a strong work ethic in all
t asks presented until task or project comes to a completion.
E xperience working w ith both Macintosh and M icrosoft
computers w ith a typing speed of 70 words per minute; as well
as the many systems such as, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access,
O utlook and various other web-based programs. I also have
a lready obtained my F ingerp r int Clearance Card, therefore,
confidentiality is never an issue.
T ranscription Executive Assistant Technical Research Social Work
Technical Writing Investigative Research Trainer
P roofreading
MS Office 2003/2007 Human Resources
Family Support Specialist 04/2013 – Present
Working with several different agencies to coordinate the care of clients. Clients being
worked with are children who have behavioral health problems. Coordinating between
t herapists, direct support personnel, in some cases CPS, attorneys, doctors, and schools, to
ensure the clients receive the care and attention they need. Working on a constant basis
a longside Child P rotective Services, attorneys, and the courts in child custody
cases. Attending and t ranscribing legal proceedings and agency meetings.
Parent Aide 06/2011 – 04/2013
Conducted supervised visits between parents and their children when they are involved in
CPS proceedings. Also provided positive parenting skills and parent aide services, which
entailed teaching the parents about the health and development of their children, in order
to assist them in gaining custody of their children. Also wrote proposals geared toward the
management committees of the organization in order to create a new program for the
organization and in order to gain new vehicles for the work staff. Worked on a constant
b asis alongside Child P rotective Services, attorneys, and the cour ts in
child custody cases. Attending and t ranscribing legal proceedings and
agency meetings.
CHI LD & FAMILY RESOURCES 01/2010 - 04/2010
P rovided support to new mothers through the First Steps program. Assisted First Steps
p rogram supervisor with any duties needed. Shadowed two different Family Support
Specialists on home visits for the In Home Program. Became a member of the CPCA and
assisted them with fundraisers and conferences.
AEGIS COMMUN ICATIONS GROUP, Sierra Vista, AZ 01/2005 - 05/2009
Supervisor 12/2008 - 05/2009
Quickly and accurately resolved internal and external issues with phone agents and
customers needing escalations.
* Agent Monitoring.
* A nalyze agent statistics.
* M aintained current knowledge of all legal and business information changes.
* Monitored and processed agent t ime cards.
* Targeted technical research.
Trainer 10/2008 - 12/2008
Provided t raining to Qwest employees to take over duties being performed by Aegis under
contract with Qwest. Provided t raining on:
* N umerous processes required to perform duties.
* C reating orders.
* O rder fulfillment process duties such as building size, equipment requirements,
cable size, company necessity and billing information.
Quality Auditor 04/2008 - 10/2008
Performed duties to improve agents skills and knowledge of processes and project
* Agent Monitoring.
* A nalyze agent statistics.
* Coach agents.
* W rote numerous process documents to be used by agents across the company.
* Targeted technical research.
Agent 01/2005 - 04/2008
Quickly and accurately resolved internal and external customer product issues thus earning
peer and management technical expert designation.
* C reated orders for large companies and corporations.
* O rder fulfillment process duties such as building size, equipment requirements,
cable size, company necessity, and billing information.
* Worked with up to 10 different systems and software for research on various issues
and processes.
* Developed a strong ability to enter numerous orders at a t ime.
J I MBO'S BEACH SHAQUE 12/2003 - 12/2004
Executive Assistant 12/2003 - 12/2004
Assisted daily with many different business interests including redecorating and managing
d ifferent residential properties, advertising for Jimbo's Beach Shaque, assistance with
accounting and event planning.
Bar tender 12/2003 - 12/2004
Bar tended in the evenings serving customers and assisting with live events such as guest
bands and other live entertainment.
JOHNSON 'N' JOHNSON DAYCARE 05/2004 - 09/2004
Teacher for Two Year Old Room
Performed the duties of a daycare/preschool teacher such as teaching the children numbers,
letters and colors, providing meals for the children, teaching art projects to the children,
s tory t ime, and providing normal comforts such as hugs when they were sad, talking to
t hem and playing with them.
SIERRA V ISTA H E RAL D 01/2002 - 06/2003
Assistant Editor
Assisted the managing editor of the newspaper on daily tasks.
* T yping ar ticles for pr int.
* F iled historical documents.
* P roofreading w r i te ups from the va rious reporters.
* H andling customer requests and complaints
* M anaged inbound and outbound calls on multi-lined phones
* H istorical research various topics for the editors and reporters
* R esearched and assisted in the anniversa ry insert of the World T rade
C enter attacks.
* W rote a small tongue-in-cheek a rticle for the Father's Day edition
* P hotography and interviews for the Man on the Street a rticles.
A AFES PX 2001 - 2002
Customer Service Representative
AAFES PX on Fort Wainwright, Alaska. While there, performed tasks in the Customer
Service Department as a Customer Service Representative, handling layaways, returns,
customer credit, customer complaints, and customer service.
WAL-MART 1998-2000
Pharmacy Clerk
Worked at the Wal-mart Pharmacy in Sierra Vista, AZ. Performed tasks such as cashiering,
s tocking, customer service representative, and was t raining to become a Pharmacy
Boothill Trading Post - Cashier
Cochise County Superior Court – P roofreader/Editor
Associate of Ar ts in Social Work, Cochise Community College
Graduated – May 13, 2011