Jason Ferguson
Benton, Arkansas 72015
Hospital Chaplain (Resident)
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Little Rock, Arkansas
June 2011-July 2012 ( CPE Residency Training Completed)
My primary duties included providing pastoral care and learning how to listen for psychosocial insights to those who
were patients and families in the UAMS Medical Intensive Care Unit and MICU step-down units. Additional
responsibilities worked a fair amount with the palliative care team surrounding a variety of end of life issues to
include the consideration of organ donation in the event of a death.
My secondary duties included offering and providing pastoral care for the babies, families and staff in the Neo-natal
Intensive Care Unit, Labor and Delivery, and Perinatal floors at UAMS .
All residents are required to work on-call overnights at UAMS in which we are a paged member of the trauma team.
UAMS is the only level one trauma center in Arkansas. We attend to patients and families in the midst of the worst
of circumstances providing pastoral, psychosocial care and emotional support in emergent, tragic and traumatic
situations. These include assaults of all kinds that involve working in conjunction with not only hospital staff, but
local and state law enforcement and the coroner’s office.
UAMS’ CPE Program is an accredited program recognized by the US Department of Education in conjunction with
the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy Certification.
Senior Pastor
First Christian Church of Sherwood (DOC)
March 2012-Present
My primary duties in this position are the preparation and presentation of a weekly message during the two worship
services on Sunday. We have a traditional worship service in the Christian Tradition with a Choir that is more formal
and a more casual service with a praise and worship band that is more casual. A priority for me is to make the
sacred teachings of the Christian tradition merge with relevant knowledge and social understandings that apply to
our modern context while being respectful of the context in which these writings were penned. Such sermon series
have been “Where Science and Religion Converge,” “What You Don’t Know About the Characters of Christmas,”
We are a church with a diverse membership with a variety of theological perspectives. I attend church meetings as
needed and church wide fellowship activities as I can. I do put together the order of worship each week with the
Choir Director, Praise Band Leader and Church Administrator. I do visit the sick and shut-ins as well as officiate
weddings and funerals.
Since completing my residency at UAMS I am doing more counseling within the congregation. If their needs exceed
my training I have strategic alliances in Central Arkansas with the appropriate professionals.
Senior Pastor
Hawley Memorial and Wesley United Methodist Churches
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
July 2007-June 2011
Facilitated efforts to bring about the living visibility of the calling and teachings of Christ within the lives of the
members of two churches and the community at large through small group meetings, encouraging and teaching
spiritual disciplines, weekly worship as well as local mission projects and activism.
Provided oversight and guidance for Wesley UMC’s ministry to the Pine Bluff Women’s Unit of the Arkansas
Department of Community Correction.
Directed, managed and encouraged positive community outreach efforts by helping individuals secure job training,
helping them find employment, daycare vouchers, food for their families, and help with housing/utility bills. This was
a needed ministry in a community labeled as America’s 4th poorest by Forbes Magazine in 2010. The efforts to meet
these challenges were funded by the two congregations I served. One was an ongoing fund taken as offering
during communion and one was taken on a as needed basis for community emergencies.
Senior Pastor
Springdale Friends Church
Easton, Kansas
July 2005-July 2007
Pastorly duties as assigned, which included pastoral counseling, planning, preparing and delivering each week’s message,
teaching adult Sunday School Class and being on call as needed for medical and personal emergencies of parish as they
occasionally arose. This was a part-time charge as I completed seminary.
Senior Pastor
The United Methodist Church of Our Savior
Junction City, KS
August 2002-July 1, 2005
Sermon preparation and delivery weekly encompassing research, writing and assuring that the message was
relevant to the context of the parish.
Created and nurtured out of necessity an evolving ministry as an advocate to soldiers, military spouses, parents,
siblings and children to assure the troops received the spiritual, mental, physical health care they needed upon
returning home. There were a series of circumstances that started this effort which I am glad to share in an
interview. Regularly visited the sick, diseased and injured in the hospitals and their homes. Officiated at wedding
and funerals.
Senior Projects Manager
Impact Management Group
Little Rock, AR 72202
May 2000-August 2002
Lobbied federal legislators in Washington, D.C. on a variety of legislative proposals before congress.
Persuaded supporters of elected officials to contact him/her regarding specific legislative proposals. This included
accruing a written record of contact between constituents and federal legislators. Met with committee members.
Assisted with the organization, strategy and execution of media campaigns using various communication methods
to accomplish assigned objectives
News Reporter/Staff Writer
The Benton Courier
Benton, AR
May 1998-May 2000
General assignment reporter for this publication. I chased news and wrote news stories under daily deadlines for a
daily readership of 10K.
Composed and wrote both opinion and humor columns weekly, as well as writing feature stories for the Sunday
weekend section consisting mostly of human interest
State Field Director
Spring of 1998
Nate Coulter for U.S. Senate
Little Rock, Arkansas
This was a volunteer position that resulted in them hiring me and my taking a leave from Hagan Newkirk. Nate
sought the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in Arkansas against 6 other opponents which resulted in
Blanche Lincoln getting the nomination and the U.S. Senate Seat.
However as the field director the weekly publication Arkansas Business stated that Coulter had the best field
network of operatives and volunteers in the state.
Employee Benefits Broker
Hagan Newkirk Financial Services
Little Rock, AR 72207
Responsible for defined contribution pension sales and services such as 401 (k) s, 403 (b) s and 457s to primarily
hospital and medical clients.
Market health/life insurance to prospective clients.
Community Development Specialist and Environmental Manager
Central Arkansas Planning and Development District, Inc.
115 Jefferson Street
Lonoke, AR 72086
Grant writing and managing the grant process for a variety of public works projects once grants were awarded.
Responsible for the bidding and securing of contracts as mandated by the granting authorities. Provided oversight
to economic and community development for a six county area in Central Arkansas
Collaborated with six counties in developing, managing and implementing both solid waste disposal programs and
recycling programs for each municipality within a six county area in Central Arkansas. I made educational
presentations to city councils, quorum courts, teachers and students on how to reduce solid waste production as
well as recycling practices they could undertake individually and collectively to reduce their global footprint.
Co-coordinator for 50th Anniversary of D-Day
Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs Central Office (Political Appointment, Clinton Admin.)
Washington, D.C.
Oct. 1993-June 1994
Served as the clearing house for all U.S. Veterans and their families seeking admission to the U.S. Presidential
Speech given on the 5Oth Anniversary of D-Day by President Bill Clinton. This was a temporary assignment. Most
of the applicants were veterans who served in this battle, their immediate family and the deceased veteran’s
surviving family members. We did the background checks and waded through the paperwork verifying their status
that qualified them to attend this event.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Little Rock, Arkansas
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Political Science
Awarded in May of 1993
Saint Paul School of Theology
United Methodist Seminary
Kansas City, Missouri
Master of Divinity Graduate
Awarded in May of 2007
GPA 3.25
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy
Completion of CPE Residency/4 Units-Little Rock, Arkansas 2012
U.S. Army Reserves and ARNG Veteran -6 Years-NBC and Signal Corps