Juan Torres
S an A ntonio, TX 7 8245
staticfox3d@yahoo .com
U.S Army Infantryman, extensively trained in w eapons, c ombat s ecurit y,
and p atrol operations.
Summary of Qualifications:
-Secret Clearance - Operations - Patrol
-Management - Instruction -Surveillance
-Security- Leadership - Search a nd Seizure
- Inventory C ontrol
U.S. Army 201 0-2013
H onorable Discharge
C ollege of S outhern N evada 1995-1996
G eneral Studies
B asic H igh School 1991- 1995
High School Diploma
Career History and Accomplishments
U.S. Army- Infantryman M arch 2010- J u ne
A CO 1- 12 C A V, F ort H ood, TX 1- 254- 288- 2296 2013
O perate w eapons and equipment in ground c ombat operation s .
D uties include operating and m aintaining weapon s, s uch as r ifles,
m achine g uns, m ortar s, and h and grenades ; l ocating, c onstruct ing,
and c amouflaging infantry p ositions and equipment ; evaluat ing
t errain and r ecording topographica l information ; operating and
m aintaining f ield c ommunications equipment ; asses s ing n eed f o r,
and d irecting s upporting f ire; placing explosives and p erfor m ing
minesweeping activities on l and ; and p articipating i n
r econnaissance operations .
Fulfilled o ne tour of duty in the Iraq campaig n, with c ombat s ecurit y
and patrol d uties. Involved in diffusing hostile situations a nd
d eactivating enemy w eapons .
Sport Chalet - Assistant Store Manager S ept 2001- A ug2009
Las Vegas, NV 1-888-**-*-****
Provided s upport in l eadership and s ales . Operation of c ompany
equipment in s pecialty d epartments . Assisted i n s cheduling
associates, m aintaining c ompany operations, and c ustomer
s ervice.