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Linux System Administrator

Hyderabad, AP, India
August 09, 2013

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P a rameshwar

Ph : +91-961******* E mail:

l *********@*****.***

Career Objective:

Be the key person in creative environment to utilize and refine my personal skills

and abilities in the Modern Technology that offers Professional growth while being

resourceful, innovative and challengeable.


3 years of total IT-experience on UN IX/LINUX Administration and

P roduction support.

Setup and Administering of R edhat Linux Servers such as D NS, OPEN


Setup and Configure APACHE web Server and configure V i r tual Hosts.

Experienced in configuring SQUID and Q mail, Sendmail i n RHEL 5.x, 6

and Cent Os.

Installing Packages using with y um, R P M, D PKG, a pt-get such Package

managing tools.

Responsible to Configure V NC, XRDP, R DP, SSH, TEL N ET such Remote

manageable sessions.

Troubleshooting with Advanced networking tools such as NETSTAT, NMAP

and ARP.etc.

Capable to Configure L inux Based Proxy Servers Such as I PCOP .

Capable to Configure L V M .

Experienced to configure R A I D i n IBM X series Servers and install L inux

and Windows OS.

Familiar to configure and mount NFS and iSCSI file systems of NAS and

SAN in Servers.

Familiar with Creating and Restoring Backup data with T ar,dump,restore

and cpio tools and scheduling incremental backup with Tar.

Managing Local users and LDAP users and Migrating local users to LDAP

d irectory.

Creating new zones and Adding A, MX records In Dns servers.

Basic knowledge on MYSQL Server Administration.

Basic knowledge on shell scripting.

Installing Vi r tual Machines in VMWARE and configuring network and

S torage Disks and Snapshots.


2 P rofessional Experience

• Working as a L inux System Administrator for N ihar I nfo Global Ltd,

H yderabad from Apr 2011 to Aug 2013

• Worked as a Associate Administrator for M phasis Pune f rom Jun 2010 to

M ar 2011.

Technical Specialization :

Linux Servers : Redhat-5.x,6.x, CentOS Servers

Operating Systems

Linux Desktops : Linux Mint-Maya, Ubuntu 12.04

Windows Servers : Windows 2003, Windows 2008

Windows Desktops : XP, WIN7

Basic Knowledge on Shell Scripting and Bach Scripting


NagiOS, Cacti, E ventlog Analizer5.0

Linux Tools

Data Base MySql 5.0 5.2

IBM X-series Rack Servers, H P Proliant DL 380

H a rdwa re

P rojects Summary:

P roject1 :

Project Name : APIIC Web Application

Client : APIIC

Technologies : Apache, JBoss, Mysql

Operating System : Redhat Linux 5.4

Role : System Administrator

Duration : Apr 2011 to Jul 2013


Systems administration, maintenance and monitoring various day-to-day


Monitoring System Performance of Vir tual memory, System events,

Swapping, Disk utilization, CPU utilization.

Monitoring the performance of the system using top, ps to check the CPU

u tilization, memory usage and network t raffic.

Scheduling of cron jobs for job automation using commands with Crontab.

Managed disks with LVM on Red Hat Enterprise L inux 5.0 and 6.0.

To login to the remote system using sudo, putty and telnet.

To t ransfer files across the systems on the network used ftp and scp


Monitoring overall uptime work f lows/jobs of all the servers & applications in


Taking care of health of file systems.

Management of Outages on the complete IT Infrastructure of the client. This

i nvolved identifying the root cause and identifying the clients impacted and

sending out appropriate notifications for providing the status of Business

I mpacted.

Scheduling calls with customers for any server activities which may involve

major changes on software or any hardware related cases.

P roject2 :

P roject Title : Information Delivery Network (IDN).

Environment : U N IX, L inux.

Team Size : 20.

Role : Associate Systems Engineer.

Duration : Jun 2010 to March 2011.

Client : American Express, USA.

D escription:

A merican Express Company (AMEX) is an American multinational financial

services corporation headquartered in Three World Financial Center, Manhattan,

New York City. The company is best known for i ts credit card, charge card, and

t raveler's businesses.


Monitoring System Performance of Vi rtual memory, System events,

Swapping, Disk utilization, CPU utilization.

Reporting Server health to Senior System Admin on daily basis

Backing up Data using T AR and Scheduling Incremental Backup using

c rontab.

Monitoring Network t raffic and systems health using N AG IOS.

Configuring y um, Installing Required packages with R P M and Yum

Responsible to Configure V NC, XRDP, R DP, SSH, TEL N ET such Remote

manageable sessions.

Troubleshooting Network related issues with Advanced networking tools such

as Ping, Netstat, Tracert and IP addressing.

Sharing Data Through NFS and Samba Services over Linux and windows

p latforms.

Installing printers on Desktops and Trouble shooting Printer related issues.

Personal Details

Marital Status


Current Address Flat No-331,GandhiNagar,East Mardepally,Secunderbad, AP

DOB 15-June-1989


I here by declare that the above-furnished information is true to the best of my knowledge and


Yours truly


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