C heryl Dol an
***** ******** *** *******, ** ***14 *********@*****.***
Summary: I am a well-organized, quick learner who is eager to help others. I accomplish tasks with
dependable efficiency in both work and life. My vast experience in raising three children of my own, as
well as a being a teacher's assistant with preschool children and K-2 Special Ed, would make me a
valuable asset to your School.
Core Qualifications:
• Highly Qualified status, CRC Training
• Proficient in MS Word & Excel
• Cyber-sense Training
Work Experience:
WCPSS; August 2012-June 2013
While working as a 1st/3rd grade TA, I would assist in all areas of the 1st grade classroom and literacy
groups with 3rd grade. I would also complete clerical work for both grades on a daily basis and when
needed substitute in classrooms including AU 1 &AU 2 classrooms.
WCPSS; September 2011-June 2012
While working in the ID MOD 1(K-2) class, I have learned a lot. Tracking "IEP" data daily, how to
work in a modified learning environment using Unique Learning Systems strategies, how to communicate
with children using different voice out-put devices including the "I Pad". I have worked with specialist
and learned from each of them.ie: the Adaptive PE, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech
Therapist, Adaptive Technology and VI Specialist. Working with Special needs children has been very
rewarding and enlightening experience.
North Raleigh Church of Christ; April 2008-August 2011
While working in preschool setting I had learned how to manage 14-18 3yr children in a class at a time.
Teaching them how to cut properly, write their name, play in a group setting and a multitude of different
craft projects. We also worked on follow classroom rules and transition to different activities.
Homemaker Dec 1999-April 2008
USPS Customer Service Clerk (Oakhurst NJ 07755) Jan 1993-Dec1999
Responsible for nightly Bank Deposits, stock of money-orders and sales items. In charge of 1000 box
costumers billing and updating data forwarding mail and changing locks. Worked with mass mailing for
large music distribution 1 of 3 people to do reports/accountability for truckload mailings. Also helped
costumers with mailing items and tracking packages. Sort and distribute mail items to proper locations.
Community involvement:
• Volunteered in my children's classrooms in New Jersey from 2005 until 2007 and North Carolina from 2007until June
• Secretary for my HOA Social Committee from 2007 until 2011.
• Team Mom for 10 Raleigh Parks and Recreation Baseball Teams for the past five years, which my husband has
coached. I take pictures and create movies for the Team and coordinate snacks and end of year celebrations.