**** *******, *********, ** ***** 412-***-**** or 704-***-**** ******@*******.***
Anna Williams
O bjective
Customer Service Representative/Cashier (Enjoy interacting with customers and fellow employees.
Dedicated to giving the best customer service possible)
E xperience
11/25/12-1/19/13 Sears Pittsburgh, Pa 15235
C ashier
Customer Service
[Job responsibility/achievement]
9/30/1984-9/30/2006 US Postal Service Pittsburgh, Pa 15290
C lerk
Clerk: As a receptionist for the Postal Employment Center I scheduled employees for training
classes, performed light filing and typing assignments, retrieve, open and distribute mail for
department staff, log all employee training records received and sent out of the training
department, operate Xerox machine, computer and audio visual equipment.
Clerk: As a clerk in the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC) office, I assisted the EEO
Manager with answering the phones, opening, stamping and distributing mail, light typing, filing
and xeroxing.
Clerk: As a LSM Operator, I processed first class mail on automation equipment in the Pittsburgh
Processing and Distribution Center.
1974-1975 WIIC TV Station Pittsburgh, Pa 15212
E xecutive Secretary
Executive Secretary: As the Executive Secretary to the Chief Engineer, on a daily basis I
performed typing, dictation, shorthand and answered the telephone.
1956-1958 Jones, Smith and Freeland Attorneys at Law Pittsburgh, Pa 15219
L egal Secretary
Legal Secretary: As Legal Secretary for 3 Attorneys, I typed various legal documents, dictation
and shorthand with proficiency.
E ducation
1950-1953 Schenley High School Pittsburgh, Pa 15219
A cademic w ith a B usiness A ccolades in shorthand, typing, office machines, bookkeeping,
r etail selli ng and transcription.
1 954 -1955 O IC P ittsburgh, Pa 15219
OIC Secretarial Training: As a student I enhanced my shorthand, filing, operation of Xerox
machine, switchboard and calculator.
1988-1992 Community College of Allegheny County Pittsburgh, Pa 15212
General Studies: As a full time student, I enrolled under the General Studies curriculum. Additional
courses of study included business management, accounting, computer training, real estate,
psychology, English and math.
Organizational/Community Activities
Mt. Ararat Baptist Church: Missionary Ministry and Tape Ministry
Hardy Bible School: Graduate of Bible School
Moody Bible School: Bible Classes
Equipment and Software
Microsoft Office Word & Excel* Microsoft Windows* Microsoft Outlook* Email* Internet Access:
R eferences
References are available on request.