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Shiela Borbon Joined: April 12, 2024

De Vore Recruiting is one of the most trusted healthcare recruiters in Los Angeles. We take pride in being a top choice as the resource and provider of professional staff in healthcare facilities and other related workforces.

At De Vore Recruiting, we bring a combination of expertise in the healthcare and hospitality field, along with years of recruiting knowledge, to find you the best candidates possible.

Unlike most recruiters, we primarily contact passive job seekers – those who are not on the job boards or actively looking for new positions. This allows us to find the best, most qualified, currently employed staff for you. We direct recruit our candidates specifically for your company’s opportunities, and are committed to only bringing you the best of the best.

Our team gets to know each potential employee, screening them thoroughly so there are no surprises, and checking multiple references before you extend an offer. And when you do, our guarantee is the most generous in the business because we are confident that when we make a match, it will stick. That’s why we offer a 120-day guarantee when hiring our applicants. Ask us about our extremely competitive fees as well. Call or email us to find out why using De Vore Recruiting will help your business.