Role: Data Disposition Programmer -Project Manager
Total Experience: 8-10 years
Relevant Experience: 6-8 years
Location: Pune, Hyderabad
Mandatory Skills: Data Storage Control (DSTO) activities, Data Privacy Control (DPRIV) activities
Desired Skills: Data Storage Control (DSTO) activities, Data Privacy Control (DPRIV) activities
Domain: Data Governance + Banking
Job Description:
Data Disposition Programmer – Project Manager
Data Retention PM/BA Hybrid
Project management to coordinate and resolve Data retention activities.
Drafted delivery scope:
The Services will include the following key Data Storage Control (DSTO) activities to be performed:
· Project manage Data Retention activities
· Carry out analysis on by system Data Retention based on the current DSTO policy
The Services will include the following documents to be produced:
· Project management artifacts for DSTO
· Analysis documentations on by system Data Retention analysis
Data Privacy PMO/ PM/ BA/ Hybrid
Project management to coordinate and resolve MSIIs on Privacy issues
Drafted delivery scope:
The Services will include the following key Data Privacy Control (DPRIV) activities to be performed:
· Project manager for Data Privacy activities
· Carry out analysis on by system and issue Data Privacy based on the current DPRIV policy
The Services will include the following documents to be produced:
· Project management artifacts for WPB DPRIV
· Analysis documentations on by system/issue Data Privacy analysis
Thanks & Regards
Sushma G
Burgeon IT Services.
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