We are looking for training program based on working real projects. You will have chance to work our excellent people and international environments, and training directly from leaders and experiences developer. We are also refer young students who are motivated and work to learn and improve your skills.
+ Maths in fundamental concepts, recursive, dynamic programming, etc
+ Understanding the Object, and expected Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
+ Working and hand-on Pattern Design and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
+ Develop the Database Design, Data warehouse,
+ Working on Algorithms, data visualization and Front-Back End implementation
+ Connected to multiple teams for working large-scare projects
+ Fundamental skills in Python from beginning to advances
+ Designing, debugging, Testing, the Unit Test, Usecase, Mobile App, Web App,
+ Expected to work directly in AI, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big data for who really work to learn new technology and frameworks
+ Expected to work on flask/django for data engineering (plus)
+ Have skills Working on hardoop, spark, etc for cloud, bigdata
[Vietnam] [HCM][HN] [DaNang] [CanTho][BinhDuong][KhanhHoa][DakLak][Remote]