Connie A. Sanderson, RN
Memphis, TN 38120
Employment History:
*/**** –5/2012 Well Child, Inc. – School Nurse
Working within the Memphis City School system providing care for the healthy Pediatric patient. I provide care when the children are sick or injured. Additionally, I audit for immunizations and chronic illnesses.
8/2009-6/2009 The Regional Medical Center – Neonatal Intensive Care
Duties included monitoring of the critically ill neonate. This includes care of ventilators, vasotropic medications, umbilical artery catheters, etc.
11/2008 – 7/2009 Lakeside Behavioral Health- Child and Adolescent Unit
Duties included admission and assessment of new clients. Monitored the Children every 15 minutes for safety. Dispensed medication as ordered.
11/2006 – 9/2008 Baptist Memorial Hospital Emergency Department
Duties included care and treatment of the critically ill adult and pediatric emergency room patient. These clients had a wide range of illnesses such as cancer, heart attacks, trauma, etc.
01/2005 – 02/2006 Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital – Pediatric Clinical Research Nurse
Carried out study protocol ensuring that each participant met criteria. Monitored large amounts of data related to each study. Met with investigator and monitor frequently to ensure clean data.
01/2002 – 2/2005 Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital – Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Cared for the critically ill pediatric patient. Cared for patients with a wide range of disease processes such as trauma, burns, cancer, preoperative, and postoperative congenital heart disease.
2/1995 – 1/2002 UT Medical Group Pediatric Cardiovascular Nurse Specialist
Managed child’s care from admission to operating room and to postoperative care. Assisted with the operative procedure. Provided discharge instructions and education. I participated in hospital staff education.
License in the State of Tennessee RN000083431 expires-7/2016