Curriculum vitae
Personal details
Full name : Habib Mohseni-Jahromi
Gender: Male
Nationality : Dual citizenship, Iranian - American
In residence : United States of America
Place and date of birth : Iran - 28 Jun 1968
Educations and qualifications
1981 - 1984 High school Diploma in environment of health
Haghani High school, Bandar Abbas - Iran
1993 - 1997 Bachelor in Judicial law, Azad University, Bandar Abbas - Iran
1999- 2003 Master in International law, Azad University, Tehran - Iran
Skills and work experiences
1993 – 1994 Meli Bank, Bandar Abbas - Iran
1999 – 2000 The state Organization for registration of deeds and properties
Bandar Abbas - Iran
2003 – 2004 Ports and Maritime Organization, legal counselor, Bandar Abbas - Iran
2005 – presently Law practice license / permit / Iran Bar Association
First Grade Attorney - At - Law
2001 – 2003 The concept of Erga Omnes in International law, Master degree thesis.