EDUCATION: Finished grade ** in ****
West Corporation, as a call representative for AT&T.
-Provided quality customer care
-Helped customer with their questions about our service
-Helped customer with technical difficulties
Toora Cleaning, as a private housekeeper
-Cleaned and sanitized bedrooms/kitchen/bathrooms
-Tidied up entire house
Bimla Toora can be reached between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm pacific time, please ask me for number upon interest
Discovery Computers in sooke, as a Cashier
-Provided quality customer service
-Managing front till and the end of the day close out
-Recieving stock, taking inventory and arranging store display
-Organizing Customer record books, hard copy
John Overall can be reached between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm pacific time, please ask me for number upon interest