My name is Mirranda Byrnside. I am ** years old and just graduated from Spartanburg High School on may 29, 2009. I received mu high school diploma with a 3.4 GPA. I participated in marching band for all 4 of my high years. In the band, I received Most Outstanding and MVP award. In my senior year i also completed and SOciology course which earned me a college credit before even graduating! In my senior year I participated in a job service program in which I was put to work at the Purple Door Hair Salon in which I worked for a month. I have no "real" job experience but my attitude ad responsibility can make up for it. I am a motivator, and well respected. I am always completing my goals and i never give up. I like to get the job done and then more!! I am a great person to be employed because I get the job done in which i complete everything on time and in a well mannered mood!