High School: South Philadelphia High Graduated: 1973 / Diploma (Academic)
Broad & Synder Ave.
Philadelphia, PA.
Business /Trade School:Thompson Institute Campus Degree : 1985 Associates Degree
3440 Market Street Computer Science
Philadelphia PA.
Department of Treasury :From 4/87 to 4/07 Revenue Officer
Internal Revenue Service Retired
801 Old York RD.
Jenkintown PA. 19046
Thompson Institute Campus:From 3/85 to 3/87 Lead Sales Rep.
3440 Market St. To pursue Career
Philadelphia PA.19104 in Government
Murry Steaks Inc. :From 2/82 to 3/85 Supervisor
27th Synder Ave. To continue Education
Philadelphia PA.
Aujos Food Market :From 10/79 to 2/82 Supervisor
15th & Catherine St. Owner relocated
Philadelphia PA. 19147
State Farm Insurance Co. :From 8/78 to 10/79 Accounting Clerk
1660 W. Sproul Rd. Better Employment
Springfield PA. Opportunity
References Furnished Upon Request