" Technical Knowledg
Im a go getter. A charlie hustle type o person Been callad a workaholic.
" Operatinal Planning Expertise
" Muki-Pret Coordination
" Employee Trainug
.Vahal and WrittenCommunicalion
" Site Measuring and Marking
"Safe Operating Proedunes
" Pradution Optimizatin
" Equipnnt Sakety Verification
"Mutitaing and Proritizatn
" Supply Ordering
" Depndable and Hardworking
numttin and Becordkeeping
" Dedsdon Making
" Blueprint Readin
" Prelem-Solving
"Schedule Determination
" Team Ladeshp
" Site Management
Schedule Coordination
Coit services I Burling ame, CA
Field Supervisor
04/2017- 082021
925-***-**** Mart inez, CA 94553
" Stakeholder Relations
" Basic Mathematis
"Preentation Delivery
"Methodology Enhanaement
Site Inspstion
"Time Mangement
" OSHA Compliana
vertory Manageent
"Repair Coordination
"Prewntive Equipment Maintenanoe
"Willignes to Learn
" Quality Assirance
" Atentikon
" Social Peroptiveew
"Relaticnship Building
" rPE Cear
Cutmer Relatins
" Employe Motivatkon
" PPE Compliana
"Health and Safety Complianoe
" Assigned wrk to field employees, based on malerial or work requirements for speafic jos
" Supervised, coontnated, or scheduled activitkes of field team workers vzed worer
" Trained workers in equipment operation, safety proædures and company palides
oblems and 1
lntinn molieational nlans
nded dod solutions for
" Maintained positive sendor relationships and opn lnes od commurication to nable resource availability.
" Monitored timelines, set up order of operations and managed field shedules
Education and Training
ML Diablo High Shool I Concord, CA
School Diploma
Ordered or requisitioned suppliesor malerials
"Completed projts milestones on time by keeping team members on task and operating with efficiency
Resolved austomer isues and buil strong, productie rdaticnships with projd stakeholders
. Devdoped sucessful resolutions for issues that arose during field operatians
eContered wEh mangement, bechnical personnd or contractors to rsolve
" Estimated materials or woker requirements to complde ob
" Suggested or initiated promotions, traslersor hires
"Read speafiatins, blueprints or schematics to determine proet requinments or to plan proædures.
"Prepared and planned worksites to help kbs run smothly
"Traned and monitorsd employes to leach daily tasks and improve performnane.
" Delegated duties to empkyees hased an skillet.
" Providd leadership, insight and menloring to nevwly hied engployves to Besult nnded prNrs sie problenms and labor status to suprvisors. Kept detailed progress records to hit strict deadlines and adjust plans. Delegated work to statt, etting priorities and gaals
" Monitored prot prges to entorce adherce to deadlines and uality standard
Establnhd and entoræd pmadures and wark standards, promot ing team edormanoe and salety
" Implemented onsite safety protocols and proædures and properly trained on prevwntion meusure
duction team moving forward for progress in daily site Obtained specifications and direced work lor onstruction cws
.Monitoted equipent operation during extration proes to detect problems
"Revkwed prjet blueprints and spec itications to determine number of workers needed to complete jobs.
" Allocated material and labor rsouras to promote on-time and under chedules and delegated assignments.
" Defined and monitoed persnnel and projet schedule to ensure on-time prod completicn