Lawren Adams
I am currently ** years old, I was born on April 4th, 2003
Iowa Colony, Tx 77583
(832)576- 4662
Star Cinema Grill, 4811 Hwy 6 Missouri City, Tx 77459
May 05,2021- PRESENT
We serve the food and beverages along with taking the orders, we also clear off any food/ beverages off the table. We drop the tabs for our guests to sign. Servers go based on the tips they received. Also we clean the theater once the movie is over.
Baskin Robbins, 10504 Broadway St Suite B, Pearland, Tx— Customer service
September 2020- May 2021
We helped the guest, we served ice cream and gave the guest a wonderful experience to come back again. The guest tells us what they would like to order and we’ll fix it for them.
Hightower HighSchool, 3333 Hurricane Ln, Missouri City, Tx
August 2017 - May 2019
I went to Hightower my freshman and sophomore year.
Manvel HighSchool, 19601 Hwy 6, Manvel, Tx — HighSchool Diploma
August 2019 - May 2021
I transferred to Manvel my Junior year and graduated from Manvel May 28,2021, and got my HighSchool Diploma.
Houston Community College -
August 2021 - currently occur
Im studying in nursing/ health science im currently doing my basics at
I’m a master of multitasking, I have great communication and leadership that I can bring to the team. I also love to create. I love to draw and paint. I’m also organized and love teamwork energy.
Senior secondary leaving certificate
I speak English fluently, but also I speak very little French.