Elrna A. Garza
Extremely. hardwarktng and talented towu{a t*eJab being
dona. Dedteated imd communicative toward employees otrd patiats.
prlipel Medlcal denter Harlingen, Tk- Hospital
Septanber 20 I I -Preselrt
I arn a surgical technician/assistant to Dr. Eric Six in Neurrzurgery. I provide car.e ro all my. patiorrs. I htrv.s"had alftost l0 yems of €xperience in ttreoperaii.ru-r'g room. \ P"i: G_: Sir, MJ)., Harlingen Tx- physician Office April 1996-hesent
I nroylde cme to patients as Dr. Six assistant in the oFcc and iu the operating roorn I have over2il'ealt:qf,rnedieelexporience. Imanagc:thooiiiceirstooicrloi*ng'fuli,ig.l,*g*. scheduling and oqyottre.r rnedical conoe.ms.-
V'alley Baptist Medical Center-Ilarllngen, Tx,Ifospital April I992-May 1996
I worked in the medical records depanment as a public rc.lations clerk ancl was resporrsible for ttre birdr certificates and providing rnedicar re"oros to oirer.rt;;ilrr;'.rtr,rlil
'" -
TSTC -Ear{ingen, TX
Associafica Dcglcc 201I
I afieriil€d T.sreto rcceirc mv certifi0ation as d cprtified surgcal rechnician Earlilgen rrigh School North Harlingen, Tx- High School Diploma Attgust 1986.t{*^ 1990
I.am amember 0f tlrc A$t.orgpnization since Au.gnst 201 I I am pariof the Surgical Teoliniolan Cornmiuee atT:STC SKILLS
BLS Ccrti-fied as of August 20l l
I hmc ovor2S yean of oxpcriarce in tlre medical ffeld as to whers I take care ofpaicnB in ar$ ott ofthc opcration rooru. I have been inanaging thc offrce for Dr. Six also. Harlingen Ta 78552