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u ttl f t . l -* ~ h t't' I fl HP1 lii•UJ U t ' 1H 1,
tn ·nt, .
\ ~.ll\\ iiu t\ ll n .\H h.h t lnol, . • Hu i po\\'r'• l oul
\ .nn,. ·1 \',h·\'H'HtL\h\t, :Hui, ll.,hl«·
I h,H••· 11 t t 1 t till, ;. tffuu
\ h .. tV t"' .\ · -- r,· •'Hotl w,11 l,•thh . . uul I lithe' pl lch ~u flu· wo,·Jc th,1• I d u .
\ \ . \ \ ' t' l\\ \' nwu tu,h. . l h.n ·,• .,, t'tll p«'nl1,, cpl:11--, \p,·P~I .,,1 1.1 H 1, f1 ;11111u,•t, r.,t'-. p,t 'n, tr.td n r. ·lloot h I. Cotti 4 hi, c•I\, lt f~d p, (H,,o a w,,, .. drill . Ch 1 Ht'.
l would r,·.1Hv l k t• t o 1110\· t• up th, •H•f~h th,·• u u11,.111y, 11t,·o u1-~I• n1 y f1 ;trd w o1·k
~ u it· h St· t : \ \' .. • ~, r h ( l u ~ t · ;
lltuHt•s: Foddilt Urivt•1·, Onlt·r Pull,•r. SI.ad{ onl 011 p,,11,•f •,, J,-~ad i n, ·oit·t·s, Mak(· ship ing l:thl
Navv Fxd1an~t• Co111111iss~ll'y: l.0111! Bc-.,d, 11;1vy h;1 Out h .. s: Rt·n·iving. llnloacl i 11g, He•_ od<i 111~- I' t" r h-, 1 · 1,, . 111 t · t • · 1 · t. ·: 1111 : SI, i I, i 11 f !. / It c · c · ( · i vi 111 ~ / W; 11 ·, · I 1 ( • •, :·; • ·; Otulit•s: l.o.uling, Convt~yo1·, Sorl iog.
Building TngPlht·1·, Loni~ Bt·ad1:
Dudies: J\uywh('n· f.-0 111, FL11ui 11g, lo Su r vc·yi111~. to B11ild111i! a fr: n n:, Pulling in Windows, to 1.ayini~ <THH'nl, to 1-:xca vat ioJJ. EIHICJ\TION:
Sonae College
Lo n f!. Beach C:il y Collegt~.
Fro 1n, B/lB/ 2 '1 l to <>/ 7 /ZO I J
Lo s ./\ ngdc~ Tcdu1ical Tr·ad(: C:ollcg•··
Frorn, H/ ZB/ 201 :~ to f)/1·/ l O 11·
***********@*****.*** 404- E 1st Street#389 Long Beach CA.90802 I have a certification
in carpentry.
I an1 qualified in all had tools, and power tools. I am ver y dependable and reliable.
I have a very good work ethic, and I take pride in the work that I do. I have my own tools: I have a, Carpentrs square, Speed square, hammer, Cats paw, Protractor, 4foot level, Cold chisels, Reciprocating saw, Impact drill, Chalk line.
I would really like to move up through the company, through my hard
Quick Set: wearhouse;
Dudies: Forklift Driver, Order Puller, Stack orders on pallets, Read invoices, Make shiping lables.
Navy Exchange Commissary: Long Beach navy base:
Duties: Receiving. Unloading, Restocking.
Performance Team: Shiping/ Receiving/ Warehouse;
Dudies: Loading, Conveyor, Sorting.
Building Together, Long Beach:
Dudies: Anywhere from, Fran1ing, to Surveying, to Building a fence, Putting in Windows, to Laying cement, to Excavation. EDUCATION:
Some College
Long Beach City College.
From, 8 / 28/ 201.2 to 6 /7/201 3
Los Angeles Technical Trade College.
From, 8 / 28/201.3 to 6 / 4 / 2014