Dhruy Mitter
Now Delhi 110021
Mobile No-+9181 7805
‘To oowrite ote egenzation wit he best he vidas torts or ahleving ts goals no
have cuntnins velfdevelupnen by wy fleeing ad exe bnew seme
Educational Qualifiestion:=
Qualification Vearof Passing [Name of School Colege
ur 3015 ‘Suuaj Bun DAV Publ School
cy “Hope Hall Foundation Scbool
Good knowleage of Computer soltare B haraware
¥ Well knowledge of internat & search engine,
vy MS-Ofee,
2t2 monitoring & analysts
Innovative & Hard Working
Quickly Response
‘Deep Involvement inthe Job
Personal Detai
Father's Name Me, Narender Miter
Date uf Bich 19" July 1997
Nationality Indian
Sex Male
Religion indy
Mortal Sats Unmarried
Language Known ini, English
‘hore doar tht all the ation mentioned aboveis te othe bs of my holes
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PLACE (Dorav Mier)