Name : R. Kannan
Father Name : Late. V.R. Ramachandran
Date Of Birth : 15.01.1972
Contact Number : Mobile 892*******/
Martial Status : Married
Educational Qualification : M.COM, C.A. (INTER) OLD BATCH
Address For Communication -old : S-3, F D Hansa Garden, Madampakkam Main Road,
Rajakilpakkam, Chennai -600073
Address For Communication- New : S-1,Saraswathy Graha,Seshadiri Street,Ranganagar,
Srirangam, Trichy-620006
Number of Years Experience : 24 Years
Field of Experience : All Types Of Tally, Financial Accounting, Audit Field,
Manufacturing Companies, Software Industry, Theatre
and Hospitals .
Company law matters, banking formalities.
Regulatory, Statutory and Legal Compliance, management
Information systems.
Well expert in accounts, automobile spare parts companies
and Service tax and TDS matters, Import & Export
Matters and G.S.T
Last Pay Drawn : Rs. 15,000/- to 20000
Time to join : one week
Email ID : ************@*****.***
1.Audit Firms: Audit field work areas : SEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCES
oIncome audit
oStatutory Audit
oInternal Audit
oInterest verification audit
oTax Audit
oCentralized Bank audit
oExpenses verification voucher wise audit
oAudit field I have covered Companies:
oFood corporation of India, K.T.D.C, Corporation bank, S.B.I., Indian Bank, Federal bank, Manufacturing Companies and Lot of Shops covered
oUnder Tax Audit.
2. Manufacturing Companies: 4 YEARS
Costing report unit wise or product wise once in two weeks
oOnce in a month profit and loss account, income and expenditure a/c, cash flow and fund flow statements.
oBalance sheet, schedules showing amount to be
recovered and to be paid.
oControl of price costs, sales to be increased
purchase of fixed assets with bills.
oMaintaining fixed assets register
Report of control of costs in purchases area, expenses,
oMinimization, passing all closing enteries in same month.
Bank Reconciliation Statements.
o if any additional report required by management.
once in three months expenses comparison statements.
filing income tax returns in time, T.D.S recovery and paid
oOn or before 7th of next month, filing TDS Returns in time.
oHelping Auditors to finish the audit in time, giving all reports of required by them.
3. Construction Companies: 3 YEARS
Monthly once -- work in progress report.
Monthly once -- stock report.
First plan the collection from advance how many instalments
Monthly collection of advance from customers
Weekly wages of report of site wise
All purchases by GST bills immediately in stock register
Monthly stock taking physically- report to management
Company runs under bank overdtaft- preparation of chart
Planning the deposit or once in two days in O/D a/c
All the payments and receipts including salaries through bank
Control the overdraft a/c with investing money from share holders in to o/d a/c
Monthly once cashflow, trial balance, profit and loss account, B/S
All the advance receipt kept in advance a/c once one sight work is over it is transferred to income a/c
Mantaining collection register theatre wise daily basis
Maintaining tickets ratewise, theatrewise stock register
Planning the expenses and incomes by budgeting
If theatre runs under bank overdraft a/c all collections daily go to bank,
withdraw for petty cash expenses,
all the payments to distributors are by account payee cheques only,
staff salaries also through Bank .
Control the overdraft a/c interest by investing money from shareholders or directors by
Minimizing the interest rates.
Monthly preparation of Trail Balance, Profit& Loss account, Cash flow statement, bank reconciliation
Preparation of theatrewise expenses, income report after completion of one film that includes all expenses --- distributors payments, salaries, electricity bills and all other regular expenses it shows whether it is a profit and loss of particular film.
Weekly payment of Entertainment tax in time
T.D.S recovered from distributors -- deposit in the bank in time and file the TDS Returns
.Preparation of final Balance Sheet with all sub schedules, profit and loss account with Schedules, report of distributors payments to be received and payments to be made on report on March 31st
5. Hospitals: 3 Years
1.Monthly stock report of medicines purchases-sales- balance stock and expiry of medicines list
2. Preparation of cash flow of section wise likely x-ray, ECG, lab etc once in a month report.
3.Monthly trail Balance, Trading, profit & loss account with all schedules.
4.Once in a month physical stock taking at all areas of hospitals,
5.Monthly payment of TDS Recovered from Doctors salaries and deposit in the bank in time And file TDS returns and issue form salary certificates if doctors required.
6. Preparation of salary bill on last day of every month with relevant records likely staff leave, loss of pay, pf, esi, t.d.s, salary advance, other advances etc given to Head of Department for passing the bill.
7. If Contruction is going on it should be keep in separate books of account
8. Finally Preparation of final balance after passing all closing enteries, final Balance sheet, Trading,
Profit and loss account, cash flow statement, fund flow statements, construction accounts with all
Schedules submit to auditors to finalise accounts in time.
Finally I handle the accounts department with a team or single with punctuality, hardworking, sincere and dedicated services. I wish to work at Chennai or Tamil Nadu /Kerala. I am having well knowledge of all accounts reports etc.
Date 26-07-2020 Place: TRICHY
Yours truly